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I've been on vacation for two weeks, and it was fun, but I missed exposing my Kerbals to 100,000+ g forces and enough radiation to kill a human in milliseconds.

I just got back home yesterday, booted up KSP, and forgot I had downloaded AfterKerbin. I went back through the planets, and I saw something peculiar while looking at Jool's future analog, Reaper... 


And I had to know; has ANYONE ever successfully landed and returned to orbit FROM Reaper?

If not, does anyone have any plans to?


Reaper is the future analog of Jool, with the about same atmosphere as jool, and ridiculous gravity.

Edited by R3dst0ne_Warri0r
explain what Reaper is
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3 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

ok, i found this at random and i got curious: what is reaper? and why would it be so impossible to land on it and return?

especially because i can't find any other mention of it in the forum in the past year

Reaper is a planet in the mod After Kerbin:


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I did it about two weeks back but didn't record it. Using a ~7.5 ton lander, it took me 27 3.75m heatsheilds to descend from low Reaper orbit. Heating stopped at around 40-45km altitude. Landing used 3 drogue chutes, 4 normal chutes were deployed after, and the probe was safely on the surface.

I took a rather average descent profile, too, after using hyperedit to put it into the lowest safe orbit. any higher and it would have been game over. Basically, due to heating restraints, it's impossible to return from reaper unless you use ELP.

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