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Possibly, the devs never really detailed how the progression of the game will be. But what is clear right now is the fact that Kerbin will be much less relevant in the mid and late game. What I mean is that as soon as you're able to, you should be constructing everything off world. No need for you to be reliant on Kerbin once you hit that point.

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14 minutes ago, jastrone said:

i think they said they would redo the career mode so they might make it with trade routes to sell ores you mine on other planets

No, they never mentioned anything about currency in the game. So no selling anything at Kerbin until otherwise updated. (It's a good possibly you may need to ship stuff to Kerbin, but they never said it.) They are getting rid of the play modes in KSP1 (except sandbox) and replacing it with their own progression system. Again, they never detailed how this progression system will work. Only the broad strokes; there will be contracts and science will be necessary, there will be no fail state do to currency or failed missions; but outside of that, it's all up in the air.

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16 hours ago, crenelatedcheese said:

seeing everything else the devs have done, I'm hopeful they will make a great progression system.

Honestly it doesn't take much to make something better than current KSP career and science modes, I would gladly pay for a DLC that replaces KSP1 stock career with something actually playable.

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