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Center of mass/drag/thrust issues

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Hello everyone!  I bought the game in 2019 but I didnt play a lot due to my computer, so i'm still a beginner :)

So I just went back on the game, and tried to do a rocket to go on Eve and come back.

But I have some issues with the centers of mass/drag/thrust :


Yeah I know the rocket is too huge lol

But As you can see, the center of mass goes more on the "forward" side of the rocket

But on the left/right side it is perfectly in the middle

Since my rocket is symmetrical, I dont understand how it is possible... any known bugs? 

Ive tried remove or add some autostructs, but it doesnt change anything

I actually struggle modifying the rocket because of my computer lol

Any ideas?

Thanks :)

(apologies for my english)

Edited by Limonadd
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It's tough to tell what's wrong from just the picture. If everything appears to be symmetrical, then perhaps what's wrong is that you have two or more boosters in the same place. Check the front of the rocket to see if you can spot two fuel tanks, engines, etc. clipped together. This is an easy mistake to make when using radial symmetry. Note that this duplicate booster would also show up in staging, so you should be able to count or hover over your engines there to find it.

If all else fails, you might have to disassemble and reassemble. That would not be fun with all the fuel lines and such, I know.

As a side note, having off-center mass and thrust is not necessarily a problem in itself. Since thrust appears to be directly behind center of mass, it should still fly straight.

The blue circle is lift, by the way. You won't need it for a rocket.

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Okay guys, so this is definitely a bug, coming from my lander actually.

So if try to remove the launch part, the center of mass is "following it":



and if I remove the launch part, the center of thrust seems to be okay, but what are the center of mass and drag doing down there??


and if I try to remove one of the engine/fuel container, i cant put it back, it stays on my cursor...  lol 

The bug may be coming from all the heat shields i dont know

@InfernoSD Actually, since my rocket is tall, it falls over :/ so the center of mass has to be in the middle, and I dont think I have any double boosters or what... but ty for your answer!

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In case if someone wanna know, i've found the issue!

I think the some of the parts got corrupted (maybe during one of the 20 crash I got building this rocket XD) 

Corrupted because I got this error if I loaded the lander only:


So the issue was, those two parts were weirdly connected:


So I just copied the opposite parts (that were not corrupted) and put it instead of the corrupted ones, and boom:


Perfectly in the middle :D


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Nice that you solved the issue with your little rocket. In any case I have a bit of info that ma be useful for you in the future.

13 hours ago, Limonadd said:

but what are the center of mass and drag doing down there??

The blue marker is the Center of Lift, Ut only accounts for parts that have a lifting ratting. In the stock game you need to guess where the center the drag is by the general look of the craft and some knowledge of parts that may have skewed drag values attributed to it. 

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@Limonadd - In my experience, the reason you had the disparity in location of Center of Mass has to do with symmetry and how you use it during construction.

Typically, when one adds a single piece to a single node, we don't pay attention to the symmetry setting - we may believe we're adding a single part at a single node, but OCCASIONALLY (haven't determined exactly why or when) IF the symmetry is set to more than one (a single dot), more than one part can be added at a single node. While there may be a subroutine that goes through your construction before launch and eliminates the duplicate part(s) (since they should show an exactly identical location), WHILE you're building, your meta-data information (Center of Mass, Lift, Thrust) could be "fooled" by this occurrence.  Hope that makes sense.

As an aside, while I completely support one's desire to build with "moar boosters" (there is a certain magnificence to launching that!), as you progress in the game I would humbly recommend that you give thought to the idea bigger is not only usually not better, but as you get too big, you exaggerate ALL of your problems... but just a suggestion. Carry on and Good Luck!

Edited by Wobbly Av8r
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Thank you, this helps a lot, I wish the game had a wind tunnel tho :-)



Edit:  anyone who uses electric engines for space, have a few satellites jacked with solar panels to recharge a in orbit of certain areas you frequent 

Edited by MrWookie2U
(Added part after “edit:”
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On 1/13/2021 at 12:14 PM, vv3k70r said:

Are You sure it resemble decent rocket?

Have You considered refueling in orbit here and there?

It is totally not decent, that is why I like it XD (i'm playing in Science mode, so this is not a problem really)

I've thought about refueling but I really wanted to do a rocket that needs no refueling, like a little challenge

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1 hour ago, Limonadd said:

I've thought about refueling but I really wanted to do a rocket that needs no refueling, like a little challenge

You have to carry this volume of fuel up there anyway.

But... with every tank You take at once number of dead weight struts grow like mad. It is why reafueling saves when struts start to weight.

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