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[1.8.1 - 1.9.1] Kopernicus Continued


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5 hours ago, Azic Minar said:

I had the first build of Kopernicus Continued working on .1.10 with GPP GEP OPM Outer Kerbin and a bunch of other planet mods. I can confirm where earlier in the thread its a mater of atmospheric curves needing to be rewritten for them as well as some settings updatings.

What I can say is that last night I seriously borked my game to where I had to revalidate files. So I copied my game to a new folder after validating and now nothing in Kop is working. At first I thought it was because I updated moduel manager to 4.1.4, but that seams to not be the case when I reverted back. 

After a few more trials, I'm at a loss as to why it won't load any Kopernicus related mods after working for so long, so I downloaded the dev branch for 1.10 to try again.

Unless the issue is trying to do:

  Reveal hidden contents

            %referenceBody = Minmus
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 8000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 1
            %tidallyLocked = True
            %radius = 600000
            %geeASL = 1
            %referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 13599840256
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

            %referenceBody = Minmus
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 8000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3
            epoch = 1
            %tidallyLocked = True

Now I haven't tried my original mod that just moves Laythe and minmus around, not Kerbin as well. Though I'm thinking its this. I'll have a KSP log if this doesn't load correctly this time.

@R-T-B New test with your newest dev of Kop hangs up on WBI Solar Trusses. Still seeing if I can figure this out before I lob up some files

GPP on 1.10 gets hung up on some particle section at the moment in Lili.cfg.  Remove that and it should load.

This may/may not be related to your issues but thought I'd point it out.  I'll have a looksie at your logs soon, if you want.

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After reading all that reports up here, and my testing, I can consider Kopernicus 1.10 pre-release working flawlessly. And KSP 1.10 is working not flawlessly. Vanilla game is full of bugs, from DX11 shadows going even worse than 1.9 to drag cube... problems. All who wants to play and not test consider sticking with 1.9.1 till further release.

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43 minutes ago, Hohmannson said:

After reading all that reports up here, and my testing, I can consider Kopernicus 1.10 pre-release working flawlessly. And KSP 1.10 is working not flawlessly. Vanilla game is full of bugs, from DX11 shadows going even worse than 1.9 to drag cube... problems. All who wants to play and not test consider sticking with 1.9.1 till further release.

That is ALMOST a fair summary.

I'd say Kopernicus 1.10 is less buggy than KSP 1.10 in many ways, agreed, but it still does have bugs with certain packs.  Most of the bugs are in newly readded features though, like the particle system.  GPP for example will not load without tweaks.  It loads in 1.9 because there is no particle support at all, lol.

The KSC grass was initially bugged too, but I haven't heard of anyone seeing that be discolored for a long long time, so I assume it's fixed.

My favorite 1.10 feature is the suit picker, personally.  It's the only thing I am really looking forward to.  I want to make some cool suits and it's noob-artist friendly for the most part.  Plus the retro suits are kinda cool.

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I did more tests and Kopernicus runs just fine in the original steam instillation, but not in my slimmed down install. Which the slimmed down is just copy , paste, and unnecessary mods deleted for a faster install. But I can crash KSP with this config:


            %referenceBody = Minmus
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 8000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 1
            %tidallyLocked = True
            %radius = 600000
            %geeASL = 1
            %referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 13599840256
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

            %referenceBody = Minmus
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 8000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3
            epoch = 1
            %tidallyLocked = True

Now the same config (Minus a separate one for Duna since its not getting moved) works just find and I see I need to mess with the meanAnomallyAtEpoch a little to get Ike and Dres to be opposite.

Here: Log that cuts off right at the crash

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Update for the 1.9.4......... those flags seem to only be affected while in the space center view.  The moment I load map or a vessel it goes back to normal.  I can live with that!  lol.  And it does go away after loading into the tracking station and back to space center, strangely.  I have no issues with this!

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46 minutes ago, StoneWolfPC said:

Update for the 1.9.4......... those flags seem to only be affected while in the space center view.  The moment I load map or a vessel it goes back to normal.  I can live with that!  lol.  And it does go away after loading into the tracking station and back to space center, strangely.  I have no issues with this!

Sounds honestly like they may have been bugged at placement.  It's possible if you start a new game the issue may go away, though I understand the hesitation to do so.

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4 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Sounds honestly like they may have been bugged at placement.  It's possible if you start a new game the issue may go away, though I understand the hesitation to do so.

Honestly I have no worries about starting new.  I can get back to where I am in less than a day, and I don't mind using a few cheats to speed up the process lmao.  I may reinstall everything from the ground up anyways because I think I may be working on a corrupt save honestly.  Something seems off in how the game is running on my machine.  Lower fps than it started out with even with the Kopernicus install.  I backed up my most important save, where I've made it to the Jool investor tour.  I'm waiting to get everything stable and then I'll start back on that one lmao.  I have it backed up in 4 places, 1 in a cloud, 3 on 3 separate drives....... overkill but I come from the era where no backing it up in every way possible always leads to loosing everything. :P  I always run out of disc space even with 5 tb because of it lmfao.  I greatly appreciate your input!  Let me know if there is anything I can do to further test things for you guys, and what you're looking for in testing!  I have nothing but time on my hands right now.

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Just a dev update on the 1.10 process:

Good news bad news basically.

Good news is we have a lead on the issue that is causing GPP not to load in 1.10 without modifications.  It should be fixed in next release with any luck, which should be coming in the next day or two.  (Maybe sooner, fingers crossed?)

Bad news is a couple of other mod issues have been reported, mainly with solar panels from external parts packs like Wild Blue Industries stuff.  Unsure if this is an issue with us or them, investigating.  I assume it's us, because we're more invasive mod-wise, but no idea yet.

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19 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Bad news is a couple of other mod issues have been reported, mainly with solar panels from external parts packs like Wild Blue Industries stuff.  Unsure if this is an issue with us or them, investigating.  I assume it's us, because we're more invasive mod-wise, but no idea yet.

A couple of posts I've seen in the Heisenberg thread leads me to believe it's a stock bug introduced in 1.10.


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Yep, that was the conclusion I came too today as well.  Not our fault, maybe not their fault, probably squad's fault... lol.

At first I was eager to blame myself because Kopernicus actually does mess with the solar panels (for super cool multistar tracking!) but that went nowhere, it's all good behaving code.  Looks like Squad's got work to do.

Anyhow, new release for 1.10 that fixes the crash-on-load with certain packs that have particles, like GPP.  Now you can have your pretty particles and load it without edits and shenanigans!

I hope I don't regret these words, but it's actually been pretty good to me, stability wise.  Try and break it for me...  and maybe we're at the point where we can have some fun, too. :)


Click "assets" to grab a prerelease.  You probably want version 2 right now.


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26 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

Yep, that was the conclusion I came too today as well.  Not our fault, maybe not their fault, probably squad's fault... lol.

At first I was eager to blame myself because Kopernicus actually does mess with the solar panels (for super cool multistar tracking!) but that went nowhere, it's all good behaving code.  Looks like Squad's got work to do.

Anyhow, new release for 1.10 that fixes the crash-on-load with certain packs that have particles, like GPP.  Now you can have your pretty particles and load it without edits and shenanigans!

I hope I don't regret these words, but it's actually been pretty good to me, stability wise.  Try and break it for me...  and maybe we're at the point where we can have some fun, too. :)


Click "assets" to grab a prerelease.  You probably want version 2 right now.


For whatever it's worth I ran into a solar panel issue with Kerbalism+Kopernicus.  Kerbalism has it's own solar panel code.  You need to add '%useKopernicusSolarPanels = false' to solar panels or they get completely fubar.  The default config has this, but mine didn't.  Solar panels would always be listed as 'retracted'.  Even static panels were listed as retracted.   I don't know if they are related problems.

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3 minutes ago, Pehvbot said:

For whatever it's worth I ran into a solar panel issue with Kerbalism+Kopernicus.  Kerbalism has it's own solar panel code.  You need to add '%useKopernicusSolarPanels = false' to solar panels or they get completely fubar.  The default config has this, but mine didn't.  Solar panels would always be listed as 'retracted'.  Even static panels were listed as retracted.   I don't know if they are related problems.

Yep, Kerbalism reimplements the solar panels in the same way we do.  Thus, only one can control them at once, or bad things happen (tm), is the laymans version.

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Ok, so it's been a bit quiet the last few days.  Usually that's a good sign, hehe.

Is it the general consensus that the present 1.9.1 release is basically bug-free?  It was released with the idea that it was a sort of "release candidate" for CKAN, so if no one has any bugs to report, we may very well upload it to CKAN soon.

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2 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

Is it the general consensus that the present 1.9.1 release is basically bug-free?

General consensus yes, as I have not heard anything indicating otherwise.

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1 minute ago, prestja said:

General consensus yes, as I have not heard anything indicating otherwise.

There is one bug on the gh issues page about Oceans being gone, but my suspicion is they are on the wrong release because we fixed that in release 3.

In other good news, 1.10 is basically issue free AFAIK too right now.  Working on a way to manipulate Jool Shaders seems like the logical next step there.

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Scratch that, one more issue to tackle relating to non-joolian templated gas giants.  Occurs in both 1.9 and 1.10 branches in various forms, should be fixed before CKAN release.  I expect to have a pull request for it soon (day or two at most), standby.


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There is a new 1.10 branch release that contains a fix for the incorrect gas giant shadows (basically the sun casts the shadow wrong angle on them).  This issue is also present in 1.9, and will be fixed there shortly.  You can help speed up the fix if you'd like, by testing it (and thus proving it works) on my 1.10 branch.  Prerelease 3 has it.


EDIT:  And just like that, a wild hotfix appeared!  See release 4 to test it, because release 3 didn't work on non-joolian template gas giants.

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I don't know who needs to hear this, but just in case, I was running kopernicus continued and outer planet mods only, and the Jool texture bug persisted. After just deciding to roll with it, I reinstalled EVE, SVE, and Scatterer (which had caused me issues for forever) and the textures started working. I'm not sure if that means it's a requirement, but just as a heads up for anyone with a similar mod installation. Thanks for all the fixes and hard work!!

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41 minutes ago, Minuense said:

I don't know who needs to hear this, but just in case, I was running kopernicus continued and outer planet mods only, and the Jool texture bug persisted. After just deciding to roll with it, I reinstalled EVE, SVE, and Scatterer (which had caused me issues for forever) and the textures started working. I'm not sure if that means it's a requirement, but just as a heads up for anyone with a similar mod installation. Thanks for all the fixes and hard work!!

Just installed Pre-Release 4, I have OPM and DO NOT have EVE, SVE, or Scatterer and the gas giant texture is good.

I do see an issue with the terminator line being 90 degrees behind where the sun should put it. No issue with the solar panels tracking the sun properly or the shadow projection on the rings. Only an issue with the three OPM gas giants and not with any of the moons.

Thank you for keeping this mod up! It is one of the MUST HAVES before moving to the next update. Thank you!


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15 hours ago, R-T-B said:

There is a new 1.10 branch release that contains a fix for the incorrect gas giant shadows (basically the sun casts the shadow wrong angle on them).  This issue is also present in 1.9, and will be fixed there shortly.  You can help speed up the fix if you'd like, by testing it (and thus proving it works) on my 1.10 branch.  Prerelease 3 has it.


EDIT:  And just like that, a wild hotfix appeared!  See release 4 to test it, because release 3 didn't work on non-joolian template gas giants.

Release 4 appears to be working with my brief look - OPM gas giants all look like OPM gas giants, Snarkiverse properly scrambles the system up, etc.

Good to see you're back on Kopernicus, and there's no torches or pitchforks this time!

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19 minutes ago, BigFatStupidHead said:

Release 4 appears to be working with my brief look - OPM gas giants all look like OPM gas giants, Snarkiverse properly scrambles the system up, etc.

Good to see you're back on Kopernicus, and there's no torches or pitchforks this time!

Yep, communicating with people works wonders...  lol.  Now just to knock out this persistent 90 degree shadow weirdness...  it's been a tough one but maybe, just maybe, we can get it today. :)

5 hours ago, Minuense said:

I don't know who needs to hear this, but just in case, I was running kopernicus continued and outer planet mods only, and the Jool texture bug persisted. After just deciding to roll with it, I reinstalled EVE, SVE, and Scatterer (which had caused me issues for forever) and the textures started working. I'm not sure if that means it's a requirement, but just as a heads up for anyone with a similar mod installation. Thanks for all the fixes and hard work!!


Around prerelease 2 or 3 we finally got the gas giant textures fixed.  You probably had an earlier one.

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