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Rotation bugs


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In flight mode after using timewarp sometimes craft starts rotate and its orbital velocity changes. It happens after each using of timewarp. Also when craft rotates using only reaction wheels its orbital and other parameters, like apo/periapsis, target distance, change while it rotates. Also there was bug when craft with sas starts rotate on surface after kerbals left it, maybe problem was in not sas I don't know

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KSP | Windows 11 | i7-12700K | RTX 2080

Very similar situation as the OP.  All I was doing is making orbit change burns around the Mun and time warping to the maneuver node.  All of a sudden, the rotation starts (I think right after coming out of time warp) and then I started capturing video after the top part of the rocket fell off and started orbiting the rest of the rocket.  Strange!  The AP and PE changed during rotation putting the ship on a suborbital flight.  One time I was able to recover from it, the next time is what the video captured.  Log file provided as well.


Log File

Rocket used was a rover sky crane delivery system.  Nothing fancy.




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