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Infinite Discoveries 0.9.9 (1.12.x)


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Infinite Discoveries is a third party program that aims to create fully functional star systems with as little human input as possible!

A fully functional procedural star system generator!


Trailer: (someone please tell me how to centre videos)



Currently features:


(Sorta) realistic star colours

Planet texture generation (now revamped!)

Scatterer and EVE support (including volumetrics!)


Functional atmospheres

Ocean and life generation depending on temperature

Galaxy mode! Simply put the "Infinite_GalaxyMode" folder in GameData and every star (every star after 0.9.6 should orbit around a central black hole without needing to regenerate!)

Customization, minimum or maximum star size, adjustable colours, etc...

Fancy name generation!

Rudimentary Parallax support

Custom loading screens

Tidally locked planets

A custom sunflare!

Changelog for 0.9.8:


Changes in 0.9.9:

The program is now outside of KSP! Install it anywhere on your PC! New Installation instructions included in the .zip and where installation instructions usually are!!

Deflate stars no longer requires Sigma Dimensions!

The program now exists outside KSP, and thus the "GenerateSystem" folder does not need to be removed anymore.

A UI had been added to improve usability.

The program is now multithreaded, making it roughly 6 times faster.

Added support for raymarched clouds. (Infinite_VolumetricClouds folder)

Added two new galaxies to galaxy mode, LMC and SMC.

Added eyeball planets, tidally locked planets will now look like eyeballs due to temperature differences n stuff idk lol.

Added a new type of binary system, where each star has its own planets.

Changed how oceans work, making better shorelines.

Added an optional sunflare.

Improved neutron star graphics.

Various bugfixes.

Improvements to visuals ...And much more that I completely forgot...

Planned features:








Disclaimer: These specific planets are NOT guaranteed to exist in your save due to the nature of procedural generation.


Will this mod be added to CKAN?

No, as of 0.9.9 Infinite Discoveries no longer operates within KSP and instead generates a mod folder inside KSP.




Kopernicus (https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases)

ImageMagick (https://imagemagick.org/index.php) (Optional, best if you could install it though.)

Dependencies for galaxy mode:

NiftyNebulae: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/211892-112x-niftynebulae-a-volumetric-nebula-mod/

or... Singularity: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/193709-wip18x-112x-singularity-black-hole-shaders/

NiftyNebulae and Singularity DO NOT work together!


This mods REQUIRES KSP Community Fixes to disable the maneuver tool!!



Rescale and realistic stars can be accessed in the "Gameplay Settings" config located inside the mod!


How to install Infinite Discoveries:

1. Find a place to put it (anywhere works, except for the KSP directory.)

2. Move the "InfiniteDiscoveries" folder to the aforementioned place you found to put it in.

3. Install ImageMagick (optional, best if you can though) https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php
(ImageMagick is NOT a ksp mod, it is a standalone program! Install it like any other program.)

3.1 (The right version is "ImageMagick-7.1.1-15-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exe" which takes some time to scroll down to.)

4. Install Kopernicus into KSP.

How to use:

1. Run the "InfiniteDiscoveries" shortcut inside the InfiniteDiscoveries folder, you can also make a shortcut to access it easily.

2. Set your target KSP GameData folder in the folder browser.

3. Adjust whatever settings you want.

4. Press the big "Start Generator" button.

5. Wait until the panel on the right says that the generator is finished.

6. Start KSP and enjoy!


Video tutorial:



5. Once the planets generate, you HAVE TO delete the "GenerateSystem" folder due to the game freaking out over DLLs inside it.

5. Once you're done, start KSP! If you installed it correctly, it should work perfectly fine!


You can install Sigma Dimensions for realistic star sizes as it is enabled on default:


Settings for rescale are located in the Gameplay Settings config!


If you want custom loading screens, then Install Sigma Loading Screens: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-LoadingScreens/releases


How to install galaxy mode:

Put the "Infinite_GalaxyMode" folder in your KSP GameData folder!


Additionaly, you can install Sigma Replacements Skyboxes for a completely black skybox https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Replacements/releases

You do not need to generate new stars to use galaxy mode, however all stars generated prior to 0.9.6 will behave strangely.


Okay, so you want to use this with more control... How to install this THE HARD WAY!


Make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Visual Studio Code


Python 3.whatever

Then install the following libraries via pip:

pip install pillow (https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html)

pip install wand

pip install colour

pip install scipy

pip install numpy

pip install noise

pip install wordhoard==1.4.6 (This one is optional, as I don't even think it works normally.)

Install the actual program:

Find the main branch on github, and click the green "Code" button, then click "Download ZIP."

Put the ProcedualPlanets folder in your KSP GameData as you normally would.

Open the .py file in the "GenerateSystem" folder via Visual Studio Code.

Run the file in Visual Studio, I'm not really sure why it doesn't run outside it but that's how it works.

Use the program as usual.







https://spacedock.info/mod/3318/Infinite Discoveries


Regarding using generated content in your own work:
You are allowed to use generated content in your own mods as long as you use the maps/configs as a part of something else. (Be creative, don't just copy them!)

Edited by Sushut
fixed colors for dark mode
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1 minute ago, Pgabrielmnecraft said:

Is it normal to the app just closes when you "Press any key" on the final of the installation? Cuz it said that the download time was 100 minutes and it just closed.

is it when you input the star amount, max planets and max moons or is it when it already generated the planets

oh my god... windows deleted the empty folders again

please stand by whilst the functional version gets uploaded!

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32 minutes ago, Pgabrielmnecraft said:

Is it normal to the app just closes when you "Press any key" on the final of the installation? Cuz it said that the download time was 100 minutes and it just closed.

hey good news, I fixed the issue you were having! the fixed version is on the github page currently

i had the same issue and it was because windows deletes empty folders when making zip files

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18 minutes ago, spacegamer7 said:

i kinda have a problem where the shortcut leads to the documents file? do you know how i could fix it?

you can directly run the exe in the GenerateSystem folder

also the newest version should have this issue fixed, assuming you're not using the newest version

Edited by Sushut
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3 minutes ago, spacegamer7 said:

right after i open it, on all occasions.

did you get the mod from spacedock or github?
do you know the exact version of the mod?
did you accidentally delete any important folders?
can you try redownloading then reinstalling the mod?

oh yeah forgot to ask, what operating system are you running it on?

Edited by Sushut
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2 minutes ago, spacegamer7 said:

i downloaded it on github, and i used the latest version, i did not delete any files, i tried redownloading it 4 times, and im on windows.


i just downloaded the latest version and it ran perfectly fine for me, do you have any antivirus programs that might prohibit exe files from literally doing anything?

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1 minute ago, spacegamer7 said:

the basic windows antivirus possibly?

Likely not, since I have that too.

also, do you use windows 10 or 11? there might be a chance that the exe just won't work on windows 11

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