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[0.21.1] KAS v0.4.3 - Struts, pipes, part storage, containers, merged winches & more


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It seems to be intensely buggy and it looks like the author is MIA or found something else to do

Not sure what version you use, but its far from "intensely buggy". Not to mention this was updated less than a week ago...

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So I'm having an issue with KAS and was hoping someone here has some suggestions as to what's going on. I currently have a ship in orbit around Mun and I'm trying to connect with a rover that's out of fuel.

I EVA with Bob, release the cable a little (magnet already attached) and fly Bob over and grab it. Then when I start heading towards the rover, the cable disconnects from the magnet Bob's carrying and stretches out into space, over 3 km. I've saved and reloaded at every point during the mission I can think of and the issue is persistent.

The ship and my game (0.21) are pretty well modded so a clash is possible.

Currently running:

Kethane (rover uses Kethane tanks)

Mechjeb (on the ship and rover, not in use)

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Flight engineer (on ship)

TAC fuel balancer

Avialion Lights (on both)

Spherical Tanks w/ radial mount adapters (ship)

Damned Robotics/MagicSmoke parts (both)

B9-Aerospace (both)

I think that's all of it.

Also, I have multiple winches on the ship, not sure if that matters though.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.



Sorry they're so dark.


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Can anyone please help? I am trying to connect a ship to a separate module in orbit. I grab the connector with my kerbal, fly over to the connector port and right click it. When i right click, it does not give me the option to "plug", but rather to "unplug"(?) and clicking that option has no effect. However, when i right click another connector port (on the ship containing the winch) the "plug" option is there. Tried searching the forums, to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is my favorite mod.

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Yet it would be helpful to know which mods it doesn't work with so players like me don't get needlessly frustrated when it doesn't work. I guess the only course of action I have is to start uninstalling mods until I get it to work.

There are no prescribed mods with which it doesn't work. I use it fine (albeit with the f5/f9 issue) with:


IonCross Crew Support,

Remote Tech,

Procedural Fairings,

Procedural wings,

Kerbal Alarm Clock,






Infernal Robotics,

Docking Port Alignment Indicator,

Part Catalog,

TAC Fuel Balancer,


EVA Parachutes

and Subassembly Manager.

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It seems to be intensely buggy and it looks like the author is MIA or found something else to do

Sorry, but I can't post every week on the forum, I have a real life and sometime I take vacations to enjoy it :)

About bugs, I only work on my free time, so I can not be as fast as the Squad team.

However, I don't think the mod are "intensely buggy", what I reported so far on 0.21 is :

- Attaching a part in space are not possible sometimes as pointer is always yellow (I have some idea of what is the cause, but I need to confirm this)

- Keyboard control give input to all winches that are physicaly loaded instead of only the one active (to do)

- Alone parts attached on the ground can disapear after a save/load (already fixed on the next version)

- Rover can't turn after been docked with a connector is certain configuration (waiting completion of my new winch module to see if it will fix the problem)

- Floating cable seem to be reported (waiting completion of my new winch module to see if it will fix the problem)

- Grabbed part disapear after entering a pod (already fixed on the next version)

- Sounds can be heared from kilometers (already fixed on the next version)

- Part dropped in space do not resume the correct velocity (to do)

About progress, I'm working on a new winch module. It's a complete rewrite and it will merge the connector and the winch in one part instead of two.

It also feature a better 3D tube style cable (not flexible), instead of a 2D one, and hopefully will fix some bugs that can occur when connecting vessels by using a different method for docking.

The module is pretty experimental right now, so don't expect this feature before v0.5 or v0.6.

I also work to put the source code of KAS on Github, and provide a licence. That need some work on my source files and organisation and I expect this to be done at the release of v0.4.

Finally, for the next version (v0.4), expect to get not one but two new "big" feature. In fact, it turned out that I needed another one thing the make the whole system better, so it take a little more time. For now, I keep the secret of what is it ;)

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Rover can't turn after been docked with a connector is certain configuration (waiting completion of my new winch module to see if it will fix the problem)

Good to hear! Right now this bug is the only thing standing between me and my enjoyment of the mod. :(

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Ah, tres bon! tres bon!

I also have a bug, not sure if this has been resolved or will be resolved in the new update you are working on. My bug is that when I mount an end-of-stack winch to the bottom of a small airship (Hooligan's stuff), it has no functions at all. No action parts functions, no options in the right-click menu outside the hangar, it's basically just a dead weight part. Anyone know what can cause this? If this has been addressed earlier in the posts, please link the page or quote it.

Thank you

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Sorry, but I can't post every week on the forum, I have a real life and sometime I take vacations to enjoy it :)

About bugs, I only work on my free time, so I can not be as fast as the Squad team.

However, I don't think the mod are "intensely buggy", what I reported so far on 0.21 is

That's cool mate, people will be happy to know you haven't simply vanished ;)

One I'd add that I can repeat: If I have a manned ship (or KAS amalgam of ships docked) and dock a new ship to it while the kerbal is still EVA, pieces get dragged all over the place like gravity is working on them. If I take the kerbal back on board before hitting the dock button in the UI, everything is fine.

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So I'm trying to transfer fuel with KAS.

0.3.1 in ksp 0.21.1


Can someone please tell me is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

When going to any of the 3 vehicles right-clicking on the other craft(s) doesn't show their resources. So the game thinks that all 3 are still separate vehicles, why?

As seen in picture, docked mode on, electromagnets with electricity.

- Kethane miner doesnt have ordinary fuel tanks but activating converter doesn't transfer the fuel automatically to anywhere either.

- Fuel from electric generator - fuel lifter doesn't work either

- Tried returning to menu & rebooting, doesn't help

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So I'm trying to transfer fuel with KAS.

0.3.1 in ksp 0.21.1


Can someone please tell me is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

When going to any of the 3 vehicles right-clicking on the other craft(s) doesn't show their resources. So the game thinks that all 3 are still separate vehicles, why?

As seen in picture, docked mode on, electromagnets with electricity.

- Kethane miner doesnt have ordinary fuel tanks but activating converter doesn't transfer the fuel automatically to anywhere either.

- Fuel from electric generator - fuel lifter doesn't work either

- Tried returning to menu & rebooting, doesn't help

You can't transfer fuel with a electro-magnet.

You need to attach a connector port on the destination ship and plug the winch cable connector in it from eva.

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Hey guys, I have a quick question, I love this mod from the little I've used it but Im having a slight glitch. When You Press H to attach a lets say magnet to a ship or anything really It gives me the text saying what to do and its worked once so I know How to do it but it only worked once. After that one time pressing H just brings up the text and i cant attach it to anything i dont get a faded yellow outline. Thanks!

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Hey guys, I have a quick question, I love this mod from the little I've used it but Im having a slight glitch. When You Press H to attach a lets say magnet to a ship or anything really It gives me the text saying what to do and its worked once so I know How to do it but it only worked once. After that one time pressing H just brings up the text and i cant attach it to anything i dont get a faded yellow outline. Thanks!

Quicksave and reload. :)

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Kospy I apologise If I have offended you and your mod but I havent had a lot of success, random things just happen like the winch falls of,the port connectors wont connect taking the magnet from the rack and try to put it back and wont lock in, the function menu disappears, connected stuff becomes unconnected i have tried the quick save idea and returning to the spaceport to no avail

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Very happy to hear that this mod is still being worked on, it's one of my all-time favorites. It gives my EVAed Kerbals tons of things to do and lets me *build* stuff instead of just landing things near each other, and in conjunction with the Attachment Pack it lets me fix soooo many little mistakes without having to launch a whole new spacecraft. Keeps me sane. :)

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Kospy I apologise If I have offended you and your mod but I havent had a lot of success, random things just happen like the winch falls of,the port connectors wont connect taking the magnet from the rack and try to put it back and wont lock in, the function menu disappears, connected stuff becomes unconnected i have tried the quick save idea and returning to the spaceport to no avail

Don't worry, you didn't offended me :) Just wanted to precise that the game is still under development so some bugs can remains. I try to fix the ones I found, but as I didn't have a lot of time to play, I surely miss some of them. For information, when sources will be uploaded on Github, I plan to use the issues tracker to better track them.

Anyway, I do not meet the bugs you quotes in my game. Have you tried to use the mod on a clean install to see if the problems persist ?

Edited by KospY
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At first; thanks for the great mod! I do have one question (must be doing something wrong...). I'm trying to build a kethane station at Ike. This is happening if I connect a cable:


Had the same issue on Minmus:


I was lucky that everything could still work after it went down... Sorry if it is already in this thread, did read around 20 pages :).

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