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Voyager 2 Mission (Interstellar part would be do-able)

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You know how KSP2 has interstellar travel and Voayger 2 is headed for Sirius in 40,000 years. I mean, you could do this. Just simulate like a Voyager 2 ish mission to Jool and slingshot that probe to another star. Bingo.

Edited by Dr. Kerbal
When KSP2 comes out obviously. :|
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That will definitely be possible, since we'll have multiple star systems. The crucial part is making it meaningful - KSP1's Sun has an infinite SOI, so there's no "advantage" or sense of progress in going interstellar from a gameplay perspective.

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With all the interstellar tech in KSP2, there's no point in throwing a primitive probe at another star system using a gravity assist trajectory when you could wait a couple of decades, build a probe with some extremely high delta-V propulsion and then send that in a fraction of the time.

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4 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

With all the interstellar tech in KSP2, there's no point in throwing a primitive probe at another star system using a gravity assist trajectory when you could wait a couple of decades, build a probe with some extremely high delta-V propulsion and then send that in a fraction of the time.

For me, I would do it for the sheer challange. Even tho SSTO's may be more costly and time consuming to deliver payloads, I still do it for the joy, challenge, and learning curve.


I'm thinking that the reason to do it, science. I enjoy stepping stone progression i.e. you can't progress technology without prototypes and experimentation.


If that isn't your cup of tea, you can skip all that slow 40,000 year craft experiment stuff in sandbox mode. ;p

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Technically you can get a probe outside of Kerbol's SOI, even in stock by using a Jool assist. I have just launched such a probe for fun (on SLS replica using ReDirect parts, but could do it with stock parts), except it is still in the SOI at Apoapsis. There is no advantage I know of to do that beyond your own imagination.

Edited by B1778
Spelling, grammar, and readability corrections.
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