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Idea: Scenarios

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KSP 1 has three game modes, sandbox, science and career

suggestion, why limit it to three? have a scenario system and pick the scenario you want

in the scenario you set the starting parameters, have/not have funds, science, what tech is unlocked, what tech tree to use. in effect you could start with the classic three, but maybe also stuff like

sandbox where you already have bases on mun, minmus & maybe Duna (or the KSP2 versions obviously), some orbital stuff - in effect start part way through the game to cut some of the grind or just go play elsewhere

makes career mode a bit more interesting as it could be a bit more focussed, e.g. a more detailed "early years" tech tree, or starting further on, you have a fair bit of tech available, go colonise somewhere

random though, but the point is to make adding this stuff later easy because its modular from the get go

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