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Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) The one thread to rule them all!


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Note: Split from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24538-Postcards-from-Laythe-04-23-3013-18-40-Minor-edits-added due to offtopicness. ~OdinYggd

Everywhere I go you keep posting that, you really won't leave me alone until I do, won't you.

That is the point.

You could just recolor the re-entry one and add a giant satellite on the transmission end.

Edited by ROFLCopter64bit
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Okay. That I didn't see coming... New reason for art delay: I've declared all-out war on a pair of Stoats that have taken up residence on my property and slaughtered over a hundred of my baby chickens. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to be put on my Ghillie suit and lay in a bush with a .22 caliber rifle for a few hours. Gonna get me a pair of new slippers!

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but the stoats are so cute....

Perception A: (Cute little stoat!)


Perception B: (Cute little chicken!)


Reality: (Stoat kills chicken.)

Imagine a picture of a stoat killing a chicken here

Sometimes, reality sucks.

Edited by hawkinator
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I bated it with a dead chickie, in the middle of the lawn... Stoats may be cute but they sure are dim! And as I was hiding in a bush and only 10-12 meters away I had an accuracy of YES. For the next one I'll try sniping from the roof.

So, sweet smell of gunpowder aside, I doodled a bit today, it was good.

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Operation CROSSBOW, anyone?

No, thats a giant laser! My Hyper-V (overpowered celestial orbital cannon) fires activated fusion pellets, which fuses with eveything in a 50 to 10^68km radius on impact/within a countdown with a maximum of 10^7 years (thanks to quantum slipstreaming and exponential fusion growth) for literal timebombs. Also can rip apart some of the universe if you compress the fusion pellets so much they collapse into miniature black hole.

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Nah, death star is too visible, and prone to being blown up every time it makes an appearance. And Roflcopter, stop throwing a bunch of sci-fi and science terms into a sentence, it does not make a superawesome doomsday weapon, I can defeat it using science and real-life physics

So, despite it being gorgeous outside and having an urge to invade my local town, I'll devote today to arting, so STAND BACK!

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Well if you base your space battleship on the Yamato, or ANY of the ships from Iron Sky. Yes, they don't work, they have artificial gravity, anti gravity, theoretical FTL, tachyons, etc. But I was designing a game/story concept that humans only use real/soon real/mathematically sound concept(warp drive) technology.

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Do explain.

Those reactor core thingos?! They apparently use a giant hammer to get energy out of (what I believe is a fusion reaction) but if that did happen then the energy released then the core is exposed should asplode the entire ship! And the german one wouldn't work either, because the Helium-3 is very inefficient compared to deuterium-tritium fusion reactions! And you say that my science things are just sciency words stuck together.

The Hyper-V does use the non-existent quantum slipstreaming, but what it does is grant access to the hyperspace which contains all the wormhole connection thingos and places a fusion pellet in that space to be retrieved at a later date/distant location. Think of it like the nether in minecraft. When you take one step in the nether, its 8 steps in the overworld. If you can abuse this (with time assumingly being frozen in this hyperspace) then you can time delay the fusion reactions and place them very far away. If you think about it, the Hyper-V is merely a teleporter with a high-power lazer array. But I can't say the same for the Hyper-Z.

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