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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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3 minutes ago, Araym said:


IXS with FX!!!

Beside the good news about that: how did you felt the parts converted?
Are they, generally speaking, behaving correctly?

I haven't focused on the other parts- still recovering from my COVID vaccine shot. But I noticed that the WT-02 "Void" QV Thruster has a plume even when the engine isn't running.

@Araym Meantime here is the updated warp drive config:


	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%subcategory = 0
	%entryCost = 5000000
	%cost = 1000000
	%mass = 28
	%title = IXS Main Warp Engine
	%description = As the WarpTech marketing department says, "Why go places, when you can bring places to you?" Before engaging the drive, make sure to have a good supply of Fusion Pellets and a sutainable source og Graviolium...
	%tags = ixs graviolium ring 
	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1
	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleEngines] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak

	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Main Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp engine.

		StartActionName = Activate Main Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Main Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Main Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
//		textureModuleID =

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
//		runningEffect = effectRunning

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 20

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 400

	// Warp engines provide faster than light travel but require resources to do so.
		name = WBIWarpEngine
//		debugEnabled = true

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Enables fater than light travel.

		EngineType = Generic
		exhaustDamage = False
		heatProduction = 0
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		ignitionThreshold = 0.01
		minThrust = 0

		// Optional bow shock transform for the warp effects
//		bowShockTransformName = bowShock

		// We need a non-significant value so that KSP won't flip out when the flight scene is loaded.
		maxThrust = 1

		// Warp engines need a small amount of electric charge to operate.
			name = ElectricCharge
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
			ratio = 3.6
			DrawGauge = True
			minResToLeave = 1.0

		// Minimum planetary radii needed to go to warp.
		minPlanetaryRadius = 1.0

		// When the powerMultiplier drops below this value, the engine will flame out.
		warpIgnitionThreshold = 0.25

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// While in orbit around a planet or moon, limit top speed by this multiplier so that we don't blow past the celestial body.
		// Think of this as a speed limit while in the harbor.
		// Out in interplanetary space, we can really open up the throttle.
		// The first number represents how close to the SOI edge the vessel is (1 = right at the edge, 0.1 = 10% of the distance to the SOI edge)
		// The second number is the top speed multiplier.
			key = 1 0.1
			key = 0.5 0.05
			key = 0.25 0.01
			key = 0.1 0.005

		// In addition to any specified PROPELLANT resources, warp engines require warpCapacity. Only parts with
		// a WBIWarpCoil part module can generate warpCapacity.
		// The warp curve controls how much warpCapacity is neeeded to go light speed or faster.
		// The first number represents the available warpCapacity, while the second number gives multiples of C.
		// You can apply any kind of warp curve you want, but the baseline uses the Fibonacci sequence * 10.
		// It may seem steep, but in KSP's small scale, 1C is plenty fast.
		// This curve is modified by the engine's displacementImpulse and current vessel mass.
		// effectiveWarpCapacity = warpCapacity * (displacementImpulse / vessel mass)
			key = 1 0
			key = 10 1
			key = 30 3
			key = 50 4
			key = 80 6
			key = 130 8
			key = 210 12
			key = 340 17
			key = 550 25
			key = 890 37
			key = 1440 54
			key = 2330 79
			key = 3770 116
			key = 6100 170
			key = 9870 249
			key = 15970 366
			key = 28540 537

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = warpEffectController

		// Waterfall Warp Effects Curve. This is used to control the Waterfall warp field effects based on the vessel's current warp speed.
		// The first number represents multiples of C, and the second number represents the level at which to drive the warp effects.
		// The effects value ranges from 0 to 1, while there's no upper limit to multiples of C, so keep that in mind.
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.001 0.1
			key = 0.01 0.25
			key = 0.1 0.25
			key = 0.5 0.375
			key = 1.0 0.5
			key = 1.5 1

		// ISP is important even for a warp engine since it affects propellant consumption. But we're unconcerned about atmosphere.
			key = 0 100
			key = 1 100

		// Engines can drive WBIModuleGeneratorFX that produce resources needed for warp travel if their moduleID matches this value.
		warpPowerGeneratorID = warpPower

		// Multiplies resource consumption and production rates by this multiplier when in interstellar space.
		// Generators identified by warpPowerGeneratorID will be affected by this multiplier.
		// Default multiplier is 10, but the S3 engine has big coils and a particle accelerator, so it is more efficient.
		interstellarPowerMultiplier = 5

		// Effects
		flameoutEffectName = flameout
		powerEffectName = power
		engageEffectName = engage
		disengageEffectName = disengage
		runningEffectName = running
		// An optional effect to play when the ship exceeds light speed.
		photonicBoomEffectName = photonicBoom

		// Also used as warp effects spool time.
		engineSpoolTime = 0.05

		// Engines can drive animated textures
		//textureModuleID = WarpCore
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = warpEngine
		name = warpEffectController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = warpField
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpField
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 2500,2500,2500
				transform = warpField
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-2
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.913725495,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.941176474,0.0627451017,0.0627451017,1
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.480277032
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 0.75
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 0
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 3
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 1
			name = fieldSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.4 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 3 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = fieldAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.5 1 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 7.5,30,7.5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
		name = bowShock
		parentName = bowShock
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpBowShock
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 15,15,15
				transform = warpBowShock
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-4
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.643137276,0.760784328,0.984313726,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.729411781,0.654901981,0.788235307,1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 10
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 3
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = -5
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 5
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0.418612033
					floatName = _SpeedX
					value = 0
					floatName = _DirAdjust
					value = 0.5
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.5
			name = shockSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 6 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = shockBright
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1 0 0
				key = 0.25 3 0 0
				key = 1 3 0 0
// Waterfall End

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 96
		maxAmount = 96

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 64

		name = GravityWaves
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 2000

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1000

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDriveRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 1.0 2.5
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDrive
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.1
				volume = 0.1 0.25
				volume = 1.0 0.6
				pitch = 0.0 1.0
				pitch = 1.0 1.95
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_medium
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStart
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_soft
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStop
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/PhotonicBoom
				volume = 2.0
				pitch = 1.0
				loop = false


And here is the warp sustainer config:


	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%entryCost = 3000000
	%cost = 600000
	%title = IXS Warp Sustainer Enhancer
	%description = One warp ring is nice, but two are even better. Three is just excessive, of course. This additional Sustainer ring contains optional support functionality to produce additional Warp Capacity that enables more massive vessels to travel faster than light and/or smaller vessels to go even faster.
	%mass = 17.5

	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1

	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000

	!MODULE[WarpDriveEnhancer] { }
	!MODULE[ContainmentSystem] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak
	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		// If the generator controls effects and/or animated textures, then they'll be affected by the throttle updates.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Coil Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp coil.

		StartActionName = Activate Auxiliary Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Auxiliary Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Auxiliary Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = FusionTorus

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
		runningEffect = running

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = ringPlumeController

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 15

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 300
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = 
		name = ringPlumeController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 5,30,5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
// Waterfall end

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 292
		maxAmount = 292

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1280

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 600

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/FusionReactorRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.5
				volume = 1.0 0.5
				pitch = 0.0 0.0
				pitch = 0.05 0.5
				pitch = 1.0 0.6
				loop = true



Again, you'll need to wait for the update for these changes to take effect.

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12 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

I haven't focused on the other parts- still recovering from my COVID vaccine shot. But I noticed that the WT-02 "Void" QV Thruster has a plume even when the engine isn't running.

IXS sublight engines are "unconventional", to say the least. I didn't touch them in any shape or form, so all it must be traced back to their original coding.
Basically their plumes is governed by the plugin inside IXS mod itself (I think), that allows to change the color of the plume on the fly (alike it allows some similar properties in other parts, namely the old "RTGs" that I coded in the conversion as warp coils, that has a ring that can change color around them)

But your report is kind of intriguing me, because I never saw them keep going when the engine is not running (beside their different properties as FX, in my instal are working as they should)

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13 hours ago, kennyc222 said:

convert stock my stock ore into Graviollium

I need to be totally honest. That's something that no one who takes this mod seriously will ever want to read.

On 5/19/2021 at 1:04 PM, Araym said:

I spent all my ideas (and probably even too much time: I made a full 18 hours session between the last saturday and sunday and probably burnt myself to the point to not seeing any solutions even if in front of my eyes...)

  1. Any idea about fixing the warping FX
  2. Thoughts on balancement: aside the converted parts related to "warping tech" (that follow, mathematically, the "Blueshift" balancement) and some tankage converted to it, I basically left the core of other parts as they are: warp rings and main hull has still TONS of EC and Xenon Gas (more or less on the same level as they have in the original version) for feeding their own, sublight, Xenon engines. That are indeed WAY POWERFUL. I dunno if they are well suited for a "realistic" gameplay, compared to other mods. I was thinking about different tech tree placement but I do not have any clear thoughts about it.

If anyone is willing to help, I can then eventually push a more public release.
Thanks in advance to anyone that could spend a bit of time on it with me.

All that matters for balancing the sublight engines on the IXS (and I'm being presumptuous) is that the EC demand is reasonably high and the TWR is reasonably low: I'm betting no more than 1 for a fully loaded, fully fueled ship without cargo. (Said cargo might easily weigh as much as 50% of the ship if cargo space is generous.)

On 5/11/2021 at 11:11 AM, Araym said:

I'm incapable to understand how to "bend" my orbit, when I'm closing to anything, in the end always going too low in the gravity well and loosing the warp engine. All thanks my old keyboard that need an hammer to get the inputs right.

In a semi-realistic warp travel scenario (I say semi because FTL is involved, but also, we're ignoring auto-circularization) you want to come out of warp with a very high Apoapsis and where you won't very soon fall out of the target body's SOI. There you have the most time available to use your reaction engines to fix your Periapsis and inclination. Once that's done you can do either of the following to further fix your orbit:

  • Wait until you're somewhere low down in your orbit then carefully warp around to see how your orbit changes. Do it right and you could potentially knock out most of your eccentricity, and I believe this should make it cheaper to shrink and perfect your orbit.
  • Burn all you want as you approach Periapsis. You have dV for days.
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Heya, I Found something while playing around with the Circularization helper and I'm not sure if this is an intentional feature or not. If you use the Circularization helper with your target set as a craft, Regardless of your distance from the target you'll always instantly warp around 90-100m away from it.

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37 minutes ago, Sky The Heck said:

Heya, I Found something while playing around with the Circularization helper and I'm not sure if this is an intentional feature or not. If you use the Circularization helper with your target set as a craft, Regardless of your distance from the target you'll always instantly warp around 90-100m away from it.

Yup, that is intentional.

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4 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Meantime here is the updated warp drive config:

  Reveal hidden contents

	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%subcategory = 0
	%entryCost = 5000000
	%cost = 1000000
	%mass = 28
	%title = IXS Main Warp Engine
	%description = As the WarpTech marketing department says, "Why go places, when you can bring places to you?" Before engaging the drive, make sure to have a good supply of Fusion Pellets and a sutainable source og Graviolium...
	%tags = ixs graviolium ring 
	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1
	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleEngines] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak

	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Main Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp engine.

		StartActionName = Activate Main Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Main Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Main Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
//		textureModuleID =

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
//		runningEffect = effectRunning

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 20

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 400

	// Warp engines provide faster than light travel but require resources to do so.
		name = WBIWarpEngine
//		debugEnabled = true

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Enables fater than light travel.

		EngineType = Generic
		exhaustDamage = False
		heatProduction = 0
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		ignitionThreshold = 0.01
		minThrust = 0

		// Optional bow shock transform for the warp effects
//		bowShockTransformName = bowShock

		// We need a non-significant value so that KSP won't flip out when the flight scene is loaded.
		maxThrust = 1

		// Warp engines need a small amount of electric charge to operate.
			name = ElectricCharge
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
			ratio = 3.6
			DrawGauge = True
			minResToLeave = 1.0

		// Minimum planetary radii needed to go to warp.
		minPlanetaryRadius = 1.0

		// When the powerMultiplier drops below this value, the engine will flame out.
		warpIgnitionThreshold = 0.25

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// While in orbit around a planet or moon, limit top speed by this multiplier so that we don't blow past the celestial body.
		// Think of this as a speed limit while in the harbor.
		// Out in interplanetary space, we can really open up the throttle.
		// The first number represents how close to the SOI edge the vessel is (1 = right at the edge, 0.1 = 10% of the distance to the SOI edge)
		// The second number is the top speed multiplier.
			key = 1 0.1
			key = 0.5 0.05
			key = 0.25 0.01
			key = 0.1 0.005

		// In addition to any specified PROPELLANT resources, warp engines require warpCapacity. Only parts with
		// a WBIWarpCoil part module can generate warpCapacity.
		// The warp curve controls how much warpCapacity is neeeded to go light speed or faster.
		// The first number represents the available warpCapacity, while the second number gives multiples of C.
		// You can apply any kind of warp curve you want, but the baseline uses the Fibonacci sequence * 10.
		// It may seem steep, but in KSP's small scale, 1C is plenty fast.
		// This curve is modified by the engine's displacementImpulse and current vessel mass.
		// effectiveWarpCapacity = warpCapacity * (displacementImpulse / vessel mass)
			key = 1 0
			key = 10 1
			key = 30 3
			key = 50 4
			key = 80 6
			key = 130 8
			key = 210 12
			key = 340 17
			key = 550 25
			key = 890 37
			key = 1440 54
			key = 2330 79
			key = 3770 116
			key = 6100 170
			key = 9870 249
			key = 15970 366
			key = 28540 537

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = warpEffectController

		// Waterfall Warp Effects Curve. This is used to control the Waterfall warp field effects based on the vessel's current warp speed.
		// The first number represents multiples of C, and the second number represents the level at which to drive the warp effects.
		// The effects value ranges from 0 to 1, while there's no upper limit to multiples of C, so keep that in mind.
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.001 0.1
			key = 0.01 0.25
			key = 0.1 0.25
			key = 0.5 0.375
			key = 1.0 0.5
			key = 1.5 1

		// ISP is important even for a warp engine since it affects propellant consumption. But we're unconcerned about atmosphere.
			key = 0 100
			key = 1 100

		// Engines can drive WBIModuleGeneratorFX that produce resources needed for warp travel if their moduleID matches this value.
		warpPowerGeneratorID = warpPower

		// Multiplies resource consumption and production rates by this multiplier when in interstellar space.
		// Generators identified by warpPowerGeneratorID will be affected by this multiplier.
		// Default multiplier is 10, but the S3 engine has big coils and a particle accelerator, so it is more efficient.
		interstellarPowerMultiplier = 5

		// Effects
		flameoutEffectName = flameout
		powerEffectName = power
		engageEffectName = engage
		disengageEffectName = disengage
		runningEffectName = running
		// An optional effect to play when the ship exceeds light speed.
		photonicBoomEffectName = photonicBoom

		// Also used as warp effects spool time.
		engineSpoolTime = 0.05

		// Engines can drive animated textures
		//textureModuleID = WarpCore
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = warpEngine
		name = warpEffectController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = warpField
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpField
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 2500,2500,2500
				transform = warpField
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-2
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.913725495,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.941176474,0.0627451017,0.0627451017,1
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.480277032
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 0.75
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 0
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 3
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 1
			name = fieldSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.4 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 3 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = fieldAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.5 1 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 7.5,30,7.5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
		name = bowShock
		parentName = bowShock
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpBowShock
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 15,15,15
				transform = warpBowShock
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-4
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.643137276,0.760784328,0.984313726,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.729411781,0.654901981,0.788235307,1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 10
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 3
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = -5
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 5
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0.418612033
					floatName = _SpeedX
					value = 0
					floatName = _DirAdjust
					value = 0.5
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.5
			name = shockSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 6 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = shockBright
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1 0 0
				key = 0.25 3 0 0
				key = 1 3 0 0
// Waterfall End

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 96
		maxAmount = 96

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 64

		name = GravityWaves
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 2000

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1000

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDriveRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 1.0 2.5
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDrive
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.1
				volume = 0.1 0.25
				volume = 1.0 0.6
				pitch = 0.0 1.0
				pitch = 1.0 1.95
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_medium
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStart
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_soft
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStop
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/PhotonicBoom
				volume = 2.0
				pitch = 1.0
				loop = false


And here is the warp sustainer config:

  Reveal hidden contents

	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%entryCost = 3000000
	%cost = 600000
	%title = IXS Warp Sustainer Enhancer
	%description = One warp ring is nice, but two are even better. Three is just excessive, of course. This additional Sustainer ring contains optional support functionality to produce additional Warp Capacity that enables more massive vessels to travel faster than light and/or smaller vessels to go even faster.
	%mass = 17.5

	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1

	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000

	!MODULE[WarpDriveEnhancer] { }
	!MODULE[ContainmentSystem] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak
	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		// If the generator controls effects and/or animated textures, then they'll be affected by the throttle updates.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Coil Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp coil.

		StartActionName = Activate Auxiliary Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Auxiliary Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Auxiliary Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = FusionTorus

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
		runningEffect = running

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = ringPlumeController

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 15

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 300
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = 
		name = ringPlumeController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 5,30,5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
// Waterfall end

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 292
		maxAmount = 292

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1280

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 600

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/FusionReactorRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.5
				volume = 1.0 0.5
				pitch = 0.0 0.0
				pitch = 0.05 0.5
				pitch = 1.0 0.6
				loop = true



Again, you'll need to wait for the update for these changes to take effect.

I just added them in my install, just waiting the updated Blueshift to check them working and then, eventually, make some final addition to other parts (namely, the other two, inline, Warp Cores, that probably need some love too for their warp FX).


1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

All that matters for balancing the sublight engines on the IXS (and I'm being presumptuous) is that the EC demand is reasonably high and the TWR is reasonably low: I'm betting no more than 1 for a fully loaded, fully fueled ship without cargo. (Said cargo might easily weigh as much as 50% of the ship if cargo space is generous.)

I didn't actually messed up so much with the sublight engines just because my focus, for the moment, is tuning the warp ones...
... and also I'm not sure if I want to mess with them too much.

As I had to move/rework some of the original resources, to actually make the addition of the new resources needed by Blueshift (I'm talking here about the main parts needed to build the IXS, not all the other, reworked but stand-alone parts included in the mod), I basically displaced around some of the original resources, but grossly in the end leaving the original quantities.
I have to check, but if I remember correctly both the 2 main engines have actually a TWR <1 for a full IXS, so thrust wise they are not so game-breaking...
... my concerns were about their actuall EC and Xenon Gas usage.
But in that regard I will give me time to figure some comparison to more futuristic but balanced ones (namely, from Angel's "Deep Space" ships or Nertea's "NearFuture Propulsion"), once the warping parts will be working. Maybe.

Or maybe, actually, leaving them are they are: my point was to "adapt" IXS to Blueshift, not taking care of EVERYTHING related to the original mod: I gave some toughts to some of the spare parts just to add a "different flavour" to some needs if using Blueshift (and Flying Saucers), by some of the iXS parts (a couple of different warp cores  and graviolium generators, just aesthetically different but basically with the same stats - or weighted against those - of the original from Blueshifts; a couple of new warp coils - more suited for in-line ships, rather than those willing to go with external nacelles; a new Plasma Contactor that is less barebone/more trek-ish than those coming from Flying Saucer; a proper Graviolium scanner; an in-space, different looking, but with the same stat, Graviolium collector; rework of shience parts)

It's already a roughly 75% totally rework of the IXS mod itself. and all just because (reality) I wanted the IXS to work for me and my install. But as it was a BIG effort, then valid to be then publicly released for anyone that enjoy already Blueshift and wanted maybe try also the IXS.
If I step also into a sub-light engines rework, basically it will be a "parallel release" by me of the original mod, just shy to add the models and textures themselves. I'm not sure if I want to embark in such of a job.

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Blueshift 1.5.1 is now available


- Added genericWarpEngine model to enable non-Blueshift parts to use Blueshift's Waterfall warp effects. There's nothing visual, just a couple of transforms.

- Added templates for the Waterfall warp engine effects and converted the warp tech parts to use them.

New wiki pages




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2 hours ago, Don0303 said:

i keep  getting "missing LqdDeuterium" and im not sure why,  the mod was working fine but it doesnt seem to anymore, i cant get any working

LqdDeuterium is not relevant to Blueshift. We need a screenshot of the part, or more information in order to help you.

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4 minutes ago, Don0303 said:


heres what pops up, im unable to throttle

The only way that this can happen is if you have Far Future Technologies (FFT) installed. In that case you will need to add liquid deuterium tanks from far future technologies to your craft. I tested Blueshift yesterday without FFT installed and it worked just fine. So be sure to use FFT's deuterium fuel tanks and generators. Otherwise you'll run into this problem.

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On 5/23/2021 at 11:15 PM, Angel-125 said:

Meantime here is the updated warp drive config:

  Reveal hidden contents

	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%subcategory = 0
	%entryCost = 5000000
	%cost = 1000000
	%mass = 28
	%title = IXS Main Warp Engine
	%description = As the WarpTech marketing department says, "Why go places, when you can bring places to you?" Before engaging the drive, make sure to have a good supply of Fusion Pellets and a sutainable source og Graviolium...
	%tags = ixs graviolium ring 
	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1
	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleEngines] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak

	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Main Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp engine.

		StartActionName = Activate Main Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Main Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Main Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
//		textureModuleID =

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
//		runningEffect = effectRunning

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 20

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 400

	// Warp engines provide faster than light travel but require resources to do so.
		name = WBIWarpEngine
//		debugEnabled = true

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Enables fater than light travel.

		EngineType = Generic
		exhaustDamage = False
		heatProduction = 0
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		ignitionThreshold = 0.01
		minThrust = 0

		// Optional bow shock transform for the warp effects
//		bowShockTransformName = bowShock

		// We need a non-significant value so that KSP won't flip out when the flight scene is loaded.
		maxThrust = 1

		// Warp engines need a small amount of electric charge to operate.
			name = ElectricCharge
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
			ratio = 3.6
			DrawGauge = True
			minResToLeave = 1.0

		// Minimum planetary radii needed to go to warp.
		minPlanetaryRadius = 1.0

		// When the powerMultiplier drops below this value, the engine will flame out.
		warpIgnitionThreshold = 0.25

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// While in orbit around a planet or moon, limit top speed by this multiplier so that we don't blow past the celestial body.
		// Think of this as a speed limit while in the harbor.
		// Out in interplanetary space, we can really open up the throttle.
		// The first number represents how close to the SOI edge the vessel is (1 = right at the edge, 0.1 = 10% of the distance to the SOI edge)
		// The second number is the top speed multiplier.
			key = 1 0.1
			key = 0.5 0.05
			key = 0.25 0.01
			key = 0.1 0.005

		// In addition to any specified PROPELLANT resources, warp engines require warpCapacity. Only parts with
		// a WBIWarpCoil part module can generate warpCapacity.
		// The warp curve controls how much warpCapacity is neeeded to go light speed or faster.
		// The first number represents the available warpCapacity, while the second number gives multiples of C.
		// You can apply any kind of warp curve you want, but the baseline uses the Fibonacci sequence * 10.
		// It may seem steep, but in KSP's small scale, 1C is plenty fast.
		// This curve is modified by the engine's displacementImpulse and current vessel mass.
		// effectiveWarpCapacity = warpCapacity * (displacementImpulse / vessel mass)
			key = 1 0
			key = 10 1
			key = 30 3
			key = 50 4
			key = 80 6
			key = 130 8
			key = 210 12
			key = 340 17
			key = 550 25
			key = 890 37
			key = 1440 54
			key = 2330 79
			key = 3770 116
			key = 6100 170
			key = 9870 249
			key = 15970 366
			key = 28540 537

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = warpEffectController

		// Waterfall Warp Effects Curve. This is used to control the Waterfall warp field effects based on the vessel's current warp speed.
		// The first number represents multiples of C, and the second number represents the level at which to drive the warp effects.
		// The effects value ranges from 0 to 1, while there's no upper limit to multiples of C, so keep that in mind.
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.001 0.1
			key = 0.01 0.25
			key = 0.1 0.25
			key = 0.5 0.375
			key = 1.0 0.5
			key = 1.5 1

		// ISP is important even for a warp engine since it affects propellant consumption. But we're unconcerned about atmosphere.
			key = 0 100
			key = 1 100

		// Engines can drive WBIModuleGeneratorFX that produce resources needed for warp travel if their moduleID matches this value.
		warpPowerGeneratorID = warpPower

		// Multiplies resource consumption and production rates by this multiplier when in interstellar space.
		// Generators identified by warpPowerGeneratorID will be affected by this multiplier.
		// Default multiplier is 10, but the S3 engine has big coils and a particle accelerator, so it is more efficient.
		interstellarPowerMultiplier = 5

		// Effects
		flameoutEffectName = flameout
		powerEffectName = power
		engageEffectName = engage
		disengageEffectName = disengage
		runningEffectName = running
		// An optional effect to play when the ship exceeds light speed.
		photonicBoomEffectName = photonicBoom

		// Also used as warp effects spool time.
		engineSpoolTime = 0.05

		// Engines can drive animated textures
		//textureModuleID = WarpCore
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = warpEngine
		name = warpEffectController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = warpField
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpField
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 2500,2500,2500
				transform = warpField
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-2
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.913725495,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.941176474,0.0627451017,0.0627451017,1
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.480277032
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 0.75
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 0
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 3
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 1
			name = fieldSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.4 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 3 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = fieldAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpField
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.5 1 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 7.5,30,7.5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
		name = bowShock
		parentName = bowShock
			path = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/Waterfall/warpBowShock
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 15,15,15
				transform = warpBowShock
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-4
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.643137276,0.760784328,0.984313726,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.729411781,0.654901981,0.788235307,1
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 10
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 3
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = -5
					floatName = _TileY
					value = 5
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 10
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0.418612033
					floatName = _SpeedX
					value = 0
					floatName = _DirAdjust
					value = 0.5
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.5
			name = shockSpeed
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 6 0 0
				key = 1 9 0 0
			name = shockBright
			controllerName = warpEffectController
			transformName = warpBowShock
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1 0 0
				key = 0.25 3 0 0
				key = 1 3 0 0
// Waterfall End

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 96
		maxAmount = 96

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 64

		name = GravityWaves
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 2000

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1000

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDriveRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 1.0 2.5
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/WarpDrive
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.1
				volume = 0.1 0.25
				volume = 1.0 0.6
				pitch = 0.0 1.0
				pitch = 1.0 1.95
				loop = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_medium
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStart
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_vent_soft
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false
//			AUDIO
//			{
//				channel = Ship
//				clip = WildBlueIndustries/FlyingSaucers/FX/GeneratorStop
//				volume = 0.5
//				pitch = 1.0
//				loop = false
//			}

				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/PhotonicBoom
				volume = 2.0
				pitch = 1.0
				loop = false


And here is the warp sustainer config:

  Reveal hidden contents

	!TechRequired = experimentalScience
	TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory
	TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech
	%category = Engine
	%entryCost = 3000000
	%cost = 600000
	%title = IXS Warp Sustainer Enhancer
	%description = One warp ring is nice, but two are even better. Three is just excessive, of course. This additional Sustainer ring contains optional support functionality to produce additional Warp Capacity that enables more massive vessels to travel faster than light and/or smaller vessels to go even faster.
	%mass = 17.5

	%crashTolerance = 20
	%thermalMassModifier = 8.0
	%emissiveConstant = 0.95
	%maxTemp = 2000
	%explosionPotential = 0.1

	%breakingForce = 500000
	%breakingTorque = 500000

	!MODULE[WarpDriveEnhancer] { }
	!MODULE[ContainmentSystem] { }
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	!RESOURCE[ExoticMatter] { }

	// Allows parts not made by Blueshift to use Blueshift's warp field effects.	
		model = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/Engine/genericWarpEngine
	// Graviolium is normally not a tweakable resource, meaning you have to fill up your tanks while in flight.
	// Without Kerbal Flying Saucers, the only way to get the resource is to mine asteroids.
	// But this cheat lets you tweak the resource in the editor.
		name = WBIResourceTweaker
		resourceName = Graviolium
		tweakEnabledName = CHEAT: Enable Graviolium tweak
		tweakDisabledName = CHEAT: Disable Graviolium tweak
	// Generators are just like the stock resource converter, except that this one can control animated textures and/or Effects.
	// This generator produces the GravityWaves that power warp coils by consuming Graviolium and FusionPellets.
		name = WBIModuleGeneratorFX
//		debugMode = true

		// Setting this to the same value as WBIWarpEngine's warpPowerGeneratorID field lets the warp engine control the generator.
		// If the generator controls effects and/or animated textures, then they'll be affected by the throttle updates.
		moduleID = warpPower

		// This also replaces the name shown in the editor.
		ConverterName = Coil Power

		// Short description of the module as displayed in the editor.
		moduleDescription = Provides power for the warp coil.

		StartActionName = Activate Auxiliary Power
		StopActionName = Deactivate Auxiliary Power
		ToggleActionName = Toggle Auxiliary Power

		// Generators can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = FusionTorus

		// Generators can control effects too
//		startEffect = effectStart
//		stopEffect = effectStop
		runningEffect = running

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

			ResourceName = Graviolium
			Ratio = 0.02
			ResourceName = FusionPellets
			Ratio = 0.000376
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
			Ratio = 7500
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 30
			DumpExcess = true
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = StaticCharge
			Ratio = 0.02
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			ResourceName = GravityWaves
			Ratio = 50

	// Warp Coils are simple part modules that don't need the full functionality of a resource converter just to generate warp capacity.
	// Instead, they specify the warp capacity pseudo-resource and the vessel resources needed to produce it.
	// Warp engines themselves will tally up a vessel's total warp capacity and resources needed to generate warp capacity, and
	// handle the resource requests itself. The result is faster game performance.
		name = WBIWarpCoil
//		debugMode = true

		// Warp Coils can control animated textures
		// Hint: You can control multiple animated textures in the same part if they share the same moduleID.
		//textureModuleID = WarpCoil

		// Warp coils can control a running effect too.
//		runningEffect =

		// Name of the waterfall effect controller
		waterfallEffectController = ringPlumeController

		// How much warp capacity can the coil produce?
		warpCapacity = 15

		// Warp coils determine how much mass can be displaced during warp travel.
		// Each coil is rated for the number of metric tonnes that it can move. The more coils you have, the more mass that you can move.
		// Alternately, you can add more generators to power the warp coils and "supercharge" them to displace more mass, 
		// but then they'll also wear out faster.
		// A vessel that is more massive than the total displacement will move slower than a vessel that is less massive than the total displacement.
		// Similarly, a coil that is underpowered will displace less mass than one that is overpowered.
		displacementImpulse = 200

		// In hours, the mean time between failures. Assumes that parts require maintenance.
		mtbf = 300

		// The minimum level of skill required to repair the part.
		// You can also change repairSkill, which defaults to "RepairSkill" (Engineers have this).
		// You can also change the repairKitName, which defaults to "evaRepairKit" (the stock EVA Repair Kit).
		minimumSkillLevel = 3

		// When parts require maintenance, how many repair kits are required to repair the part.
		repairKitsRequired = 8

		// What resources are consumed to produce the warp capacity.
			name = GravityWaves
			rate = 300
	name = ModuleWaterfallFX
	engineID = 
		name = ringPlumeController
		linkedTo = custom
		name = ringPlume
		parentName = genericWarpEngine
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 90,0,0
			scaleOffset = 5,30,5
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive Directional
					textureSlotName = _MainTex
					texturePath = Waterfall/FX/fx-noise-3
					textureScale = 1,1
					textureOffset = 0,0
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.678431392,0.784313738,0.992156863,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 2.25
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 2.5999999
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 5
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 1.29999995
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 1
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 1.54999995
			name = plumeSpeed
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _SpeedY
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 3 0 0
				key = 0.5 4 0 0
				key = 1 5 0 0
			name = plumeAlpha
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.25 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.5 0 0
				key = 0.5 2.5 0 0
				key = 1 2.5 0 0
			name = plumeFresnel
			controllerName = ringPlumeController
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Fresnel
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 0.1 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.25 1.3 0 0
				key = 0.5 1.3 0 0
				key = 1 1.3 0 0
// Waterfall end

		name = FusionPellets
		amount = 292
		maxAmount = 292

		name = Graviolium
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1280

		name = StaticCharge
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 600

				channel = Ship
				clip = WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/FX/FusionReactorRunning
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.05 0.5
				volume = 1.0 0.5
				pitch = 0.0 0.0
				pitch = 0.05 0.5
				pitch = 1.0 0.6
				loop = true



Again, you'll need to wait for the update for these changes to take effect.

I'm taking some time today to work on the IXS.
I updated Blueshift...
... I added the new config...

... but the IXS warp FXs are not working on my end. Beside I tested the standard Blueshift's S3 Warp Ring/Warp Sustainer, and those are working.

@Angel-125 What am I missing???:sob:


Above: IXS parts, but with Blueshift rings. FXs are working (so it's not a fault Waterfall install)...


... but then, once switched to the patched IXS rings (with your edited cfg files) they are still with no FXs.

Edited by Araym
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I'm officially an IDIOT!!!

To cut load time (my main install, full of mods, needs around 30 minutes to load), I switched to my "testing install"............

... that was NEVER updated to Blueshift 1.5.1!!!
OBVIOUSLY there are no effects: THERE WAS NO "genericWarpEngine" there!!!:blush2:


Everything is in working order!

Now I just have to work on the WarpCores and, basically, the conversion is done!


Tweaking a bit the FXs to fit the "more massive and powerful" IXS rings.


Slightly more distant "bowshock", to give the idea of a more pronunced space distorsion; warp engine having their trail starting from the trailing edge of the external surface; warp sustainer from the second internal "coil ring".

Edited by Araym
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It's done!!!

I'm going to prepare a proper thread for her, but IXS Warpship for Blueshift is, finally, complete!

Meanwhile I'm preparing it, anyone passing by here could already grab a copy:

Happy Warping!


(Pay attention to them, because I still fleshing out some little changes to achieve a stable release: some parts could still behave weirdly)

Edited by Araym
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To not bother further @Angel-125 and his own thread, FINALLY a proper release one for "IXS Warpship for Blueshift".

Obviusly, Angel, if you like, you can add a link to that on the first page of Blueshift, to let know that IXS Warship has now support for it.

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And beside being happy for my patches release, I can also pop a champagne bottle because...


I learned (at least in my way) how circularize orbits everywhere, using a bit of time-warp, aside the warp engines themselves!!!


I launched myself in orbit of Kerbin by using the "cheat" (just because I was testing how the IXS behave in space, not killing myself on how get it in kerbin orbit), then aimed to Jool....
... 28 kerbal days later, with a bit of back and forward from low Jool orbit and SOI limits (leg-in with the warp engines, to "freeze" the ship relative velocity, leg-out leaving me drifting happily, warp generators and engines shut down save gravioulium, to loose velocity... rinse and repeate...) I got a stable orbit in the joolian system...

Then I aimed to Layte:


Again, bouncing in and out from her SOI and lower orbit, in a total of just 48 days from the Kerbin departure, stable orbit around Her!!


Not a single ounce of "conventional propellent" was used, just warp navigation, a bit of patience (the whole took me about 10 mins of real life, from Kerbin to Jool then Laythe) and gravitational forces!

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5 minutes ago, Araym said:

And beside being happy for my patches release, I can also pop a champagne bottle because...


I learned (at least in my way) how circularize orbits everywhere, using a bit of time-warp, aside the warp engines themselves!!!

Way to go! Warp-powered circularization takes awhile to do, but between low powered warps and gravity, it can definitely be done. Nice to see you've figured out how. :)

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14 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Way to go! Warp-powered circularization takes awhile to do, but between low powered warps and gravity, it can definitely be done. Nice to see you've figured out how. :)

I could say that, actually, a bit of my trouble were caused by me not being a native-english person, and then misinterpreting your brief "guide" on how do it:

I kept going around the planets the whole time using warp engines, trying to figure "how gravity could bend the orbit", rather than using a bit of "newtonial knowledge" that any orbital speed at periapsis is WAY higher than those at SOI edge, and I just needed first to tune an acceptble periapsis altitude, go in toward the planet/body with warp engines active (freezing, relativistically, the lower SOI speed), then back to SOI with engines shut down and only with the game's TIME-warp, not actually "engine powered warp", to loose again speed... rinse and repeat... PROFIT... orbit achieved. .:joy:

Basically up to now I was just bouncing with warp engines from low to higher orbit, sometime even GAINING velocity, rather than loosing it.:blush2:

Now it's time to "speed-run" the process: how many days could I shave off, with more accurate burnings???? :cool:

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wow! you are so pro using warp drive for deceleration to Araym.....brake the speed without using auto-circumlize the orbit lol...unlike me...i am too lazy to do that...just the mod to do the heavy work for  circularize orbits....i have no such patience and time lol. I feel stressful for this but just let the mod does the heavy work for me. 

Edited by kennyc222
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