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Ship identified as landed, it is not


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Bug ReportNfAVHwzeImk1.jpg?o=1

Launched a large ship with a payload bay into high orbit, released a smaller ship from that bay and planned to take that ship to dune. However the smaller ship is identified as "landed" when it clearly is not. 


Screenshot attached. ( also submited to private Division )

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1 minute ago, LameLefty said:

Very similar to the bug I just reported a few minutes ago. Note too the fact that no trajectory/orbit is shown. I was also able to "recover" a vessel orbiting the Mun. 

Yeah LOL that was my first clue, took me a while to look more closely and see it was identified as landed. Hence, no trajectory, interesting to note that it is still moving and in orbit over time regardless.

Edited by DwightLee
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