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Exoplanet ideas:

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I thought maybe we could consolidate some of these here. 

I've got one:

Twill: This is a moon locked in the L2 lagrange point of a hot jupiter, permanently in its shadow (yes I know there is no n-body, it just has an orbital period that matches the planets orbit around its star.) It receives almost no direct radiation, but enough light and infrared energy refract through its parent planet's atmosphere to keep vast oceans liquid. Because of this a permanent glowing eclipse hangs above it. While radioactive elements are relatively rare it has a dense, deep atmosphere and is rich in volatile compounds.  Blue and green/black carbonaceous mountains rise out of the seas ringed by white calcium carbonate beaches. 

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Unnamed planet (idea 1):

(Unnamed planet 1) is a humid jungle planet similar to Dagobah from Star Wars. The surface is mostly obscured by dense swirls of grey,  water vapor clouds, giving the planet an appearance similar to a gas giant. The weather is perpetually stormy and gloomy, with winds and heavy rain posing a moderate hazard to the player. A small set of rings encompasses the planet, along with at least 1 minor moon. Although life is plentiful on the surface, it has a dark and turbulent past. Perhaps it is best that Kerbals stay far away from the lands lurking below the clouds....

Edited by wpetula
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Galus is a huge gas giant with a large and elaborate ring system. It has many small moons inside of the rings that are currently bein g bombarded by the asteroid they hit and bring as they pass throuhg the rings.  Gulas it self is yellow and orange with huge storms rage. Because of the extreme pressure of the planet it makes it almost impossible venturing down deep into the atmosphere. Gulas has 3 large moons and 7 small moons. 

Going from inner to outer.

Large Moons:

Dolung: A moon about the size of Laythe. It has a surface covered by a thick cloud layer of orange and yellow clouds similar to the ones on Galus. It also has many storms but it is land-able as the pressure is not so high. It was theorized that Dolung may of got it atmosphere from Galus long ago. 

Charus: A mysterious word that orbits retrograde relative to Galus it is green and blue. It has a spiky and rocky surface making it dangerous to land one due to ships tipping over. It has one large crater colored black and grey.

Grunum: Gurnam is a ore rich world. It is black and grey and has large craters sometimes filled with gold and silver. It is regularly bombarded by asteroids that come too close to it from Galus's ring. 


Small Moons:

Chalus: A small rocky world. It reminds most Kerbals of Gilly.

Icun: A icy world covered in rust and iron. with huge craters and low gravity for its size. 

Prudens: A small world yet quite wise. It holds a lot of information that was preserved well in ice. Like valleys and bones. Rare resources that would of else decayed. 

Parvus: A small world. Just a giant rock floating in space. Quite boring. 

Unes: A small moon with its own ring and thin atmosphere. It surface is dark grey from cooled lava. Look around and you may see some old volcanoes.

Malum: An evil world. Its red and it craters are filled with lava. It atmosphere is also red and toxic. The small moon sometimes melts its own surface. It too hot for its own good. (I personally think Malum would be better as a planet than a moon close to a star like mercury. The high temperatures would be explained by its close proximity to the star. 

Unum Solum: A lonely moon. Unum Solum is a small lonely moon far from Gulas. From here you rarely get to see the other moons. The surface is blue and icy. It has small hills and mountains. It has a huge glacier. And a candycane like structure.  

Edited by Dr. Kerbal
Unum Solum means lonley one.
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Something that is based off this YT series 

(It’s REALLY GOOD watch it)



Oh yeah and some moon in a Oval orbit around its parent.

And one in a retrograde direction.

Look at the Neptuinan Moon system for an example.

Have them possibly crashing into each other for even more fun!

Remember people, not all of the planets/moons can have atmospheres.

Or some sort of Liquid.

Liquid without an atmosphere, would be interesting, but unrealistic.

Edited by Admiral Fluffy
Added Real Equivalent, and some insight.
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3 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

Liquid without an atmosphere, would be interesting, but unrealistic.

It could be possible. Granted it would have to be made up of something that turns into a liquid at low temperatures or high temperatures. Like lava or oxygen.  Granted I am not a planetary scientist and this is just based of of Wikipedia and Google. 

20 hours ago, wpetula said:

(Unnamed planet 1) is a humid jungle planet similar to Dagobah from Star Wars.

Interesting. I am sure this would make it hard to land but it would be interesting to see. I like the idea. Lush. 

3 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

Remember people, not all of the planets/moons can have atmospheres.

I know! Most planets and moons dont have atmospheres (I am talking about the rocky ones).  Expect for the lucky few like Titan and Rhea. How does Rheas have a oxygen atmosphere. 

Maybe I will make a Malus planet mod! OOOOO! Ya. I will try. 

Edited by Dr. Kerbal
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Scerge is a lifeless, cold planet. It has an extremely thin atmosphere of carbon, and has gaseous clouds. The planets crust is torn apart by massive canyons. These can be used to cheaply acess resources that would otherwise need to be extracted through long processes. Scerge also has lava lakes, contained in some canyons and craters.

I realy hope we see something akin to this in ksp 2. The planet may be dead, but it would truly be a lively place to explore. 

Edited by PlutoISaPlanet
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How about Gilgolly:  a slow-motion concretion  (ala Ultima Thule) of 4-5 roughly spherical, Pol-Gilly sized Kerbuiper Belt objects,  each with  different colors and compositions. It  has recently been captured into a highly eccentric and inclined orbit by one of the gas giants, and is now early in the process of getting turned into one spherical object by tidal flexing and heating. The fissures between the separate bodies  have several large, continually gas-venting openings that lead to a system of massive internal voids, at the center of which is a growing spherical body of liquified material. Evaporation from the developing liquid core generates a ~15kPa internal atmosphere that is half oxygen and half nitrogen, and thus supports air-breathing engines.  Some of the individual bodies can be mined for LF/O with very high efficiency.

....or perhaps Oy: an Io-like body that is in a super close, tidally locked orbit around its gas giant parent and has an SOI that actually penetrates into its parent's upper atmosphere. This would perhaps make it possible to  fly from the depths of the parent body and then get a gravity assist to orbit entirely on wings. 

... or maybe  Pip: A small but hyper-dense body, with a surface gravity like Eve's but little/no atmosphere. Very hard to land on, but resource-rich, perhaps even a unique source of some key resource  like metastable metallic hydrogen. Can also be used for insane gravity assists. I would find that fun just about anywhere.

Edited by herbal space program
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Farlo is a small, icy planet that lives far away from a it's parent star. Farlo, despite it's small size, is a pretty dense body. The reason for it's density is that the iron core takes up a large chunk of it's structure (much like Mercury) giving it about the same gravity as The Mun, although being a bit smaller than Minmus. Farlo has 3 moons.


Epim is a captured asteroid about 2 times the size of Gilly, making it the second biggest, and closest, moon of Farlo. Epim is tidally locked, meaning that the side facing Farlo is elongated, while the side facing away, is not. Landing on Epim shouldn't be much of a struggle, with a gravity not much stronger than Gilly's. 

Lunum (Loon-uhm)

Lunum formed from a collision between Farlo and a large asteroid, the collision leaving Farlo with a ring, and a dense iron core. The ring soon formed Lunam, the biggest, and the second closest, moon of Farlo. Lunam is about the size of Bop, making Lunum bigger than Farlo, but without much of a core, Lunum doesn't have much mass, so it only has about the gravity of Pol. Landing on Lunum shouldn't be much of a struggle.


Milly is a captured asteroid around the same size as Gilly, making it the smallest, and furthest, moon of Farlo. Unlike Epim, Milly is not tidally locked. Instead, it rotates 2 times a day. Landing on Milly would be a breeze, being Gilly's sister asteroid. 

I doubt some of this is scientifically accurate, but I just did this for fun, I did a bit of research (by that I mean quick Google searches), but overall I just wrote what came to my mind

Edited by DJDoesKSP
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On 7/14/2021 at 3:52 PM, Admiral Fluffy said:

Oh yeah and some moon in a Oval orbit around its parent.

By oval you mean an ellipse, right?

On 7/14/2021 at 7:42 PM, Dr. Kerbal said:

It could be possible. Granted it would have to be made up of something that turns into a liquid at low temperatures or high temperatures. Like lava or oxygen.  Granted I am not a planetary scientist and this is just based of of Wikipedia and Google. 

All liquids have vapor pressures, any vapor coming off the liquid on a planetary surface would form an atmosphere. The only way I see a way around this is if the planet was close enough to the sun to have stellar wind blow off any atmosphere that formed. But in such a case any liquid on the surface would evaporate away very quickly stealing energy from the greater mass of liquid causing it to solidify or evaporate until no liquid is left. So sorry, it's not a realistic option to have a liquid surface with out an atmosphere. :( 

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43 minutes ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

All liquids have vapor pressures, any vapor coming off the liquid on a planetary surface would form an atmosphere. The only way I see a way around this is if the planet was close enough to the sun to have stellar wind blow off any atmosphere that formed. But in such a case any liquid on the surface would evaporate away very quickly stealing energy from the greater mass of liquid causing it to solidify or evaporate until no liquid is left. So sorry, it's not a realistic option to have a liquid surface with out an atmosphere. :( 

Who said KSP was realistic? :P

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1 hour ago, Souptime said:

Who said KSP was realistic? :P

No one in this context, but the person I was responding to had mentioned "It could be possible" in regards to whether a liquid planet with no atmosphere could represent reality.

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10 hours ago, DJDoesKSP said:


Farlo is a small, icy planet that lives far away from a it's parent star. Farlo, despite it's small size, is a pretty dense body. The reason for it's density is that the iron core takes up a large chunk of it's structure (much like Mercury) giving it about the same gravity as The Mun, although being a bit smaller than Minmus. Farlo has 3 moons.


Epim is a captured asteroid about 2 times the size of Gilly, making it the second biggest, and closest, moon of Farlo. Epim is tidally locked, meaning that the side facing Farlo is elongated, while the side facing away, is not. Landing on Epim shouldn't be much of a struggle, with a gravity not much stronger than Gilly's. 

Lunum (Loon-uhm)

Lunum formed from a collision between Farlo and a large asteroid, the collision leaving Farlo with a ring, and a dense iron core. The ring soon formed Lunam, the biggest, and the second closest, moon of Farlo. Lunam is about the size of Bop, making Lunum bigger than Farlo, but without much of a core, Lunum doesn't have much mass, so it only has about the gravity of Minmus. Landing on Lunum shouldn't be much of a struggle.


Milly is a captured asteroid around the same size as Gilly, making it the smallest, and furthest, moon of Farlo. Unlike Epim, Milly is not tidally locked. Instead, it rotates 2 times a day. Landing on Milly would be a breeze, being Gilly's sister asteroid. 

I doubt some of this is scientifically accurate, but I just did this for fun, I did a bit of research (by that I mean quick Google searches), but overall I just wrote what came to my mind

I just realized I posted this at 2 AM...
I need to fix my sleep schedule 

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Not an exoplanet but...

Archurion - A dormant black hole holding Kerbol's small globular stellar cluster together. The black hole's deep gravity well opens up new possibilities for passionate daredevil pilots wanting to push their skills to their highest.

Vulkan - Orbits relatively close to Archurion, going around at several hundreds of kilometers a second. Reaching this planet would be a case of burning retrograde for many days, whittling down the semimajor axis of the orbit before coming within reach of the planets' tiny gravity well.

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19 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

No one in this context, but the person I was responding to had mentioned "It could be possible" in regards to whether a liquid planet with no atmosphere could represent reality.

Its KSP, anything that is possible is possible. 

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2 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

anything that is possible is possible. 


Yes and anything that is blue is blue.

Anyway, I think I get what you mean. None the less, the original context of this discussion was based around reality.

On 7/14/2021 at 3:52 PM, Admiral Fluffy said:

Liquid without an atmosphere, would be interesting, but unrealistic.

On 7/14/2021 at 7:42 PM, Dr. Kerbal said:

It could be possible. Granted it would have to be made up of something that turns into a liquid at low temperatures or high temperatures. Like lava or oxygen.  Granted I am not a planetary scientist and this is just based of of Wikipedia and Google. 

And in reality, this is not possible for reasons I have mentioned already in this thread.

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Probably more suitable as a 'moon', or 'rogue body', than a proper planet, but...

A tetrahedral, abandoned ancient alien construction.

Essentially a very, very large 4 sided dice shaped 'Death Star' or 'Borg Cube' type thing.  Big enough that it has a tangible, atmosphere that forms a bubble over the central portion, but the corner 'peaks' protrude above it (like mountains out of an ocean).  

Over thinking a bit, but...  the corner peaks would be massive empty fuel tanks, or a similar hollow low mass construction, so the bulk of the mass would be concentrated at the centre which would be why the atmosphere can retain the 'bubble' over the centre and the peaks protrude.  The central core could even be a small natural moon that the structure was built around.

Edited by pandaman
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Not a planet but, a star system like VFTS 352 where 2 binary stars are so close, they're touching each other.

And heck, why not make another star system that just got born a few million years ago? One where, while there's minerals and materials that are abundant in exposed cores of proto-planets, there's also a huge chance to get well, crushed by asteroids.

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12 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

New Idea!
A planet that has Co2 oceans and a thick antmoshere.

A thick atmosphere so dense as to be measured at about ~150 bars. The mass and size could be close to our Neptune. This should prove to be significantly hard to explore and maybe coin a phrase "motel of the universe" because when Kerbals check in, they don't check out. 

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8 hours ago, Dientus said:

A thick atmosphere so dense as to be measured at about ~150 bars. The mass and size could be close to our Neptune. This should prove to be significantly hard to explore and maybe coin a phrase "motel of the universe" because when Kerbals check in, they don't check out. 

"You can checkout any time you like, but you may never leave!"

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a yellow translucent gas giant with a very thin small ring. About twice the size of Jool. Not very dense though so still has gravity and atmospheric pressure similar to Jool. Has 3 moons 1 of which has an atmosphere with small amount of ocean of an unknown substance. This moon is very rich in ore and other stuff to mine out most notably rocket fuel and Xeon. We shall call this moon Jane.

Edited by Stormpilot
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alright, first person to reply with a name idea gets to name this one, cause i have got no ideas

A very thick clouded and dark skied planet that is really hard to land on, which causes the land below to have a dark grey tint. The atmosphere is not yet breathable, but minor terraforming might be able to change that.

This planet also has a high chance of rain, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

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