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rp-1 for ksp 2

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hello, I am going to make rp-1 for ksp2. Just to clarify, I mean new types of fuel and new parts to run on them.you may be wondering, its at least a year before launch, so why are you doing it now? well, if I get all the mumbo jumbo before it is released,  all I have to do is familiarize myself with the code and then edit it to make a mod.

Edited by kerbonaut66
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1 hour ago, kerbonaut66 said:

This is fuel, not realistic progression 1



1 hour ago, kerbonaut66 said:

I won’t post for a while, there’s not much you can do to mod an unmade game.

Also, word of advice, the modding system might end up being completely different in KSP2.

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So do we know that the base fuel in KSP 2 going to be methalox then, if you're making an RP-1 mod?  There was always some controversy over whether the "LFO" fuel type in KSP 1 was kerolox or methalox, with all the engineering folks insisting it must be kerolox/RP-1 - further reinforced by Making History - and then the KSP 2 developers referring to the fuel type in KSP 1 as methalox in two separate interviews.  There were several popular mods that added methane-burning engines and hydrogen-burning engines, both requiring actively-cooled storage, which (maybe apocryphally) really cemented the belief among the community that "LFO" was actually kerolox.

Do we have any solid word on this yet?

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12 hours ago, Chilkoot said:

 and then the KSP 2 developers referring to the fuel type in KSP 1 as methalox in two separate interviews.  

If they are calling metallic hydrogen “metallic hydrogen”, then they would probably call lfo what they think it is, this isn’t confirmed yet though.

They think that lfo is metholox so, they would probably name it that

Also, if we placed lfo in the real world, it would be in between rp-1 and hydrolox.


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