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The Helicopter Maximalist Challenge for KSP 1.12.3

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The Mil V-12 prototype was the heaviest helicopter ever built, at 97 metric tons. How big can you make a helicopter in KSP? Can you beat the V-12?

To test your helicopter, take off from the KSC runway or launchpad and fly to the Island Airfield. Land there, take off again, and then return to the KSC in one piece.


  1. For the purposes of this challenge, a helicopter
    1. Is primarily lifted by a rotor or rotors; that is, it can take off vertically under the power of a rotor or rotors, without the aid of jet engines. Jet engines are allowed for lateral propulsion.
    2. Can hover in midair
    3. Can take off and land on a spot
  2. Any kind of propeller, rotor, jet engine, or rocket engine is allowed. No kraken drives.
  3. Your mass is determined by wet mass before takeoff.
    1. You may chose to deliver cargo to the Island Airfield to earn the Cargo Carrier distinction. This cargo should be counted as part of your takeoff mass. 
    2. Kerbals do not count towards your mass.
  4. You may not lose parts during your flight. 
  5. Your vehicle must be kerb'd. 


  • Cargo Carrier: Deliver cargo to the island airfield
  • Kerbal Carrier:  Deliver kerbals to the island airfield.
  • Amphibious: During your flight, land in the ocean and take off again.
  • Precision Landing: On your return to the KSC, land on the roof of the VAB
  • Precision Landing, rank II: On your return to the KSC, land on the roof of the Administration Building






Edited by KingDominoIII
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