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Formula to calculate ejection inclination

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    Im writing a KOS script and im trying to incorporate ejection inclination results to my interplanetary calculator. I was able to write code for ejection deltav and ejection angles with the help of Kosmo-not below. Any insight on how to find the formulas to calculate ejection inclination would be awesome.


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Your source assumes coplanar circular orbits. Under those assumptions ejection inclination is always zero.

You should calculate more accurate trajectories and maneuvers by using all orbital elements. It is much more laborious (for both, computer and programmer) but not mathematically very difficult. You find formulas and algorithms with quite clear explanations from the link below. You can calculate inclination and LAN for parking orbit from ejection velocity vector and  parameters of departing body. Improper gravity model of KSP may also cause errors, which can be (very) significant if you plan Moho transfers or transfers between Jool's moons.


Edited by Hannu2
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