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Decided to take my new version of Thunderbird 2 out traveling to see some of the lovely sights on Kerbin. 

And by the way - have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE the scatterer mod? Particularly when coupled with EVE or stock atmospheric effects mod? My god - makes Kerbin and anywhere else with an atmosphere so beautiful!! 






Near the North Pole of Kerbin, there's a mountain range that looked like some awesome scenery, so I dropped down to do a little low level canyon flying before bringing TB2 in for a landing in some of the roughest terrain you can imagine.












Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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More KSP goodness :D

On the exploratory fronts, probes have been put around Mun and Minmus, Eridani station is taking shape around the latter moon (no pictures currently available), and we've just wrangled a C-class asteroid into a 950km equatorial orbit.



Clearing the cloud tops.


The Granite-class hauler is a manned asteroid wrangler with considerable force behind it.


The Granite approaches its quarry, ready to latch on and release some of its stabilising drones.


A few hours later, the ship is circularising its 950km orbit.


With a huge amount of fuel to spare, the Granite must now prevent another C-class rock from hitting Kerbin in just a matter of days. This first asteroid will be studied up-close very soon, as the crew of the Granite had to prep her for rendezvous with the more immediate threat.

As for the military front, the first Daemon fighter has been brought back down from orbit after completing its tests. Though it partially disintegrated, the pilot escaped unharmed.


More Daemons are due to launch soon. However, the first Virtuous-class frigate has been launched into orbit:


Perhaps not the most well armoured ship in the world, but her Point Defence Cannons should prove more than adequate enough to keep her safe.


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On 20/03/2016 at 9:00 AM, Logan.Darklighter said:

Decided to take my new version of Thunderbird 2 out traveling to see some of the lovely sights on Kerbin. 

And by the way - have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE the scatterer mod? Particularly when coupled with EVE or stock atmospheric effects mod? My god - makes Kerbin and anywhere else with an atmosphere so beautiful!! 


Very nice.

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On 3/19/2016 at 4:29 AM, max_creative said:

I would post my dres two launch, but I: A. Do not know how to take screenshots on a Mac keyboard B. Don't know how to use imgur (I tried earlier today) but yeah. So no 1200 ton launch photo. Sorry. :(

For a Mac, I think I used to do it using 'Shift' then the function key? If my memory is wrong, you can try this: 


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I've built a 'small' station around Kerbin; New York Outpost is more intended to support fighter pilots who need breaks from their patrols, though other crew do reside there:




Exo Clipper shuttle en route to NYO.


For a small station, New York's actually fairly generously sized...

Also, the Savannah-class Corvette just launched into orbit. Though she may look innocuous, especially as she lacks armour and torpedoes, she packs a heavy punch and is pretty manoeuvrable.


The design is based on the MCRN Scipio Africanus from The Expanse TV series, but I only know what that ship looks like because of a picture or two I saw of her; the TV series isn't available over here in the UK yet :( (We do, thankfully, have the books though :D)




Edited by RogueMason
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28 minutes ago, techstepman said:

OMG need to know the visual mods youre using please!

It varies between the screenshots. For all but the last two, I'm running Stock Visual Enhancements, Scatterer and Planetshine. In the last two, I'm using a much older cloud set on the older version of EVE, and I can't remember what it is. Also, all of these photos are taken on a 6.4x scale Kerbin :) 

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6IfAy9X.jpg?1 avl5gby.jpg?1
Preparing for a night launch Beginning of a late night patrol over the skies of the KSC

Waiting for 1.1 to drop has been very difficult for me. Since 1.0.5 came out and the announcement of a pending upgrade to 1.1, I've been hesitant to do a lot of large scale missions. So, instead of building space stations, or Munar bases, I've been perfecting my basic KSP flight skills, to include night flights and planning reentries. So far, the closest I have come, using KER, has been a little less than 17k from the KSC - not bad considering I am dropping in from a 150k orbit! :D

I've also been able to get better at landing aircraft at night, both at the KSC, the island airfield, and even a base I made about 100k ENE of the KSC.



Edited by adsii1970
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