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[Discontinued] Erruel Star System


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Erruel Star System
Erruel Star Systen is a Planet Pack mod that adds a new brown dwarf star called Erruel
System Map


Erruel: A large brown dwarf
Lav: A dying planet orbiting way to close for its own good
Lukna; A hot blue mini Jool
Deg: A medium moon of Lukna
Sei: A habitable world sitting in the habitable zone



0.5 =  Added Scatter support
0.4 = Better texture for all of the bodies in the system. Fixed lighting bug. Better normal for Lukna
0.3 = Release

Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2781/Erruel Star System?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'>
GitHub (0.5, onward): https://github.com/FFX1234/Erruel-Star-System
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Dicord = https://discord.gg/GUPyb8xEfB
Supported Mods
Known bugs:
Cliping might happen on Deg
Special thanks
@smushanoob: for fixing the normals of Lukna, fixing the lighting bug, and making better texture for all of the bodies. Making scatter for all of Sei and Lukna
Kopernicus discord server
@Heliocentric: for creating the text

Edited by ffx
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Ohh crap i fogot too detail the updates, anyway

Here is Keoi
A 120 km moon of the tidaly locked Sei
Also the atmo of Lukna is more fluufy
That is it, for the updates

But that is not just it, here is some of the sneek peek for the next update, also there is a bug so you will explode midair so you cant land on it
While it does look like red Lukna, its not. Its Konob, a cold superkerbin covered in red methane seas that is hard to be seen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Death to the Erruel Star System
The combination of the midair bug and burnout casued the mod develoment to stop into a halt, soo the rest of the Konob system will not come out, no eve or other mods, and most importanly no more planet, @smushanoobor other peaple feel free to crete Erruel "Extended" or "Revived", but there is something greater that this mod that will come out

Edited by ffx
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10 hours ago, ffx said:

Death to the Erruel Star System
The combination of the midair bug and burnout casued the mod develoment to stop into a halt, soo the rest of the Konob system will not come out, no eve or other mods, and most importanly no more planet, @smushanoobor other peaple feel free to crete Erruel "Extended" or "Revived", but there is something greater that this mod that will come out

Sad to see this but, I guess you can look at a brown dwarf in SPUR i hope to see this being revived. . .

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