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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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Challenge #70 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Extra-Kerbin landings: 5

Sir Kenrim adjusted his roller coaster of an orbit and brought himself around the Mun.


As part of his "Green Space" business ethics, he ditched his mainsail stage in a ballistic trajectory. With no sea turtles living on the Mun, he felt he could keep a clean conscience knowing the broken parts would not endanger them.


Finally, he separated and docked with his Munar Module before circularizing.


Challenge: Sir Kenrim is certain that scientists will build a telescope powerful enough to see his flag fly on the Mun from Kerbin. Find a landing site with a good view of home and bring him down. Remember, the lander is separate from the command module, so don't try to land both of them!

File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cON3lrMDdFaS1pRTg/edit

Figured I could knock this out in the half hour before work. Success! I fixed the staging of the whole thing, but I don't know how it got mixed up to begin with. I've flown many missions with this ship without that issue. Just make sure you don't stage anything unless you're sure you know what it's gonna do. Frankly, there's enough fuel that staging will likely not be necessary at all.

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Good job, guys! For those just joining us, here is a sitrep of the space program:

Vessels ready for use...

Sir Kenrim's Lander - Preparing for landing (Mun orbit)

Delta Class Probe - (Minmus orbit)

Bill & Jeb's Excellent Adventure - hybrid rover (Exploring Kerbin)

Jenlorf Kerman - (Exploring Laythe)

Charon - Short range tug/launcher (Kerbin orbit)

Shiva station - Fuel/Science outpost (Kerbin orbit, fuel reserve=25T)

Link Rover - Rover/habitat (Mun surface)

Mun Base Beacon - (Mun surface)

LRA Refueler - Emergency plane refueler(KSC)

Manticore - Probe launching, reusable spaceplane (KSC)

Vessels waiting for events...

Manticore Two - Injection burn in 14 days (Moho)

Jool fuel depot - Transfer in 34 days (Jool)

Hermes I (Jool) - Transfer in 34 days (Jool)

Popcorn - Transfer in 34 days (Jool)

AC Jool Comsat Network - Transfer in 34 days (Jool)

AC Duna Habitat - Transfer in 39 days (Duna)

Kerbosity - Transfer in 39 days (Duna)

AC Duna Station - Transfer in 39 days (Duna)

Blue Eagle/Mr Fuelie - Transfer in 58 days (remaining tug capacity=150T to Eve)

Manticore One - SOI in 63 days (Dres)

Other Vessels...

MunSat mk1 - Idle

Soyuz-117 - Idle

TVsat (eq) - Idle

TVsat (polar) - Idle

Valkyrie - Constructing

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Nice, thanks Psuedo!

BTW, while messing around in the save, the Manticore Two Dres SOI change came up, and at it's approach velocity, there was no way to get a capture with the delta-v available. Dunno if it's too late to do anything about that or if I messed something up somehow, but figured I should bring it up.

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[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 900, align: center]



Challenge #71 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Extra-Kerbin landings: 6

Coming down onto the mun near the ravine


Landed! Sir Kenrim is pretty excited his first words were "Yay!" :0.0: He shall be quoted for generations. "Yay!" ~ Sir Kenrim; First Kerbal to plant a flag on the mun.


Flag planted right where future astronomers can see it. Sir Kenrim hasn't stopped jumping since his first steps.


This is the next challenge to get this into orbit then onto a Minmus encounter.

Herory Kerman is standing by as the top candidate for this efficiency challenge and to lay claim to Minmus with our flag.




My Challenge:

1. Get the Act Corp. Minmus Lander into low orbit. 70-75,000m

2. Transfer to Minmus

Flight Tips:

1. Action groups:

* First group is toggle the legs.

* Second group is toggle the ladders.

* Third group is to decouple the lander from the engine and fuel section.

* The Abort button works

2. Jump and grab the ladder to climb up.

3. There is no SAS or pod torque you will need to use RCS to maneuver.

4. Before Launch control from the top facing docking port under the chair.

5. This ship will get you to Minmus and back but you most likely have to fly the chair back alone as intended.

6 Edit: it seems the landing legs when closed cause the ship to spin lower the legs before launch.


Oh and Domesicabbage i upgraded to the bug fix when i was doing this.

Edited by Actzoltan
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I accept challenge #72

but i may change it into a space race

I'd like this to be the beginning of an ongoing challenge to get this single kerbal to plant his flag on each planet he visits. This rocket should have plenty of fuel to get to the Mun, Minmus and return home where Sir Kenrim can begin planning his long-distance planetary takeover strategies.

Edited by Domesicabbage
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Now that I am off my 18 hour shift where I have been reading every page of this thread I understand wanting the next challenge to be posted!! though if I would take it it would have to be pretty easy.. esp because I have been up for almost 24 hours at this point.. do Kerbals suffer from caffeine jitters?

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Yes for those who are wanting to join in, PLEASE look at at least the last 10 challenges to get an idea of what's going on before you post your challenge. Like with Jenkinz goal with Kenrim Kerman, we should try to set goals to complete his quest!

On an added note, Hawkinator, this would make for a great rule to add since this has grown so much in scale!

And I noticed that the guy who put Kenrim on the mun changed his flag D:

Edited by Reavermyst
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Challenge complete

After falling off the ladder multiple times



I edited the ship and changed the ladder a bit :$

I then finally took offzkEFKmu.png

the ship then kept spinning and spinning and spinning

Then Kemrin Kerman got news of this event Docked with his ship and made way to Minmus :]




Your challenge(#72) is to complete the landing of one of the two ships


Edited by Domesicabbage
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In his hasty launch Kemrin didn't give the engineers back on kerbin time to plot a quick course and Kemrin ended up heading the wrong way! There is no way he was going to allow Act corp to get there first. So the engineers "under the whip" found a path to get him there first!


The engineers finally got Kemrin to agree that a mun flyby was unnecessary and even though he burned more then needed for their preferred trajectory the course correction would still be less then the plan he had sent them on originally.

To the frustration of the engineers Kemrin was enjoying the views and missed thier planned burn. It looks like now he will get a small flyby of the Mun (to the excitement of some of his sponsors) and then make minimus contact before the Act corp. Clearly Kemrin doesn't think ahead and the engineers are hard at work getting a refueler ready to head out and "supplement" his fuel supply. But whatever, Kemrin will do whatever it takes to get there before Act Corp!


Swapping all the fuel from the lander to the main ship was recommended to ensure enough fuel for orbit.. otherwise he would eject out of the kerbin system! Kemrin was optimistic but figured it couldn't hurt.


Once orbit was established a landing site was chosen. This required a small inclination change. Now time to transfer all the fuel to the lander. We had some left to leave in the main ship! Kemrin then EVAed to the lander.


On the far side of Minimus he undocked the lander and make a burn to just skim the surface!


With great skill he piloted his craft to a top of a plateau. slowly slowy coming in for a touch down. little to much acceleration but then a nice soft landing!!


Sir Kemrin has beaten the Act corp to minimus! Now he must look to his next conquest!!

My Challenge to next (#73): Get Kemrin more fuel! The engineers have re-purposed the landing launcher into a make shift refueler. Kemrin has no time to land and relaunch he must prepare for his next planet/moon of conquest! He knows the Act Corp must have something up their sleeve. I have a craft built that should be wonderful as a refueler around Kerbin. (Sir Kemrin Kerman's Refueler).

Objectives:Attempt to get Kemrin back to his main ship and then refuel.

Or Get Act Corp to plant their flag and fulfill their mission or figure out the next move for them.

Hints: Kemrin should have enough fuel to get back to kerbin orbit if you put fuel back into the nuke engine but remember Kemrin should NOT land at kerbin. If he needs a different ship (instead of refueling) an engineer should launch and meet him and they should EVA to swap ships. Engineer can then de-orbit

Act Corp may just leave their attempt to try and beat Kemrin to the next target!

you can see the video of me screwing burns and being stupid with the orbit direction of minimus here and a highlight of the landing!

Save File: If i did everything correctly this should work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2u73yxquqcwv5n/Almost%20Multiplayer.rar

I dont think the alarm clock file is in there though.

I am at 27 hours awake so sorry if this is jumbled or doesnt make sense. Ill be up a bit longer if things need to be changed. Thanks guys! this was fun!

Edited by Ditchbuster
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Challenge #73 Completed

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Total Extra-Kerbin Landings: 8

Next event: Manticore Two course correction in 5 days

Since Kittyhawk United doesn't play sides, not only was Sir Kenrim returned to LKO...

3WBf3Hbs.jpg ojvCom1s.png OyXVR9xs.png


...but also was Mr Herory's landing completed. (the lander flipped when sent on EVA, but has no damage)

iobiSITs.png zGFjdees.png QKnBES8s.png


Having run out of time, we were unable to create a new craft for Mr Kenrim; so that shall be your primary goal! We also have an optional challenge of designing a launcher for Jeb's all-new Cerberus OctoDecaThruster:


It is ~90T, has RCS, a command module, and consists of a modest 49 parts in orbit, which will stymie lag on low-power systems. If you need an ASAS unit to launch it, please place it where it may be detached later.


Good luck, brave kerbals! :)

Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Good! Im glad i havent screwed anything up yet.. I was hoping for an awesome challenge but sleep deprivation set in and I just wanted to finish up the mission so i could get home :) Also things took way longer then they probably should have. I am about to pass out so ill catch all yall on the flip side! Good Luck Psuedo! Cant wait to see what progresses.

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So i um.. built a rocket and completed the challenge YAY

well here is the rocket on the launch pad


I didn't know what to do with the kerbal so i left him there but the rocket is probe powered until you rendezvous with Kenrim where the probe can be detached then de-orbit itself as part of the "green space program"

the rocket itself should work well apart from some issue with the rover being a plane when it was made umm there may still be an issue with random explosions when detaching the outer orange fuel tanks. Have fun!

Your Challenge(#75) should you choose to accept it is to rendezvous the rocket on the launch pad with Kenrim

For bonus points you may design a launcher for Jebs new "Cerberus OctoDecaThruster" see previous challenge

Good Luck

the link is here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMMzYyeHljQkxWVms/edit?usp=sharing

Edited by Domesicabbage
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