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Better part modeling

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You can open up and edit the  .dds textures of any part in  `...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\` with GIMP, but the model/mesh files are .mu which needs some sort of decoder to read (or convert into .obj files). You might need more than Paint 3d to create good collision meshes, since those need to be low poly-count for better performance, but still follow the object mesh closely to be believable.

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7 hours ago, jastrone said:

or just use .obj format while moddeling? i think its the format they use in ksp 1

It really doesn't matter with Unity, it will use any common 3d file format. KSP1 devs used Maya, Autocad, Blender and others. The converter used to get the .MU just rearranges the file to be read by KSP. (Which was Maya in the very beginning.)

I just wish for better documentation for whatever they decide to do for model and texture importing. The methods used for KSP1 was clunky and could be better. (Still much better than other games.)

Edited by shdwlrd
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7 hours ago, jastrone said:

yes i tried once. i  still dont know why you couldnt just take an existing engine file and edit it to make a mod but idk im not a modder.

Well, you can. You can edit the config files directly or with MM. But you can end up running afoul with licensing if you include another person's model.

If you want new models, they will have to be imported using a Unity plugin or the janky .mu exporter for Blender. Either way, both are a pain to use. (For different reasons actually.) The lack of included or linked documentation on how to setup your model, materials, and textures takes too much trial and error just to get the model to work properly. When you don't have time for that, and just want to have a simple list of what's necessary for the part model to work, good luck, there isn't one that I have found yet.

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