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A Sciencing We Will Go


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Trying something that I've not done in the six years that I've been playing KSP... start up a science game. So far it feels like what it is, Career Mode without the budgetary restrictions and contract chasing.

Things started as these things tend to do, with the complex and risky "grab science from the launch pad" mission.


With the sciencometer (that's the official term... look it up) ticking up, it was time to put some Space into this Kerbal Program.

As tank choices were limited it was time for "Ol' Stripy" to take the the skies.


After the first successful orbital mission, it was decided that that a mission to the little known polar region would be the next logical step.

The official report from the Science Office... it's cold.


Jeb picks a good spot to tuck himself away in, during a game of hide and seek, to while away the time before his next assignment,


As he lost that game (Bill's seems to have an unnerving ability to find anyone on the compound) Jeb was sent out to the shore to scoop up what science was to be had there.

He would have driven there, but as the species has engineering capable of getting into orbit, but has so far failed to invent the wheel, this trip will have to be on foot.


On the way out Jeb got bored and started running backwards.


With shoreline science goodies in pocket, it was time to invent the wheel... these wheels, the ones attached to the upsided down science vehicle in the Astronauts Complex pool.

This meant that exit from the vehicle to obtain an EVA report and surface sample, had to be made in a rather undignigfied, upside down underwater position.


After Jeb's failure to control a small wheeled vehicle properly it was time to show what this program can really do, with a trip to Mun orbit of a probe.


With so much fuel left onboard once orbit was established it was decided to attempt a landing on the surface, something hampered by the only SAS unit being the teeny tiny one in the probe core. This made manouvering near impossible, but somehow a smooth landing on the surface was made.


Eager to prove that a kerbal wasn't going to be beaten by some hunk of wires and bulbs, Jeb set off for Runway Island.


Landing was, well... ok.

The brakes on these bargain basement landing gear are probably only slightly better than Jeb sticking his arm out of the cockpit window, at slowing a plane down, resulting in it sliding off the end of the runway. Fortunately there was no damage.

With the batteries drained after only some of the science was transmitted back to the KSC, Jeb decided to give them a boost by nudging the plane up against the nearest wall and slamming the throttles to the max. This worked well until it was realised that the plane was stuck, with no reverse thrust available to get it loose.


Jeb shut down the engines and existed the cockpit, in order to push the plane free of the wall.


Success, she free... and rolling away.


Jeb took off after his ride home.


It took some effort to get alongside the wayward aircraft, but he was unable to jump up and grab hold of the hatch.


Still he chased it, as it rolled off the side of the runway and picked up speed.


Ending in the inevitable explosion and shower of sparks and wreckage.


"Jeb... Bill here. How does she look, do you think the damage will buff out".

"That would be a negatory Bill".


After Jeb mishandling of a simple short flight to a nearby island, it was decided to give the keys to the program's latest ride, the "Muno Uno" to Val.


The flight was uneventful (something that Val kept reminding Jeb of).


Once at the Mun, the serious work of sciencing began and it poured in. Well as much as a thermometer, barometer and Val's reports can pour it in.

However a slight design issue was discovered when the first transmission of data was attempted, as the vehicle had no antenna, so the only science returned to Kerbin, was what could be physically returned in the vehicle. At least that part of the mission went well, with the capsule and the cargo bay. plus the science equipment it contains, making it back home in once piece.


Edited by purpleivan
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On the 2nd action packed day of science orientated spaceflight a kerballed trip to the Mun's surface in the Muno Lando was planned, with two kerbals heading for Kerbin's nearest neighbour.

Liftoff went by the book, however for a vehicle capable of taking a crew of two, it was surprisingly light on occupants. In his eagerness to depart, Jeb fired up the engines while Bob was still getting his suit checked out.

Bob was not pleased.



Well Jeb could apologise later, assuming that he made it back. The vehicle was only just about capable of a return trip, so there was a chance of him ending up trapped in high Kerbin orbit.

The trip to the Mun was uneventful, and  once in orbit Jeb climbed out of the capsule to get the kind of photo that the PR department always pesters for.



With the important task of pandering to the press dealt with, it was time to head down to that barren grey surface for some tasty science morsels.



Barren check, grey, double check... looks like this is the right place.

The Muno Lando made it down in one piece, standing proudly on the surface... who needs landing legs anyway.



Apparently the Muno Lando does, because as soon as Jeb left the capsule, the vehicle slowly tilted over and dropped down flat on the surface.



Maybe it just wanted to take a nap after its journey here.

Well... no point in worrying about that now, there's an EVA report, surface sample and another PR photo to snag, before working out how to get that thing into a launchable orientation.



With his pockets full of grey sand, Jeb bounded back towards the Muno Lando, with some thoughts on how to get that thing upright.



Fortuantely the vehicle had a dedicated SAS unit installed to help with controllability of the vehicle, with its ascent stage attached, in Kerbin orbit. This came in handy for the righting of wrongs (wrong angles that is)





With the vehicle upright once more, Jeb slammed the throttle lever down and the Muno Lando leapt towards orbit.


An orbit of 7500m was established, high enough that there wasn't any risk of smashing into any mountains and low enough to give a fun view of th e surface whizzing by.

Jeb decided to get out and for the feeling of the wind in his hair... well, not exactly wind, nor exposed hair, but passing less than 2km above the highest peaks was a little hair raising.



Jeb couldn't hang out in Mun orbit indefinitely, tomorrow's pizza day in the canteen and Jeb does not want to miss that, so time to head back to Kerbin.



On re-entry the temps on the Mk1 Lander Can almost redlined, narrowly avoiding a "poof and you're gone moment".



Having once again escaped a fiery death (what.... again) Jeb's vehicle gracefully plopped into the ocean, having boosted the program's sceince by a couple of hundred points.

Now he just has to avoid the attention of an extremely annoyed Bob when gets back to the KSC.


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  • 4 weeks later...

After a little while (checks calendar... wow, 3 weeks!) it was time to get back to the old science game, with a trip to Minmus

Liftoff was dawn, with Jeb the only one along for the ride.


In what seem like no time Jeb was in orbit of the little green ball of science. Of course it wouldn't be a true scientific trip without some shameless, self promoting selfies of the pilot.


Once on the surface, temperature and pressure readings were taken and attempted to be transmitted back to the KSC.

What'd'ya mean, no Kerbnet connection, this thing's bristling with antenna, just look at it.

Ah... Jeb's had landed on the far side of Minmus from Kerbin, so unless he has some massive rock penetrating transmitter on board (checks the inventory... that's a no) then it's either a long wait on the surface for Kerbin to appear in the sky, or head to orbit.


Jeb's not one for sitting around and waiting for things, so it was time to run (well... lazily hop, it is Minmus after all) back to the ship.


That Ant engine is small but it's the decent little workhorse for a vehicle this size on Minmus. Ok, blast off would be a bit of an overstatement, but it's good enough to get back into orbit.


With orbit established and Kerbin in line of sight once more, it was time to send the haul of science picked up on the surface.


Half an orbit later it was time to head for home. With the transit burn done, there was only about 5% of the fuel remaining in the tank.

Again Jeb saw the long drift home as an opportunity for some pics for the album.


Not far to go now, but quite a steep angle.


With re-entry over with the capsule plopped safely in the ocean just off the coast, bringing with it some science to scrape off the hull. This brought the total from the trip to about 500 tasty nutritious science points.



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Another day another... data point... or several.

In the 4th day of this tale of science chasing, first it was the turn of the unkerballed craft division to show their stuff, with the flight of Sunny Side Up.

Hurtling upward on an SRB, this was going to be science done on the cheap.


With the SRB's fuel expended, it was time for a Terrier to finish the job of getting this bargain basement probe into orbit.


Once in orbit it was time for the Spark to... er, sparkle, in chucking this thing out of Kerbin orbit, to taste some sweet, sweet, Kerbol science.


And here it is, streaming its way back to the KSC.


Lots and lots (well, a temp and pressure reading) heading back to HQ. Now it's time for the mini lab to do its thing and boost up the science haul for the mission.

Oooch... missed it by this much, well.. by 15.38% to be precise.


With the last minute failure of the probe team to get a full set of data, Bob was keen to show what a real scientist could do.

Bob Goes to the Mun - Part 1

Strangely for a science game, this once has so far not flown a single scientist. That chance with the launch of Mun Hopper, a large lander, designed to hop (who'd have guessed) around on the Mun (wow... what a surprise), gathering science and sending it back to Kerbin.


From orbit the transfer stage/Mun orbit relay took over from the launcher and set th vehicle on its way to its target.


Enroute, Bob took some Mystery Goo and mini lab readings, then headed out the hatch to reset the devices.


Immediately after orbit was established, the transfer stage was separated, to allow it to be place in a different orbit to the lander.


Here the unkerballed vehicle, nicknamed "Mr Top Hat" for obvious reasons, can be seen ready to perform its relay duties.


Ok... back to the kerballed part of this mission.

Bob was keen to begin his tour of the sights and science of the Mun with a trip to somewhere simple. So Lowlands it is... time to hit the brakes.


Once on the surface Bob decided to ignore mission guidelines and not place a flag at his landing site. Instead he set about the important task of gathering science.

That would be the full smash (well, as full as it gets at the current stage of the tech tree) of science data gathering.


With pockets filled with data and said data transmitted back to the KSC, it was time to hop. A short hop in this case, into the Northwest Crater, which Bob has set down just outside of.


A couple of minutes later the satisfying slurp of science being drunk from the environment of the crater could be heard. Either than of Bob is a particularly loud drinker.

One little thing to mention, which the more observant may have been noticed. What is that thing that looked like a a small relay satellite doing docked to the lander. Well, that would be a small relay satellite that should not be docked to the lander obviously. It had been intended to drop this off in orbit, after Mr Top Hat, but Bob in his rush to get to the surface ended up hauling it down there with him.


Quietly ignoring his missing an important step in the mission, Bob headed out onto the surface one more. With gathering of science at the landing site completed, he took a moment to take a little look around his termporary home.

He spied something off in the distance and started to bound across the dusty surface towards it.


Silly Bob... don't you know you have a rocket pack.

Why yes I do and here it is in action.


Ooo... this looks interesting


Bob can feel his science senses tingling. Surely something like this must be just oozing with the good stuff.

What!.. nothing... not even a special surface sampe to take in the vicinity. Next time I'll bring something to make a kind of scientific smash and grab with. Some kind of robotic arm should do the trick.

The people in the R&D dept. say that if we keep hauling back the science, then they're sure to come up with such a thing.


So what about that rock over there, maybe it has some scientific goodies to yield.


"Anything under it Bob?"

"Er... nope."


"How about on top of it?"

"That was be a negatve KSC... it's just a rock."


Bob was not amused at the Mun keep the secrets of its craters and rock from him. This distracted him on his return flight to the lander.

"You ok Bob, your bio monitor numbers just spiked".

"Err... no, no problem... I've got this".


"I don't got this."


"Bob, medical reports a really large spike."



After a long pause.



"Bob, you ok up there?"

"Fff... Fine... just fine."


"Ok, safety tip... take it easy this time."


Once back at the lander Bob took a moment to catch his breath and to take a look at the sky.

"That's a lot of stars."

"1, 2, 3...

sometime later

... 7265, 7266."

"How's thing going there Bob?"

"Nothing KSC, I er... awww"

"1, 2, 3..."


Finally the counting was done and the Nortwest Crate had surrendered all it's secrets, so it was time to head for another exciting destination.

This time the hop would be a lot longer, all the way to the Highlands at the edge of the Polar Crater.


Enroute that little freeloader was set loose.

"Time for you to go and earn your keep little buddy."


With the small relay satellite put into orbit, Bob set about the task of putting the lander down in the Highlands.


Science was grabbed, a rocket pack was (carefully) used and the locals were chatted to.

"Hah... not fooling me this time buddy, you're just a boring rock".


With another set of data wending its way back to the KSC, the Mun Hopper, made the big hop back towards orbit.


Back in orbit, there was nothing to do but wait for a shipment of fuel from Kerbin. That and checkout the view of home from the window.


Back at the KSC, the science team were very pleased with Bob's progress on the Mun, that so far had, added around 700 science points to the kitty.


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Time for a little more science, or a lot. Ooo look... 753 science points to spend, now what to carefully invest this windfall on, have to think long and hard about this, consider all the...




With that out of the way it was time to send Bob in the Mun Hopper some much needed fuel.




With tanks brimmed once more, there was just the choice of landing site to make. Er... Polar Crater.

Getting pretty busy around here.


Nice clear signal to the KSC from here over the crater.


On the surface a nice signal is to be had, even if Kerbin is just below the horizon.


Bob feels at home here, up on top of this little world.

Bob's a kerbal of action, a kerbal of adventure, a kerbal of danger...


... ooo look, a rock!


Bob decided this was the perfect time to play hide and seek... by himself.


With fun and games over, it was time to head for another landing site, this time at the very top, at the North Pole.


It's a strange land up here, almost as if someone was trying to hide something amongst all the lumps.


After much picking, attempting, rejecting and moving on to another landing site, in that dodgy landscape, Bob finally set down on a small plateau.

Readings were taken and sent back home. Bob checked the time... it was time... to head to another landing site.



Once in orbit it was noticed that the tanks were looking a little on the dry side, so another meeting was arranged with the tanker.


The tanker was drained, bringing the Mun Hopper's own tanks up to about 60% full.


The next landing site took a pretty big plane change, burning up a decent amount of that 60%, even before heading to the surface. With the tanker empty, there won't be many more landings after this one.


Bob looked out towards the impressive cliffs at the edge of the East Farside Crater, as he decended into it.


Another silky smooth landing (Bob doesn't like to brag, but he'll make an exception in this case) followed by the now routine collection and transmission of data.


With the hard work done, there was just the matter of reseting the experiments, before settling in for the evening (or whatever it is up here) and grabbing some dinner.


Back at the KSC, the science team had another 633 science points to play with. With some extra science instruments added to what's available it's looking like the next step might be to send up a replacement for the Mun Hopper.

Something in the shape of a MPL-LG-2 lab.

I can almost feel the science points starting to flow.



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On day 6 it was time to step things up science wise, with a couple of labs. Once going to the Mun the other, Minmus.

Rolin Kerman (Pilot) headed out first in the direction of the Mun (hopefully).


On approach to the Mun a small relay satellite was released.


Before being put into a polar orbit.


Ah, Mun... the big pocket fluff ball in the sky.


Quite a few relays in Mun orbit now. None arranged in any kind of carefully placed pattern, with maximised coverage and minimal positional drift.

Nope, just a bunch of 'em thrown into random orbits and then hoping all goes well.

It's the kerbal way!


With a good chunk of the descent burn made, the transfer stage ran dry and was detached.


The lab set down a few dozen metres from Bob in the Mun Hopper. This design was a real handful, given it's tendency to yaw when under thrust. One of the engines must have been slightly misplaced. But luckily this thing had plenty of fuel, so a slow and highly inefficient landing was made.


In no time at all Bob was out of the hatch and tearing across the dirt towards the lab.

Lots of space, lots of toys and someone to natter with.


"Oh boy, oh boy... can't wait to try out this thing"


Just need to get inside first.


With Bob safely (and excitedly) in the lab, Rolin headed out the hatch to collect a surface sample.


The name's Rolin Kerman... I'll be here all week.

With this carefully posed photo taken, it was down to the serious business of sciencing, with the lab stuffed with data and the processing started.


One down, one to go.

Next up was the lab headed for Minmus, starting with a dramatic night launch.


En-route to Minmus readings were taken in high Kerbin and Minmus orbits and stuffed in the lab.

Phonand (scientist) went out to reset the experiments, while Lozor (engineer) checked the stocks of board games and decks of cards.


Once in Minmus SOI, two relays satellites were released. Once headed for a wide (roughly) equatorial orbit and the other, polar.



Just before touchdown on the surface, the transfer stage was dumped, which headed for the steep slope at the edge of the the Minmus flats nearby, before starting a long roll to the bottom.


The lab meanwhile made a nice soft landing at the top of the slope, from which the flats can just about be seen.

Phonand headed once more to reset the experiments and to grab a surface sample and EVA report. Once back inside, the science machine was cracked up to full steam ahead, busily processing its hoard of data.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Somewhere on the dark side of the Mun, a devious plan was being set into motion, a plan to make off, like a thief in the night, with illicit science.

A plan that called for... The Lab.

Boo... BOO... BOOOOO I hear you say.

Well, my crack team of Kerbal lawyers inform me that the lab is a legal part (except in some states) and that any points that the lab gathers is real, hard earned science. Ok, ok... it does feel like the plan going to be.

1. Land Lab and begin the sciencing.

2. Hit the warp button.


But, but, but... the points, THE POINTS.

In this case the points were in a good cause... wheels.

For some reason, known only to kerbals, the science of rolling around on circular objects is a particularly difficult field of research, so much so that it's possible to go interplanetary before having access to a decent ride on the surface. So this scientific smash and grab is all in the cause of providing my team some wheels that don't look like they were ripped off a shopping cart.

Plus... I'm lazy.

Plus, plus, I won't use it again... honest.


The mun lab was set to transmit it's amazing haul of scien... what.. what was that... are you sure.

Hmmm... 70 points... really?

That is not going to give my brave kebonauts the ride they so richely deserve. Let's try the Minmus lab.

Well the thing is stuffed with fat juicy ill-gotten (and we all know that's the best kind) science, but that's not going to work. It doesn't have the battery capacity to transmit it back to Kerbin.

On Minmus the two poor scientists, with their backs to the wall, unable to transmit their illicit hoard back to base, made a desperate plea for help.


When the innocent (well... not that innocent) call in the darkest of times, there is only brave defender that will leap their rescue.

Launched in the depth of night (ok...it''s nearly dawn), their secret defender made its way to orbit and once there was revealed to be...


The Batt


Yes... The Batt will save them, it always does.

With bravery cunning and just the right equipment stuffed into its belt. In this case a g-jillion batteries.


With all the speed its pair of Sparks could muster The Batt swooped to Minmus and found the scientists adrift and helpless (ok... stuff with fuel and science points) in orbit, having made their escape from the evil clutches of the surface.


The Batt gave everything it had (ok... about 1/2 its juice) to let the scientists transmit their illicit, nay, fraudulent, science home.

The Batt doesn't judge (what... really) it just comes to those in need, even if that need is for someone to come and aid and abet them in an act of scientific larceny.


Hurrah (or Booooo, depending on your point of view), as with the help of The Batt, 500 science points were fired back to the KSC, allowing the finest brains on the planet to fashion some reasonably sized wheels.

Said wheels were then hastily slapped onto a Mk2 Lander Can (in rover format) and launched to orbit.




Once in orbit the crew of Malvan and Miltop lit the Terrier that powered the transfer stage and headed Munward.


As Kerbin gets smaller, the Mun gets bigger... it's a good thing.


Oooo... Mun very big now, time to think about geatting this thing to the surface.


Well the transfer stage was a bit over done, given that it was dumped with about 5% of it's fuel remaining just a few km above the surface. The 1200m/s in the landing stage was hardly worth dragging along.


Still, it will make for a nice stable platform to set down on.


The pair made a good job of coming down close to the lab.


Ah yes... it surely is a fine landing platform.


So lets abandon it with about 3/4 of its fuel remaining.


The pair were very excited to be on the Mun.


So much so they tried out an impromptu breakdancing routine (strange... I don't remember having to turn off SAS in a rover on the Mun before... oh well).






Feeling somewhat nauseous, the crew of the rover stopped their antics and headed over to the lab to say hello.


Then they went searching for the nearest rock to try out the equipment that this rover was sent all the way here to use.

That would be the scanning arm mounted on the roof.


Hmmm... the arm says it's a no-go on scanning the rock. Something about it being too far below the base of the arm.

Ok... time to break out those breakdancing skills again Malven suggests.


Well that didn't work. The arm just wiggled around useslessly then folded back up again.


Then an idea occured to Miltop. Lets try "parking" to the side of the rock, maybe that will help.

Nope... that arm still doesn't want to scan anything.

Maybe we'll just sit here and think about it for a while.


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With Malvan and Miltop stuck with a useless rover arm, there was only one thing to do... send another one.

This version had the arm mounted on the side rather than the top of the rover and had a crew of just one, a pilot by the name of Shellwise.


So yet again a rover with the science gathering power of a robotic arm was headed for the Mun. One other change was to take the smaller of the two tanks off the transfer stage, to make that part of the package less wasteful.


Another dawn, another day landing on the Mun. Shellwise lit up the terrier on the tansfer stage and started his decent.


So long Mr Transfer and thanks for the Dv.


Shellwise set the rover down just meters from the landing site of the first version, but a little closer to the base.


Ok... remember to turn off that SAS Shellwise.

Easy does it.


Shellwise wasted no time in dashing over to the rock that Malvan and Miltop had been staring at for some considerable time.

He then let rip with the scanning arm, draining the thing of all its sciencey goodness.


Miltop was not pleased.

"Hey... that's my rock".


There were other things to scan though, so Miltop stowed her chagrin at Shellwise grabbing the first scanning on Mun glory, and jump onboard.

So what next, what next... aha, how about this!


Ah yes... tasty, yummy crater science.

Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.


The data was fired back to the KSC and the big points board in the R&D dept. rang up like a slot machine.

But Miltop and Shellwise were not done with their scientific plundering of the area around the base. How about that crater over there, surely it's full of rich rewards.


Shellwise hopped out on to the surface to get a close up look of the arm in action.

So what's the results Miltop?

Miltop was not amused with the results of the scan.

"It's another crater... whadda ya want, a medal".


Ok, so the craters seem to be all the same, but surely these rocks must have some variety.

Nope... survey says "it's a rock".


With some results in the bag from their trip (although not as much as they'd like), the pair headed back to base.


Wow, 90 whole points, that was really worth sending two rovers and 3 crew to the Mun for... oh well.

So what would sir like to purchade today, how about some fine (almost new) aerodynamic parts.

Nope, I think I'll go with some actuators, can't go wrong with actuators.


90 science points would be be a pretty poor haul for the day, so it was time for something unkerballed to screech into orbit, on top of an SRB.


The SRB did the work of getting this happy little probe above the atmosphere, then it was turn of the ever reliable Terrier to push it into orbit.


Well, not quite to orbit, the probe's own engines were needed for the last couple hundred m/s, the separation from the booster showing that probes can have fun too.


With orbit established it was time for the Yay Magnets to show off its party trick and grabbing a magenetometer reading from low orbit.


Next stop the Mun, but on the way a reading from high over Kerbin.


Then high over the Mun... can you guess what comes next.


Pretty predictable really.




Almost 200 science points from Yay Magnets and it's now on course for an intercept with Minmus, then will head into Kerbol orbit for a reading there.

But what to do with the latest bit of science.

How about some new landing parts.


Todays events might have been a little on the dull side, no heroic battery packs, or 1st landings on a new world, but it was good solid work that pays the bills.

Next up... a trip to Duna.

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Well, when I said that a trip to Duna would be next, that wasn't quite accurate, but trips to Duna are coming... coming soon.

But first there was a little bit of local distraction.

Our chief scientific rumourologist had heard of a strange plant called a Boabob tree right here on Kerbin, that is just packed with scientific goodies. So, with that incontrovertible evidence in hand, Lozor Kerman was dispatched in something looking remarkably like the Mun Rover, in search of one.


First though, he decided to take a look at that big strange looking thing in that corner of the KSC no-one talks about.

What!... wha'dya mean I can't science this thing, I mean look at it, it's begging to be scienced.


Ok, on with the Boabob hunt then, so where first.

Mountains... trees love mountains, it's a scientific fact.


Hmm... no trees of any kind up here.


Well that was a waste of time. Better head back home and try a different tactic.



That's what this search for the elusive Boabob needs, so Tribro Kerman strapped into the Lil' Sciencer and headed skyward.


To say that this plane is not the best would be a bit of an understatement. It's takeoffs are on the nerve-racking side and once in the air, it threatens to lung downward if given a funny look.


Still... Tribro decided she was confident enough in her flying skills to head off to the North East in search of the Boabob.


As the flight left at sunset, landing was a bit on the underlit side. We'll see how this all ended up in the light of day.


Hmm... nose in the dirt, that's how it ended up.


Tribro inspected her plane, to see what could be done to rectify this and resume the hunt.


Ok, gonna have to think about this.


Aha!... standing on the wing always does the trick.

Well, except when it doesn't


How about gunning the jet on just one side, that's sure to do something.

One F9 get out of jail free card later, it was decided that this was not the best course of action.


Ah... it was so obvious.

Just tuck away that landing gear.




Ok gunner Tribro, do you have the Boabob in your sights.

Oh yes... yes I do.


Prepare to be scienced you wascely twee you.


Hmm, that didn't work, the scanning arm just kind of shrugged and went home.

Let's try from this side.

Nope, just a message about the vehicle having moved.


Ok, let's put this thing down on the ground and take the wheels out of the "am I moving or not equation".

Again, it is a frustating no from the robot arm.

Tribro is not amused.


In the end she gives up on the attempt and grabs an EVA report in grasslands for 2 (count 'em 2) whole science points, before taking to the skies once more.

Could have sworn I picked up that kind of low hanging fruit much earlier. Oh well... points are points.


On the way back Tribro decides to have a little fun with the Lil' Sciencer.



Approach to the runway went fine, but the landing was very bouncy, with this bird taking to the air half a dozen times before hitting the ground for the final time.


This kind of final time.


At least Tribro was unscathed, although feeling a little sheepish.


Remember when I said that flights to Duna were coming... coming soon. Well, the time has come. But to be honest, this first vehicle probably wasn't worth the wait, I mean look at it.

Jeb however would beg to differ, saying that the return vehicle he's piloting is a fine example of cutting edge aerospace technology, even if it does look a bit dated.

You see, this Duna flight's been coming for a while. I launched Jeb and Val (she'll be along shortly) in a pair of vehicles sometime ago, some way back in the tech tree. That would have been around the time Bob headed to the Mun to start up the science base. The pair of them have been sitting in Kerbin orbit, while the wheel of scientific discovery and rocketry research, advanced apace on the planet below them.





Now Jeb and Val are sitting in their respective rides, waiting for the clock to tick down to their departure for the red world.



So watch this space.

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I promised you Duna, so Duna it is.

First up to leave for the Big Red was Val in the lander.


Followed a few hours later by Jeb in the return vehicle.


While all this kerballed interplanetary action was going on, the unkerballed division was having its fun as well, with Yay Magnets passing close by Minmus and grabbing a magnetometer reading on the way past.


At the encounter with Minmus the probe's engine was fired up to put it on a trajectory for one with Duna.

Kerbnet does not extend that far, so the probe will be out of contact during the encounter, but it's the thought that counts, right.


Many, many days later (a year and some) Val is the first to arrive in the Duna SOI. She grabs the full set of scientific readings and stashes them in the data storage unit.


The lander and it's transfer stage, which still has about half its fuel remaining, encountered the Dunian atmosphere, which slowed the vehicle, but some thrust was required to put it into orbit. As there was more fuel than anticipated in the transfer stage, it was decided to adjust the highly eliptical orbit, to encounter Ike.


The lander swung round the back of the little grey spud, some 10km from the surface and Val put the vehicle in an eliptical orbit, before grabbing all the science data here mittened hands could.


She swept round Periapsis once more, to get a closer look at the surface in sunlight, plus picking up some more EVA reports.


The idea of making a landing was concidered, but there wasn't a lot of fuel left in the transfer stage, so Val pressed on towards the main target instead.


Back to the big glowing orangy red ball, Val put the lander in orbit.


Then the descent burn was made and the remaining fuel in the transfer stage used at around 15km, to reduce the lander's speed.


With some relief the chutes deployed at 3km, bringing the lander down at a sedate 8.5m/s. Just before touchdown Val ticked over the engine to drop that down to just a 2-3m/s.


She wasted no time in heading out of the hatch and making for the surface.


Val was pretty impressed with the place. Fine dusty red sand, bright sky (really bright) and no-one around from management to tell her to keep her desk tidy, or not to fly so close to the VAB.


The flag was raised and EVA and soil samples were grabbed.

Now, nothing to do but wait.


Wait for this guy... Jeb.

He hit the atmosphere at 25km, which did a lot of the work of establishing an orbit.


Jeb was similarly impressed with the view.

"It sure ain't home".


After a burn to circularise the orbit, Jeb and the return vehicle sat in a circular path, almost 200km above the surface.


With Jeb waiting in orbit, Val made a last check of the scientific gear, to make sure every reading had been taken, then blasted off from the surface.

The detachable descent/touchdown burn tanks were still half full, so they provided fuel for the first few km of the ascent. How Val forgot to take a Mystery Goo reading on the way up, so once of them was dumped unused.


With little fuel left Val circularised her orbit at 148km.


Now for that rendevous with Jeb, there's precious little fuel left in the tanks, but just about enough for Val not to have to call Jeb for help.

She was very insistent on not doing that.


Rendezvous was made with just less than 0.1% of fuel remaining. But that still left enough for Val to nudge the lander closer to the Jeb's ship.


193km above the surface, Val exited the lander and retrieved the data from the storage unit, before hopping across to the return vehicle and depositing it there.


It's been a while since it left Minmus, but the Yay Magnets showed up 79 days later, passing within a couple hundred km of the return vehicle.

Val took a good long look out of the window, but failed to catch sight of it as it shot by. The probe is now in orbit around the sun.


After another year or so it was time to leave. The transfer stage provided the first 2/3 of the burn, after which the return vehicle's Spark motor took over.


A course correction burn and some conciderable time later, the pair appraoched Kerbin


The vehicle still had about half its fuel remaining, so was placed in orbit, before making a relatively sedate re-entry (compared with typical interplanetary ones).


The single chute deployed over the ocean. Well... it should be ocean (Scatterer seems to have made off with it at this angle).


A short while later the vehicle plopped calmly into the warm ocean...


... with it's rich sciency center ready to be cracked open by eager scientists.


What to choose, what to choose. Well I'll have one of those, two of them... ooo... I'll have five of those things.

What do you mean I can only have one of each, what kind of shop is this?

Oh well, at least now we have nukes :)


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