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My version of NASA's NuSTAR Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array. Was hard to build 'right' given the stock parts, but, was fun! have it in kerb stationary orbit.


http://i.i.cbsi.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/06/13/nustar_concept.jpg <-- REAL-- well what its supposed to look like on orbit, which, it totally IS in orbit XD

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Looks pretty much like the real thing. :)

thanks! its close sure enough, but, I would have liked to stack to HECS side by side at the end of the arm with the 'lenses" for a more accurate look and have gold foil, but, yeah, I like it alot! gonna try to do more NASA ish missions. I have a LADEE on this forum a few pages back, close, but, not quite accurate, forgot the pair of RCS thrusters XD

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from page 434 of this thread, my take on LADEE, like I said, not 100% accurate, but, close enough XD even put it in equitorial retrograde orbit like the real thing will be in a month or so XD I deorbit mine when/if NASA does theirs XD

In honor of the Launch of LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere Dust Environment Explorer) I made this:


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from page 434 of this thread, my take on LADEE, like I said, not 100% accurate, but, close enough XD even put it in equitorial retrograde orbit like the real thing will be in a month or so XD I deorbit mine when/if NASA does theirs XD

In honor of the Launch of LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere Dust Environment Explorer) I made this:


Hey, I made one too! Forgot the cone though. :confused:

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Nevermind. *starts crying.

Haha I explain in more detail here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47354-We-do-it-because-it-is-hard-the-Eeloo-Challenge?p=639207&viewfull=1#post639207

The Kerbin constellation was a test before setting up my Eeloo Walker constellation.


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One new asparagus drive segment:


Guess where I'm going!

Munrise and simultaneous sunset = beautiful time for a launch.


Bye lifter engines!


Clean up mission:


While I was attaching the engines to that big drive segment:


Totally suspicious.

I'm going to launch a spy satellite weather satellite to go check things out.

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The recently arrived Utility Truck reverses in to dock with the mobile Laythe Outpost 984445CFC8C6BB3ACEAF287145FB1F959CF73253

To then head towards the flatter first Laythe Landing site. 8E4FB6651E44272003D8D20099BFD39BF238981B

Just slightly more than a kilometre away from their target they discover something curious (shiny). F5DDE7F1D5CD20E7D2998C2B55C70896B93DB171

They believe it may be a minor part that has broken off the spaceplane during the last visit. However as Danster Kerman approaches the shiny object, it disappears. 7F2DB5778C5CF46EA0B146BCA74AE689748E00A1

Slightly confused they drive on only to notice the object starting to glow again as they depart. Danster approaches it again making sure he wasn't just casting a shadow on a broken off mirror.

But the glow stops again, and he can't find anything on the ground.

He wonders if he may have found a glowly lifeform, hiding in the ground of Laythe!

(No seriously has anyone found something like that on Laythe before? It looks like a lensflare right on the ground. No it's not debris.

And no it's not the sun or another planet shining through the ground, since it sits right on the ground when I rotate my camera around it. But if I walk up to it, it just disappears.

Could just be a lighting glitch, or a clever way of using the behaviour of lensflares to make an easter egg.

Space fire flies! Laythe even looks like the planet in Stargate Universe that had space fireflies on it...

I know there is white spots in the distance on the ground of Laythe everywhere, but those are just the far pixelated versions of the ground scatter rocks as far as I could tell. Maybe a few of them are this instead.

Maybe it's not an intentinal easter egg, but finding something unexpected is always fun, even if you need a bit of an imagination. :P )

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When I launched my Kethane mining into orbit, I used my heavy lifter (jump + 32 rockomax tanks, mainsail, with 6 of the same as boosters all feeding the central stack). Given that the Kethane miner was pretty light on launch (doesn't carry much fuel, and the Kethane tanks are empty and weighted all of 1.6 on launch), and the boosters still had some fumes in them when I got to orbital height and was starting to burn for the rest of orbital velocity. Without thinking, I put the hammer down all the way I think while in map mode, and the ship exploded. This is what I caught of the aftermath, I didn't even read the freaking flight log because I guess I was so confused at the time.

This is what it looked like when I launched it:


This is what it looked like after:


I'm not entirely sure how the crash played out. I'm sort of kicking myself for not reading the flight log on that one. I think the boosters broke free first, and two of them must have collided with the rocket itself. Perhaps there was even a staging error or something and the nuclear engines turned on during seperation, which would neatly explain why 4 survived, and the explosion could have taken out something above the jumpbo tank and caused the rest of the ship to be destroyed. Even the forward docking port came off. Unfortunately, it was also a foreshadowing event. I successfully relaunched it, but had to bring the ship back to Kerbin with plans to put the crew on an upgraded version. It ran out of fuel on the way down, and the nacelle mounted parachutes consequently tore the ship apart when they fully opened, despite the best efforts of the RCS system which was a last ditch hope to both slow it down, and lighten the ship by venting as much fuel as possible. Unfortunately, with the Kethane tanks still one third full, without the main engines, I don't think it ever had a chance.

Getting to orbit, or returning from it, the crew of this ship was not destined to survive (they would have died after that explosion no matter what, I wasn't going to be able to bring another ship in to retrieve them, the ship was already descending back into the atmosphere from about 95km).

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Where do you guys keep getting that tree? Also Giggleplex777, nice...what on earth is that classified as? EDIT: I'm unsure if I have posted these here before...:

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New version of it:

Here's the .craft file if anyone's interested: http://www./download/kwxx45jz8q067t4/Propeller_Testbed_v1.craft


How to run:

1. Hit space.

2. Activate SAS

3. Switch to propeller (With [ or ] )

4. Hold Alt + Q until the roll pointer in all the way to the left.

5. Switch to the vehicle ( [ or ] ).

6. Try on to tip over! :)

Now twice as fast!

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