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Most Efficient Way to get to Eve?

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Hold on one second... Are some of you people actually trying to say that launching to the east is inefficient? Because if you are... I am tempted to cue the Futurama meme about planets and living on them.

How, exactly, did we come to be here anyway? 270 degree? Bleh.

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How critical is it to match the inclination of the target planet before you start your burn? I too can hit Duna easily using the calculator but am miles off when I try to go to Eve.

Not very in my experience. I never try to match the inclination, if you care about mission time it's more important...but if you are close enough you will get there sooner or later anyway.

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I'm having trouble with Eve as well, and am assuming that I would have the same problem with Moho. The problem is due to the fact that I've found the transfer calculator to be a good guide but not completely accurate so setting the velocity to exactly what is specified isn't necessarily going to be correct, and this can of course be corrected rather easily with a pro or retro burn until the map shows an encounter. However with orbital inclination thrown into the mix I'm left with an inexact velocity as well as a need to get the right inclination, and it doesn't help that I don't know when along my orbit I'm suppose to be meeting up with Eve. In comparison I got to Duna the first day and Jool the first time I attempted it, so the problem is dealing properly with inclination (at least for me).

Edited by Xenotheos
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If you use Mechejeb and select a planet as target, you will see in the rendez vous window figures called time to AN (ascending node) and DN (descending node). When one of them reaches zero your are on the orbital plane of your target and you can change the inclination of your orbit using norm+ and norm-. The calculations you will find on the forum are all off because of excentricity and inclination, so just get your orbit on the same plane as the target and then move Pe Ap to intercept.

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