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Duplicate Parts in Tech Tree Nodes

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I started a new career game after updating to 1.12 and discovered that parts are listed two or three times in the various nodes of the tech tree. They only appear one time in the VAB/SPH, but multiple times in R&D. 

I'm curious to know if anyone else is seeing the same thing.

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Are they appearing several times in the same node, once in several different nodes or several times in each of several nodes?

I’ve seen clones of the same part in one node before due to a glitch in a save file, and also the same part in several nodes when two different mods try to add the same part or put it in different places on the tree. Which parts are affected and what mods are they from?

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7 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Are they appearing several times in the same node, once in several different nodes or several times in each of several nodes?

As near as I can tell, the duplicate parts are appearing multiple times only within the same node. But it seems as though  are more duplicates in the nodes that I've purchased than in the one's that I've not. I.e., there are a dozen duplicates of items in the on the nodes that I own, whereas the nodes that I don't own only seem to have 2 or 3 duplicates of items. 

This appears to only be impacting stock items.

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I’m not an expert, but I’ve done a bit of save hacking and have seen this same issue before. What I did was:

  1. Make a named save file so you can roll back any changes that didn’t work or recover if something goes wrong. Very important when save hacking!
  2. Find the part name of the part that keeps duplicating- this isn’t the name you see in the editor, but the name in save and craft files which is listed in the part configs. You can either use a code editor like VSCode to search through your entire KSP folder tree for the right file(s), or dig into the folders by hand and open the parts that are being replicated.
    For example, liquidEngineMk55 is the part name for the Mk55 Thud engine, but others are less obvious e.g. the Twin Boar is called Size2LFB_v2.
  3. Once you’ve found the part names for the duplicated part(s), copy(!!!) and open the persistent.sfs save file, then search using ctrl+F for the part name that’s being duplicated. You’re looking for the entries in the tech tree nodes and should find a bunch of duplicated values in a row for one tech tree node.
  4. Delete all the duplicate values, save your edits and load the edited save file. Check in R&D that the duplicates are gone, buy the part if necessary.
  5. Create another named save, repeat as necessary.
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