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Not my finest screenshots, but probably my silliest project in KSP. For your entertainment we present:

The Pratt & Witless GlowWorm Ic (Exploded View)


The Pratt & Witless GlowWorm Ic (Exploded View) is quite an unusual jet. Due to a poorly-read schematic, it comes pre-exploded, which will probably save time.

Actually, despite it's pre-exploded aspect, the GlowWorm (Exploded View) can still explode, as Jeb will shortly demonstrate.

Take Off


A little wobbly at first (possibly due to uncontrollable giggling) but Jeb is unperturbed.

In the Air


Now we've got the GlowWorm (Exploded View) off the ground, it's time to see what she can do...

Mach 1


Surprisingly, the GlowWorm (Exploded View) hits Mach 1 @ 2.5km without exploding any further.

Mach 2


Encouraged by the lack of rapid unplanned disassembly at Mach1, Jeb takes the GlowWorm (Exploded View) up to higher ground and Mach 2.

Engaging Marshmallows


Mach 2.44 and the GlowWorm starts to live up to its name, as heating begins in earnest.

Mach 3


Mach 3 and all looks good for the GlowWorm Ic (Exploded View).

Mach 3+


At slightly over Mach 3, the GlowWorm Ic (Exploded View) becomes simply the GlowWorm Ic (Exploded).

Edited by -dead-
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Comrades, this is your captain. It is an honor to speak to you today, and I am honored to be sailing with you on the maiden voyage of our motherland's most recent achievement. Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversary — The Enemy Navy. For forty years, your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game and played it well. But today the game is different. We have the advantage. It reminds me of the heady days of Stayputnik and Yuri Kerman when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Well, they will tremble again — at the sound of our silence.
Comrades, our own fleet doesn't know our full potential. They will do everything possible to test us; but they will only test their own embarassment. We will leave our fleet behind, we will pass through the enemy patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city, and listen to their rock and roll... while we conduct combat drills. Then, and when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter, while we sail to Kavana, where the sun is warm, and so is the...comradeship. A great day, comrades. We sail into history.

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How do we even add images properly? 

Edited by Tw1
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