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Why does the first flight training with the hopper fail no matter what i do ?

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So I decided to try KSP out after hearing so much about it but i just did the first flight training with the "hopper" vehicle and the parachute never deploys no matter what i do even tho the tutorial is saying it should deploy automatically. My hopper goes just too fast on descend for it to deploy... I did some research and i found some people talking about the fact that the capsule aerodynamucs were changed but the training were not updated. Is that it ? So it's normal or i'm just plain dumb ?

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Even in the main game getting into a nose down attitude with that design will cause the capsule to go too fast and for the chute to tear off or not be able to deploy.  Going more horizontal, rather than straight up will help and using the WASD controls to get into a tail first or sideways configuration to increase drag will also help. If there was a decoupler on the ship the capsule by itself gets into a stable, high drag descent so it's not much of a problem in game.

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