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KSP version 0.1.7 and were to find it?


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So I have been playing the old versions below 0.13 and than I wanted to play version 0.17 but I can’t find any way to find The version  it an also making a YouTube video that needs this version. I own the game on GOG and Steam. If any one could help that would be nice. Thanks in advance-KSPortalcraft 

edit my English is not good I am going to fix it.


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Bad grammar
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I asked something similar but someone said you can’t get the version I wanted (0.17). So in 2020 what is the oldest paid ksp version I can play please help.

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8 hours ago, Hi123 said:

So in 2020 what is the oldest paid ksp version I can play please help.

If you haven't already, you can download version 0.7.3 to 0.13.3 in the thread below. It is not a paid version though.


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  • 2 years later...

After 2 Years I Finally Found KSP 0.17. I can't believe I found it on a external Hard Drive.  (Long story, I asked two years ago, I found it today I just remembered I even had a KSP Form Account, I checked through my old posts and turned out and tuned out I had asked where I could find this version)https://imgur.com/Jtc0onI did



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