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HOCgaming's THAT'S NO MOON! Base - Craft Submission Thread


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Another shot at transporting 2 rovers and two habitat modules at the same time. 3 attempts, 2 failed due to lack of fuel. I finally got the right mix of fuel onboard. Needed 1865 fuel to break my 100km orbit around Kerbin and get to the moon for a high descent landing.

I still don't like the rovers. Boarding is tricky, I didn't put enough batteries onboard, and they don't seem to work with the mecjet rover autopilot. On the other hand, they don't tip over as easily.

On our way:






Time for a drive:


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A cannon? Don't you think that seems a little... unrealistic. Why not a vehicle that transports kerbals to and from. Possibly a fuel station for it. It would add more to the base and is a little more realistic.

It's for Recreation and Orbital Transport. Think of it as the suction tubes from Futurama but more, free-flow :P

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Cannon for Assisted Launch from Mun.

Named in honor of Jules Verne.

Hammer Wizard Engineers, Deciding that the Verne was too much cannon for the Mun, went back to the drawing board to craft a new, safer, more accurate and reliable C.A.L.M device. May I present:

Little Verne


Feature List:

Capable of independent hovering and landing in the Mun's gravity with small radial thrusters.

Thrust to Weight Ratio on the Mun is greater than 2.

Center of Mass is aligned with Center of Thrust of radial thrusters. (Mostly, still tips forward slightly)

Radial Thrusters provide 2000dV of thrust for redeploying.

Kerbals can reach the launch platform with ladders, using no RCS fuel.

1By default, launches Kerbals at a 10 degree incline.

2Incline may be adjusted to 15 degrees to account for landing on rough terrain.

3Landing wheels can be deployed to easily rotate the cannon using only the Lander Can's torque.

4Probe located on back of cannon may be used as an aiming sight, to align the navball with the cannon.

5Docking port is aligned with the standard port configuration.

Docking port's position allows Rovers to add stability or refuel cannon.

IVA window allows easy viewing of launched Kerbals.

Capable of launching Kerbals into Munar orbit with more than 40% RCS Pack fuel left. (depends on orbit)

Full throttle can safely be used when launching.

The Little Verne is composed of 39 parts and weighs 18.66 tons.

Action Keys:

Action Group 1: Extend Ladders

Action Group 2: Toggle Wheels

Action Group 3: Toggle Legs

Action Group 4: Toggle 10-15 Degree launch

Action Group 5: Toggle Radial Thrusters

Action Group 0: Toggle Rocket Cannon

Mediafire Download

Firing Procedure:

1. Position Kerbal on Launchpad

2. Make Sure Throttle is set to 0

3. Press 5 and 0 until all engines are deactivated.

4. Throttle up to 100%

5. Press 0 to launch Kerbal

6. Press X to cut all throttle

7. Press [ or ] to swap to flying Kerbal

-Hammer Wizard

Edited by Hammer Wizard
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Introducing: 5donuts' Personnel Cannon!

Screenshots available at: http://5donuts.imgur.com/all/

New! Improved! Ultralite! Only 7.932 Tons! Only 57 parts!

You want it? It's a lean, mean 29.34 KB! Get it from http://www./?1k9ab9mje5ttpxw

Conceptualized, Designed, Tested, and Advertised by 5donuts!

Edited by 5donuts
forgot to include part count the first time around :(
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Introducing the: Interplanetary* Kerbal Launcher!

This little launcher gets the job done! No screwing around here in One-Way Industries, we like to get to the point, which means it is inexpensive and light!

And by light, we mean a measly 6.33 mass!

To control it, you use the 1st action group to deploy the ladders, and the 2nd action group to toggle on/off the high-radiation engine!



Head of One-Way Industries, inc

Download of .craft file: http://www./?ww8fvoxxcxhoa5h (21KB)

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My name is ReinardKuroi and this is my submission - the MKC-x2.3 "Egyptian" - Munar Kerbal Cannon by BlackFox inc.

It is 38.7-something tonns, has two symmetrical launch pads and 4 wheels to rotate it the right way.

As you can see from pics (http://imgur.com/a/voPna#0) - it is kinda... OP, I think. ~1km of delta-V for a single kerbal.

I've already built such stuff and landed (exploded :/) a kerbal on Duna, launching him from an orbit that practically was on the edge of Kerbin SOI. So, I just used a kind of the same design with counter-force engine.

How I did it:

1) place a kerbal on pad;

2) switch, throttle up;

3) press 1;

4) press 2;

5) We have liftoff!

WARNING: Do not switch to kerbal immediately - everything explodes!

Download link: http://www./?qshgjjm97y2i7jz

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Name of Utility Munar Orbi-transfer Cannon (M.O-T.C)

Screenshots - http://i.imgur.com/WNw7DV6.jpg?1 / http://i.imgur.com/fPmmHMp.jpg?1 / http://i.imgur.com/hSnbMY4.png?1 / http://i.imgur.com/FCT5Z3D.png?1 /

Total Mass of Utility - 18.877 (69 Parts)

Utility's .CRAFT File- http://www./?4sah3688qldphmr

Vyker/Ryan Smales

Extra Notes:

Steering/Propulsion: Due to the strange nature that the wheels are set out, the steering and propulsion system (To actually move the Cannon) is relatively fragile. Although it is able to reach speeds of 20+ KM's, do NOT attempt to turn at this speed, otherwise the top heavy cannon will hit the ground like a rock!

Proper Use: The M.O-T.C operates as follows: 1 = Engine Toggle 2 = Solar Panel Extension.

Recommended Throttle: Although the cannon can be throttled up to full and activated with the hull remaining intact, it is not advisable as the whole thing becomes extremely unstable and fuel is wasted very quickly. Only two quick taps of the 1 key at a quarter throttle are necessary for Orbit.

Docking: There are four docking ports on the steering column of the cannon, the two on the sides are for refueling and storage, and the other two vertical ones are for transport. Get back to me if the docking ports are too low or high and I will re-align them.

Energy Generation/Storage: There are two gigantor solar arrays on either side of the cannon for stationary generation and four Thermo-Electric Generators to accommodate when the Sun is hidden. There are also four battery packs on the cannon to provide sufficient energy storage.

The rest I hope you can gather from the pictures themselves, and I hope to see my cannon soar through the stars on its way to the THAT'S NO MOON! base site :D

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Introducing H.E.U.R. (Hostile Environment Unmanned Rover) Beetle 1b !

Usage : unmanned rover to explore the most hostile environments, where kerbals cannot go, even in a spacesuit !

394e5b97-fedf-47e2-b31c-e3bd83102dd1.jpg 3c24d342-1957-49e0-ac08-b54098d911b3.jpg

Very stable, thanks to its lowered center of mass, the Beetle 1b can take a bend at full speed without flipping upside down on Kerbin, and is also very stable on low gravity planets and moons such as Mun and Minmus, but please consider that it is NOT totally unflippable in low gravity. However on Minmus if the combination of low gravity and speed can flip it, it has a good chance to make a complete loop and land back on its wheels without any damage, even with extended solar panels ;)

b35ef48a-6ed5-4672-af25-8aa177c71f37.jpg 0dbeb067-bf6e-4a36-a61f-6c8651c3d5e6.jpg 6541befe-a8e0-48fc-844d-7b67e62270e8.jpg

Equipped with 7 batteries, 2 solar panels and 8 RTGs, as well as 5 Illuminators, it has a high range even when travelling in dark zones.

This rover is delivered with its U.R.S (Unmanned Relay Skycrane) Insectoid 2

The Insectoid 2 has a large but not excessive amount of fuel to ensure it can land in a safe place if the first landing site you choose proves to be too much uneven to allow landing without preventing the skycrane from overturning. Its antennas allow the use of the rover from a safe distance, while its batteries and solar panels grant him with enough energy to act as a relay as well as to use its Illuminators to land in night areas.

dce95e3c-f80f-4812-baa6-30faa5905f1a.jpg fbf0c3e7-943e-4fc6-b067-ac63b4289a0b.jpg fb52ac64-dd38-4b66-b732-5042c6970b7c.jpg

Rover : http://rapidshare.com/files/1137960047/rover_Beetle%201b.craft

Skycrane : http://rapidshare.com/files/3362574031/skycrane_Insectoid%202.craft

Edited by Volcanosf
Re-uploaded the skycrane .craft file without Mechjeb modules
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I tried my cannon out on the Mun, and found that the Kerbal's RCS fuel is very limited. I could get quite a long ballistic trajectory (and quite high as well), but was nowhere near orbit. Mine could only do vertical and ~60 degrees above horizontal, so going for lower angles might help (frankly, I think the best bet would be an elevated horizontal/ ~10 degrees above, and go for a Newton's cannonball type approach - basically what Hammer Wizard has gone for).

Hope this helps.

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I know this is late but I spent days working on it (because i made the mistake of having a life) and I believe it can fill a role within the colony.

It has 66 parts and comes in at just under 20 tons, but has been tagged with the designation Heavy Mun Truck due to its 100+ parts/60 ton original mock-up.

The HMT-5 comes with a standardized docking clamp on the left and right side, as well as one facing upward on it's center of mass to accommodate docking with a future skycrane.

What of the purpose of this mini-monster though? It's a truck, you say, certainly it can carry things? Yes indeed.

1730 battery juice, 750 monopropellant, 720 liquid fuel, 880 oxidizer, and 1400 xenon, more than enough to refuel all but the most extravagant landers, rovers, and rockets.





Does it get better? YES!

You may have noticed it has landing legs to allow it a smooth landing without having to worry about bumping the docking clamps too hard. They also make this a stable platform for a makeshift base if needed.

Does it get better? YES!

It also comes with radial engines! Though not part of the intended design it could potentially make an orbital rendezvous to give a stranded rocket a much needed jumpstart.

Does it get better? YES!

I have taken the liberty of installing four flood lights in the front to give you maximum visibility during the long munar nights, as well as a wide beam light on the left, right and rear of the rover to allow for best visibility when approaching a potential docking mate.


The drawbacks are limited.

My computer has no graphics card so I have not been able to do any mun testing, however it worked quite well on Kerbin. The wheelbase has been made as wide as i can get away with without adding unnecessary parts and weight, but as with all rovers it's not the most stable when making fast turns. Another issue with non-munar testing is that i can't guarantee the viability of the radial engines, but they were mostly added as a gimick because the rover was originally meant to be lowered via skycrane (which is why it has a clamp for it).

Even if this is not used on the moonbase, I would like it if this were picked up by somebody who can tweak in a setting with more than 10 FPS =)

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Name of Utility

Kerbal Howitzer Mk3





Total Mass of Utility

17.87 with 76 parts.

The mass of the cannon without the landing platform and command pod is 10.345 with 39 parts.

The landing platform makes it easy to land the cannon safely. And is also added to centralize the mass to the center of the command pod.

Action Groups

1 - Toggles front landing legs.

2 - Toggles rear landing legs.

3 - Extends ladders.

0 - Fires the cannon.

8 - Removes landing platform (*CAUTION* The platform will shoot out behind the craft and self destruct in 5 seconds. "maybe")

Utility's .CRAFT file


My Name


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The Hephaestus Cannon Mk. II!

Constructed with the best duct tape money can buy, this cannon can easily get any Kerbal into any orbit you desire (And possibly one you don't.)


Consisting of 65 parts and weighing in at 37.975 tons, this cannon comes fully equipped with the following:

-Docking ports on both sides for easy refueling

-Powerful radial engines for powered descent and landing

-A very wide base, increasing stability during landing and use

-Fully self-sufficient power supplies

-Convenient ladders and diving board

-Lights for night use


Jebediah Kerman prepares for the ride of his life.


Typical trajectory.

With the engines at just 33% throttle, this cannon will easily launch any Kerbal up to 115,000 meters (Terrain elevation and slope may affect final trajectory, as in the pictures above). One tick higher than 33% on the throttle, and Kerbals can be launched up to 285,000 meters!

WARNING: Do not attempt to use cannon with throttle any higher than 40%. If you do, the Kraken itself will grab the poor Kerbal and launch him/her 90 degrees straight up at interplanetary velocities. Proceed with caution.

Once on a ballistic trajectory, a quick burn at apoapsis is all it takes to achieve a stable orbit. A near-circular orbit can be easily reached with 40% pack fuel remaining, more than enough for any adjustments you may need to do.


Orbit achieved with 40% pack fuel, apoapsis is at 140,000m, periapsis is at 119,000m

Action Groups:

1.) Toggle Ladders

2.) Toggle Cannon

3.) Toggle Radial Engines

4.) Activate Lights/Satellite Dish

Simple, elegant, and easy to land, the Hephaestus Cannon Mk. II is more than enough for your Kerbal-flinging needs!

Download here: http://www./?9ubm0amsyvc38e8



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