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How does the automatic maneuver node creator work?

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Alright, KSP 1.12 added a maneuver node creator like Mechjeb has. Okay. How does it work? 

I tried plotting a transfer to Duna, and it literally sent me towards Eve, the exact incorrect direction. Is it broken? 

I've also noticed that automatically created alarms for maneuvers only seem to count down when the applicable vessel is being flown, not when in the tracking center or flying other vessels. This effectively renders it useless. Any workarounds?


Edited by KingDominoIII
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First thing to check: that node towards Duna, does it ask you to burn right now? Or in XYZ days? Due to Kerbin's circular orbit around the sun, the direction the node sends you in changes as time passes. The direction doesn't need to be correct hundreds of days ahead of the transfer window; it only needs to be correct at the time you need to execute the transfer burn. The tool should place your node in the correct position for the alignment to match properly at the time of the burn.

Second thing to check: are you playing via Steam? If so, let it do a file verification on the game. If not, completely uninstall everything, download the game fresh, and reinstall in a clean folder. Then, see if your alarm clock issue perists.

If yes, please give us a number of steps which for you lead to to this issue reoccuring every time, which anyone can do for themselves. As in: start new sandbox save, spawn Kerbal X, launch into orbit, etc, etc. If it only happens in one specific savegame, provide that savegame for download, and explain whether it is a new save you started in 1.12, or an older save you've carried forward.

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Verified my game files and reinstalled. Problem persists.

Found a workaround: going to the tracking station and back fixes it. I think what's happening is that, for whatever reason, it's making a maneuver to intercept the Mun if I plot more than one maneuver in a ship, even if I delete the first. Yes, I am selecting the proper destination. 

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