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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Tried sending a probe to Duna for the first time.


Ended up at Jool.


High five!

I almost did the same thing yesterday.

"So what? You have reached an important step in YOUR journey of KSP. What do the other (long time) players have to do with it? :)"

I know. I do feel pretty awesome.

Thanks, KerbMav

And, Sard, How come Bob isn't wearing a helmet? Doesn't he know how dangerous that is? :D

Edited by Mahnarch
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Today i designed and tested new space station parts in sandbox simulation, planned to be launched soon in my .24.2 career.

Main goal is to have more versatility than only large dockable module sections. I want redundancy and the option to repair damaged solar panels f.e. without the need to exchange a complete module.

Also i want the station to be as adaptable as possible – when KSP updates with new parts in the future, which could be science stuff or larger solar panels or new comm equipment or else, i want to stay up to date without launching whole new sections. A light launcher with light payload will be enough to refit most of the stations features. Each equipment or science micro module is equipped with RCS and some of them also with parachutes. So a damaged part can at least de-orbit itself and a science module can safely de-orbit and land on Kerbin to be retrieved for a full load of science.

Overview. Modules from left to right as follows:

Main truss:

Science module - A reconfigurable module, with 6 small docking ports.

Lab module - The standard mobile processing laboratory

Station core - It features an 8 kerbal habitat and 4 senior docking ports for station parts. Located towards the sides are 2 shielded docking ports for small orbital service vehicles

Docking truss - The docking truss features two inline clamp-o-trons, facing downwards. These two ports will be used by crew-, maintenance- und supply-vehicles.

Equipment truss - The equipment truss features 12 small docking ports, allowing it to store spare parts, scientific equipment, probes and satellites

Above the station core:

Multipurpose equipment module - Docked to this module are solar panels and an antenna array. There is one free port to be used by upcoming thingies. This module is also the main energy storage.

Below the station core:

Fuel storage - The fuel storage features a large RCS tank and 4 dockable LFO tanks. This is not meant for large capacity. It holds 2 or 3 complete refills for an orbital service vehicle that yet needs to be designed.

Survey module - This module is used for visual observation of space and for relaxing from space duty. It is also the emergency energy storage.


Closeup of the equipment truss with spare solar panels and spare antenna array and two scientific assemblies


The science truss features six junior docking ports, allowing it to dock a wide arrangement of scientific experiments.


[edit] Just a note - The station in its current state is completely made of stock parts. It will later feature some JSI camera parts from Raster Prop Monitors. This is a work in progress... it will be updated and optimized a few times, before the modules are saved as subassemblies and transfered to the career mode game for in game use.

Edited by Frank_G
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Today I continued my quest to place a 22-Kerbal colony wherever I could reach.


p><p><img src=


p><p>The only places that don

Then I built an even bigger colony - 39 Kerbals, which landed safely on the Mun:

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j314/Goof112/screenshot36.png' alt='screenshot36.png'>

I know there's not much for them to do except play board games, but one day when I feel up to it, I'd like to mod the game so that colonies have to have life support and can actually do stuff in-game. What mods should I keep an eye out for?

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I lost my first kerbal in 0.24.2 today... its a sad day :( memorial services will be held all afternoon


That is heartbreaking. The poor little guy looked so happy up on the top of the arch. And then to be lost in mysterious circumstances when he was almost home as a hero is so sad. I hope that one day he reappears just as mysteriously.

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Landed a probe on Ike for the first time... Got Jeb enroute to Duna. See how that plays out, would be first manned landing outside Kerbin and its moons, but depends on fuel after duna capture. And a probe on its way to Eve.

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After posting earlier, I proceeded to complete said Mun Station and park it around the Mun. In so doing I learned an important tip for posterity:

Don't switch to a physicsless piece of debris and then attempt to time accelerate it or anything else. Your precious expensive space station will instantly explode. Restarting KSP fixed it for me fortunately, but this is the last time I'll be using this particular deployment method.

Screenshot? I forgot :|

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Started a new career game. I've only just completed the Escape the Atmosphere contract, but through a combination of contracts and sub-orbital hops to the biomes around KSC, I've managed to unlock the components for a basic satellite (Stayputnik Mk2, batteries, OX-STAT panels).

The plan is to do a lot more un-crewed stuff than I normally do in the early game. First orbital flight will be a satellite, the Mun and Minmus will be explored robotically before crewed missions go there and I'll be building out my comm-sat network as I go. By the time I go interplanetary, there should be stations in orbit around Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus, with orbital shuttles to move crew around between them.

My computer is a bit underpowered to do this with mods, so this is purely for roleplaying. I just fancy having an infrastructure based game for a change, rather than a loosely connected set of crewed missions.

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Tried to get from Pol to Laythe without waiting to long or using to much fuel. Lowered my PE at Jool to somewhere close to Vall's orbit and got a Tylo flyby in the process that pulled my Jool AP to about 250km becoming my new PE, with a new AP at Tylo orbit height - nice, so far so good. But - I do not know why, maybe because of repeated quickloads - even at 150km aerobreaking an Jool did nothing for me.

Will try again today, had spent enough time in map mode fiddling nodes and redoing burns for one evening.

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as you has seen in this thread i was on gilly yesterday (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1335603&viewfull=1#post1335603)

and i forgot to post something special:

during the small eve aerobreak (i had enough deltaV) i tested the Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine (the second biggest in the game) in eve orbit between 91000m and 102000m (during aerobreaking). i used the "run test" function during aerobreaking with thurst set to 0. test was perfect. now guess the funds they gave me...

yes. up to 5'000'000....

now i have 14'900'000...

all my future rockets will have a lot more BOAAASTERS!!! :D

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Lead programmer Wernher von Kerman continued to work on the kOS program for automated landing. He describes the current state as follows:

"Well, I've run some simulations using the Sandbox Simulator, and not all of them were total losses. Therefore I think it's ready for use with unmanned crafts or for crafts that have Jebediah in the pilot seat. Sure, some sanity checks are missing, especially if deceleration is really deceleration and not unintentionally acceleration, but well, we only have that much memory on those computers... We now could in theory even land a craft on bodies outside of our communication range, yet it'd probably be smarter to extend the communication network first, in order to be able to transmit data back..."

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Continued work on my spaceplane fleet. Next design that I created was the PSP-1 Crossfire, a simple orbital passenger craft that can be used to transfer crews of up to 6 Kerbals to stations or ships in LKO. It consists of heatshielded parts only for easy re-entries.


Its succcessor, the Crossfire Mk.II received a front-winglet for better controls, a re-designed main-wing and, most importantly, four additional external fuel tanks (unshielded) for extended range. Unlike its predecessor, this one can make the trip from the KSC runway to Duna orbit and still have spare fuel.


Then I launched me a basic tanker for upcoming logistical tasks and as a test-target for spaceplanes...


Next up was the MCSP-2 Mammoth, a heavy carrier to lift 40 tons of modular cargo from the KSC to the next planets. Powered by four small and two large Sabres, the Mammoth' wingspan even exceeds the runway width.


Taking of with that plane certainly isnt easy, but about eight out of ten launches go successfully. That could be acceptable by Kerbal-standards... And once it gets into the air in one piece, moving its cargo into orbit and beyond is no problem.


If the take off with the Mammoth was difficult... landing her intact turned out to be nearly impossible. The extreme wing length ment, that even the slightest roll angle on touch down clipped the wingtips into the ground. Adding additional landing gears that far out was not an option, as this caused extreme structural instability. After another failure landing, even Jebediah had to accept, that this plane was hopelessly overengineered. A prior flight also indicated this, as some Kerbal engineer forgot to put one pair of engines on the craft and this mistake was not recognized until after the plane made it successfully into orbit. Either way, it was time to return to the drawing board.


The result was the MCSP-3 Pelican. It shares many similarities with the Mammoth, but is a much smaller and lighter craft. The shorter wings eliminated the main problems of its predecessor and the tilted attachement guarantees excellent low speed behaviour. The payloads size and weight is the same as the Mammoth' and thanks to an improved fuel layout, it has interplanetary range as well.


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