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Even If We Had Tiny High Density Power Sources We Still Would Not Have Handheld Phasers.... Right?


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In scifi it is common for characters to wield particle or laser beam pistols powerful enough to cut through steel easily. As in it would penetrate several inches of steel in seconds.

We do not have a power source tiny enough that we could put in a gun to do that.... but even if we did there are two possible showstoppers:

Waste Heat: Would be high, so high you would be advised to have disposable casing to drop with each shot to get rid of it. Much like normal guns do. Even then I doubt that would be enough to counter all the waste heat generated by a beam that can cut through several inches of steel in seconds. Which leads to gun failure or worse.

Radiation: Particle beams cause dangerous radiation, so you really don't want to be in a fire fight with them... since if the beams don't hit you the scattered radiation will and so will cancer if you do it often enough. Laser beams reflect off anything shiny and would easily blind anyone without eye goggles designed for laser protection.


Conclusion: I do not think high powered particle or laser beam guns that are handheld will ever rival regular guns for lethality and ease of use as well as cost.


Assuming we did have a high power energy source for a laser or particle pistol, we could not fully exploit it anyway without destroying the gun. We could use it on lower power settings for cutting through stuff gradually but that's it. Better as tools than weapons.

Taking a DEW pistol to a gun fight is like taking a pressure washer to a gun fight. More likely to injure or annoy than actually kill since you would not be able to use the max power you have available.




I would love to be proven wrong but don't think wilI be.




Edited by Spacescifi
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2 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

Conclusion: I do not think high powered particle or laser beam guns that are handheld will ever rival regular guns for lethality and ease of use as well as cost.

Matter is just really dense energy.   It is hard to beat throwing chunks of matter.  Throw it hard enough and it might as well be a fusion bomb

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Even welders use protective equipment like gloves and face shields to protect themselves from heat, sparks and UV light. And welding is nowhere near as energetic as phaser shot able to punch through steel plate instantly. In real life, it would probably give the shooter second to third degree flash burns.

Unless we come with a way to control that heat, we will need power armor to use handheld DEW's.

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1 hour ago, Spacescifi said:

Phasers are particle beams... fictional nadion particles notwithstanding.

Firstly, no they aren't. Secondly,

13 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

laser beam pistols


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i dont think any hand held energy weapon will ever be as good as a slug thrower. especially when we get to miniaturizing guided munitions. soldiers are already starting to get aimbots.

Edited by Nuke
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3 hours ago, Nuke said:

i dont think any hand held energy weapon will ever be as good as a slug thrower. especially when we get to miniaturizing guided munitions. soldiers are already starting to get aimbots.

Agree, more so then you start to think about smart gun sights who is already a thing to some degree. In short the sight is more like an tanks firing computer than an scope so it correct for stuff like target distance and movement, and the easy stuff like temperature, air pressure and elevation change. You would probably want an second trigger for fire then gun points at target. Yes its a bit weird as tanks track the target, but battleship guns was to heavy to move like this so computer fired then ship roll pointed the gun correctly. Assume smart guns would work the same way, they fire as you move over target. Smart bullets would be the next step. including indirect fire. 

Lasers would be perfect for anti air or air to air or air to ground against softer targets.  it would still be heavy but low power stuff.  Still nice on an plane as your target is missiles aiming at you and large gun turrets are heavy and adds drag compared to an laser who is lightspeed. 

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