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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Career-mode, no mods (cuz I'm a noob and a fool). Launched my most ambitious thing to date yesterday, a 700+ part, 120 ton deadweight of a space-ring. Unnessecary? Completely! But so much fun. My framerate wasn't fantastic though.



Dude, this thing is awesome. How did you make the ring?

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I launched the core of my first space station in a 250km orbit around Kerbin. Right now Jebediah is up there all alone, being the first Kerbal to stay on a space station. :)


Don't want to be negative but that doesn't look like DS9. This looks like DS9!

Very cool, that must have taken awhile to make :)

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Dude, this thing is awesome. How did you make the ring?

Thanks muchly! Took a lot of tinkering, to be honest. I did the ring in four parts, one for each of the big supports sticking out from the center, and then put four of them on the station. Then I just put a couple of struts on the intersections to hold it together. It was a ***** to get into space though, had to mount on giant detachable scaffolds to keep it from falling apart.

Here's one of the ring pieces:


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My Duna re-colonisation initiative called for a station that could host a lander. This is the station as it stands now:


The Duna Spacedock, once complete, will be home to around 12 Kerbals, despite having a capacity for 18 (not including the lander). The lander has been re-used from my previous Duna mission.

However, this type of space station will not be restrained to just Duna; there is one in construction around Kerbin, and there will be one around Pol eventually. Further spacedocks are being considered.


The Kerbin Spacedock II (number II, as the last one was destroyed in an attack by an unidentified fighter craft) is further along the construction process than the Duna Spacedock, but the latter has an orange fuel tank waiting in LKO for its transfer window.

They're also relatively low on parts, with the Kerbin Spacedock at 152 parts so far and requiring only one more orange tank before it's complete. With the optimisations of 0.23 due imminently, higher part counts shouldn't be as much trouble as they currently are.

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As as I have done in the latter days of every version since 0.18 I've concentrated on building a huge station. This time it's a luxury space colony housing a maximum of 256 Kerbals.

Would you agree to share your craft with the rest of the world ? I'm really interested in putting something like that in orbit :)

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Would you agree to share your craft with the rest of the world ? I'm really interested in putting something like that in orbit :)

Isn't it a lot more fun and satisfying to design build it yourself? If you want I can teach you how to build circular designs. It isn't that hard.

Personally I never use other peoples craft. (OK, I downloaded a craft once. But that was only because I had no idea how it was build and I just HAD to know.) I let myself be inspired by other peoples designs and I sometimes try to copy them. But never use them in my space program.

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Isn't it a lot more fun and satisfying to design build it yourself? If you want I can teach you how to build circular designs. It isn't that hard.

Personally I never use other peoples craft. (OK, I downloaded a craft once. But that was only because I had no idea how it was build and I just HAD to know.) I let myself be inspired by other peoples designs and I sometimes try to copy them. But never use them in my space program.

I totally agree with you. But, as yourself did it, it's more like "I wanna see how this is built" I'll be okay with 360° screenshots too ;)

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