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Back from my vacation! :D Also I went to the north pole.

Defiance Aerospace's esteemed high-altitude transport AX-540 Tempest, set to carry 7 bored Kerbals to the north pole, led by none other than Bill Kerman! Bill really likes their new space suits, and he loves showing it off to the media crew.


A little bit later, leaving KSC. You can see the really (really) big mass driver sticking out into the sea.


The polar ice caps are in sight!


Touching down, and taxi'ing over to the spot where the camera freaks out...


And there we go! Polar mission complete, so group photo time! Snacks for everyone!


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“Always aim for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.†- W. Clement Stone


Leaving Kerbin by XkaOnslaught, on Flickr

an earlier 2 man lander design inspired from some other design i saw in another thread


Mun Landing by XkaOnslaught, on Flickr

Edited by XkaOnslaught
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just my munar polar kethane scanning station halfway through launch

If you look close at the weird looking parts up top, you can see the shadow of the 2 small lander probes in the cargo bay.

One of them crashed due to too little fuel, and the other ran out of battery power before descent, because I forgot to open the solar panel :rolleyes:

this picture is my desktop right now haha


This is a pretty neat-o lookin' station with the kethane scanner at the back of the cargo bay like that

before probe deployment, en-route to the mun.


can't wait to have more time to play this game once school starts back up...

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I just dropped a probe into Jool's atmosphere and all I got were these lousy pictures:


Laythe, Jool and the probe


A Laythe-set as the probe went over the horizon


That's the sun as the probe entered Jool's upper atmosphere. Just off to the right of the sun, you can see Vall as a little dot...

Actually looking at these pictures, I guess they aren't so lousy. :)

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A new vessel I'm testing out, minus a couple probe landers and satellites and a Dragon capsule. I'm hoping to send this to Jool. Anybody have some really good designs for super tiny probe landers that can land on Bop, Pol, and Vall?


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Jeb on recycling duty.



Totally not the main benefit of having my base here...


Approaching 600 parts, and the lag is getting bad. And I'm supposed to be able to launch ships here...

Just a normal day...


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