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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Took a quick jaunt to the Mun's Farside Crater to gather some science and crew experience:


Enjoying the Making History parts so far.  The capsule redesign means I need fewer total parts to get the same effect (built-in batteries, monoprop, RCS, and reaction wheels make it great for small craft like this.)  The Cub engines are ideal for this: they are stronger than the Spiders, less fuel-hungry than the Thuds, and since they are radial I can put them close to the center of mass and get something that torques well under thrust and has excellent balance when executing a landing burn.

The payload container on the bottom of the craft mounts the landing legs and carries the scientific equipment, with some spare space devoted to small fuel tanks which are drained into the upper tank after landing to top it off.  Once it is ready for takeoff, the payload bay remains behind, Apollo-style, and thanks to some solar panels, an antenna, and a cheap probe core, it can serve as a little science-station for transmitting data back (if I get a contract to gather science data from the Mun's surface.)

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I've upgraded my savage stock fighter. Top speed has increased from Mach 3.0 to Mach 4.8. And now it can also reach space. I rarely build a fighter but I'm kinda proud of this one.


It’s a multi-role. With tanks full (3200 units) it’s a fast interceptor and can supercruise at Mach 2+ at most altitudes.

With tanks filled at 1/3 it becomes a dogfighter. While not supermaneuverable (it can't do the cobra maneuver) it’s decent enough for such a heavy crate. How does a sustained 17.5G's at Mach 2.5 sound? And It also becomes a STOL, capable of t/o & landing on the slopes of mountains.

The acceleration can be violent! Max TWR with tanks full: 3.1. Max TWR with 100 units of fuel remaining: 7.7!


Flight control is excellent. Most of the time you don’t need SAS. Actually you never will. It never stalls (until proven otherwise by some excellent pilot).

The only reaction wheel on this plane is disabled. This is pure flying!

Fast & lazy control sequence for taking off: Press 3,4,5,Z,1,2. You don’t even need to switch on SAS or touch the controls. Yes it will drive off the runway, no it doesn’t matter.


Landing: switch off roll on the rear outboard elevons to make the controls less twitchy. The rest: just try how crazy you can be with this one. The one thing I know for sure is it can’t land inverted.

Fun experiment: with dry tanks and at 3000m altitude, at any pitch or roll angle, just toggle the flaps and lower the landing gear. Also switch off SAS. If the terrain is flat enough, it will land itself without control input.


There’s enough room for hardpoints for the BDA lovers. This thing can do anything: CAP, bombing, intercept and air superiority.

With 200 units of fuel it can reach space in less than 3 minutes! Take off, fly level at 2000m until you reach max speed. Switch of SAS and don’t touch the controls. Max altitude measured: 82km.

Flying at Mach 2.2 it has a range of 29.000 km!


Max roll rate: 1260 deg/s!

Need a quick loss of speed? Fly at Mach 3.5+ at low altitude and tanks almost empty. Engage flaps, pull hard on the stick and presto. Max measured G’s: 134.1!




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Today I scared the socks off of Tito Kerman. 

It's a new 1.4.4 career, featuring all of @Angel-125's WBI mods.  Including BARIS.  With launch failures and catastrophic failures enabled. [gulp]

Tito was very eager to be the first tourist into space.  As a result, we pushed things a little too fast trying to get him up there.  100,000 funds reward, 15,000 fund ship - how hard can it be?



Failure #1.  Thankfully I had set up the abort action sequence correctly.



Failure #2.  At this point I'm starting to get concerned that we might not make much money on this contract.  Failures #3 and #4 were variants on #2.



Failure #5.  A little hard to see the failure message, but the lower tank developed a leak, followed by the upper tank following suit.  At least we got past the Karman line for a little suborbital hop.



Failure #6.  The upper stage tank exploded catastrophically, forcing us to come back down before ever leaving the atmosphere.



The stage was set for success thanks to a timely event card.



Seventh time's the charm.  Jeb and Tito finally made it into orbit, and were able to stay there for the four hours specified in the contract.



On reentry, BARIS showed that it has a sense of humor.  Both capsules had failures in their Snack storage compartments in the upper atmosphere.  The mental image of panels coming loose and two streams of snacks flying out of the craft seemed oh so very Kerbal, and put me in stitches. 

For the record, we lost money on the contract.  It was worth every penny. :cool:

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I relaunched this beast. I originally launched it on Tuesday, with an offset gap between the cockpit and the cargo bay. I discovered this last night and it so bugged my I had to reload my save file from a backup and undo about 50 in game days of activity to go back to before it was launched. Totally worth it. So can anyone guess where this massive 17 million credit rocket is headed?


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I completed a mission to Gilly. 

So, for a little backstory:

I have never, in KSP, completed the tech tree. I've had this game since 2012. That's 6 years. And I've never completed the tech tree. So, I decided to do just that. In Science Mode, though. I did some basic missions - single SRB rocket launching Jeb into the upper atmosphere, then launching Val into space with a much bigger rocket, and then launching Jeb to Minmus. All easy stuff. There was an interesting incident with the Minmus mission... I had to kind of fudge the landing on Kerbin, since I ran out of Delta-V. I had thought Jeb would have a parachute. He didn't. So some interesting things happened (images in spoiler - they're kind of big images):



I had actually turned off reentry heating specifically for this part of the mission.


I ended up messing with BetterTimeWarp. For some reason Jeb started spinning uncontrollably... but I was able to stop it before he landed. 


And now I'm using cheats to get him down, since I realized that he didn't have a parachute. I'm not sure if he was supposed to or not, but regardless, I wasn't letting that stop me from returning Jeb. And that sweet science!

Anyhow, the Minmus mission got me enough science to get the techs I needed for the Gilly mission. Gilly was chosen since it was so small that I could do a direct ascent mission. I realized that my mission would probably go much better if I brought a scientist. So I did, and I used a probe core for SAS. This spoiler has the Gilly mission images.


Here it is on the pad:


Here's the initial escape burn, showing the drop tanks:


This is a plane change maneuver combined with a maneuver to get an intercept with Eve - notice the lack of drop tanks:


Here it is coming up on Eve:


A little closer with no UI:


Above Eve:


No UI again:


My initial parking orbit around Gilly:


This one's a favorite of the mission. Two shadows against the surface of Gilly:


Here it is landed. The ship was sliding down the hill, so I had to hurry up a bit:


Gilly's gravity is frankly... tiny. The ship would sit in the air (well, vacuum...?) for extended periods of time:


A shot of the moon with no UI:


I maneuvered to lower my Eve periapsis after escaping Gilly. Here's the ship, saying goodbye to Eve:


Reentry. Don't worry, I turned heating back on:



See? That's the rest of the ship exploding. Anyhow, below is a shot of the capsule after the parachute was deployed:


And here's the returned science:


4822! Now that's a good amount of science. I used that science to fill out some of the tech tree:


That's how the tech tree looks as of right now. I estimate about 11 thousand science required to finish it. Where will this science come from, you ask? Why, the Jool system of course!

I'm currently working on some vehicles to facilitate the retrieval of science from some of the moons of Jool, in particular Bop and Pol. And, if applicable, a stop by Vall may be in order as well. I might do some other stuff for fun, too, since Laythe is in the neighborhood...

Mod list: Kerbal Engineer Redux, BetterTimeWarpContinued and its dependencies, Docking Port Alignment Indicator, and Environmental Visual Enhancements with some stock planet configs.

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(2.5x :science: mode)

I developed a Mk2 science drone orbiter thing. It has 1km/s in vacuum (with 2 tons? dummy payload) and too much sea level thrust (just one WBI Fulcrum or stock Swivel engine is enough for it). This should be more vacuum optimized then it would be more useful, having more dV to spend.


For fun I saved some dV in the liquid lifters and fired them back like orbital siege weapons (and at another point, I released them forward at full throttle like ICBMs).



I also did the orbital capture of the first Ceti relay sat and launched one for Iota.




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Beachhead Alpha is on the way to Jool.  (Charlie launched first and, due to assembly errors, will arrive with little fuel.  Bravo had a coupler hang-up and is awaiting salvage in LKO.  I'll attempt to get replacement boosters under the payload and still go.)


Alpha is carrying 4 Hitchhikers, 2 Hawk landers, 2 fuel pods, 1 Superhawk and 1 Ladybug explorer.  Onboard, the following intrepid: Edski, Ferfield, Samden, Sheprey, Bobsy and Melbart.

And since deployment of my deep space relay network is not yet complete, the RA-15 relay device on the Omega ion drive will be a great benefit, assuming it has the range for Kerbin, at least for a while(?).

I'll try to revive hopes for Bravo (and Charlie was redundant) but after that, I think I'll probably launch a brace of Gizmos in a broadside.  :)

Edited by Hotel26
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6 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

I completed a mission to Gilly. 

So, for a little backstory:

I have never, in KSP, completed the tech tree. I've had this game since 2012. That's 6 years. And I've never completed the tech tree. So, I decided to do just that. In Science Mode, though. I did some basic missions - single SRB rocket launching Jeb into the upper atmosphere, then launching Val into space with a much bigger rocket, and then launching Jeb to Minmus. All easy stuff. There was an interesting incident with the Minmus mission... I had to kind of fudge the landing on Kerbin, since I ran out of Delta-V. I had thought Jeb would have a parachute. He didn't. So some interesting things happened (images in spoiler - they're kind of big images):

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I had actually turned off reentry heating specifically for this part of the mission.


I ended up messing with BetterTimeWarp. For some reason Jeb started spinning uncontrollably... but I was able to stop it before he landed. 


And now I'm using cheats to get him down, since I realized that he didn't have a parachute. I'm not sure if he was supposed to or not, but regardless, I wasn't letting that stop me from returning Jeb. And that sweet science!

Anyhow, the Minmus mission got me enough science to get the techs I needed for the Gilly mission. Gilly was chosen since it was so small that I could do a direct ascent mission. I realized that my mission would probably go much better if I brought a scientist. So I did, and I used a probe core for SAS. This spoiler has the Gilly mission images.

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Here it is on the pad:


Here's the initial escape burn, showing the drop tanks:


This is a plane change maneuver combined with a maneuver to get an intercept with Eve - notice the lack of drop tanks:


Here it is coming up on Eve:


A little closer with no UI:


Above Eve:


No UI again:


My initial parking orbit around Gilly:


This one's a favorite of the mission. Two shadows against the surface of Gilly:


Here it is landed. The ship was sliding down the hill, so I had to hurry up a bit:


Gilly's gravity is frankly... tiny. The ship would sit in the air (well, vacuum...?) for extended periods of time:


A shot of the moon with no UI:


I maneuvered to lower my Eve periapsis after escaping Gilly. Here's the ship, saying goodbye to Eve:


Reentry. Don't worry, I turned heating back on:



See? That's the rest of the ship exploding. Anyhow, below is a shot of the capsule after the parachute was deployed:


And here's the returned science:


4822! Now that's a good amount of science. I used that science to fill out some of the tech tree:


That's how the tech tree looks as of right now. I estimate about 11 thousand science required to finish it. Where will this science come from, you ask? Why, the Jool system of course!

I'm currently working on some vehicles to facilitate the retrieval of science from some of the moons of Jool, in particular Bop and Pol. And, if applicable, a stop by Vall may be in order as well. I might do some other stuff for fun, too, since Laythe is in the neighborhood...

Mod list: Kerbal Engineer Redux, BetterTimeWarpContinued and its dependencies, Docking Port Alignment Indicator, and Environmental Visual Enhancements with some stock planet configs.

Bob was in that tiny capsule for 2 years.......I assume he was in cryo-sleep or something for most of the journey?

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Playing my new career using 20% Funds and 20% Science progression is a long haul.

What makes it more difficult is that many of the early funds come from survey contracts. In Gamelinxs Planet Overhaul you start on Gaia, however, Gaia's KSC is surrounded by tall mountains, and many of the cashing in contracts require me to do temp, press, seismic scans and surface EVA's next to the KSC, sometimes at 60+ degree slopes.

Having only a few parts and a 30 part limit seems a bit of a problem, not for a well equipped rover that is.


Now the real challenge begins...


Some good friction/traction settings and pulsejet engines give me the necessary control and oomph to climb the distance.


I made it!


I'm a sucker for good views.


After I've gotten down I went for a speed test. How does 400 Kph + sound?


Am I the only one that thinks this rover looks like a battering ram ready to batter the spaceplane hangar gates!?



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Today my very first asteroid mining vessel rendezvoused with its very first target. 

Upon reflection, the miner was renamed to "Mosquito".  It's a big mosquito. 

[edit:  TinyPic is dead; long live Flickr.  Original link for insanity posterity:  http://i67.tinypic.com/kd993l.jpg ]

42 the Mosquito's first victim (kd993l)


Edited by FinalFan
TinyPic is dead; long live Flickr.
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I finally got tired of suffering on the Apple's hand, and into this increasingly painful experience of gaming on MacOS.

So, once my Workstation I building with scrapped parts (if Jeb and Bill would TI Professionals, they would be proud of me!) is being finished, I realized that it would be also a tremendous gaming machine, so… Yeah. Created an account on it for playing.

Then I realized I forgot to import some vessels from my MacPotato, hit the KVM's button and logged back into the rig using Remote Desktop and… Voila! I can play KSP using RDP over Windows 7! :D 

Of course, it's not really playable - some texturing is missing, the framerate is impaired (but better than running it on the MacPotato!) - it's still playable!! 



Now? I'm planning to install VNC on the Mac, so I can RemoteDesktop into the Win7 rig, and from there VNC back, and see what happens! :sticktongue:

ps: Yeah, I'm aware of RDP's support for D3D, but I was thinking this had been implemented only on Win10 under UWP. :)

Edited by Lisias
typos. but you already knew it.
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So. We are bored with space shuttles. They.. look like too much a plane... and we want ROCKETS! So our finest engineer (Bill) designed a new launch vehicle between rocket and shuttle (yes because Bob loved too much the cargo bay and the airlock). It has succesfully passed his flight test, and has a payload to KEO of about 15t (and more later, the first stage is overpowered), it can bring back to the ground (safely) 7t of payload (all this waste, debris, and dead kerbonauts from our stations!). And, as our space program is running out of money (as always), it is of course fully reusable (chute and reentry control system just under the nosecone for the boosters).

Here it is :)



A part of the payload is kept to test reentry with it.



Reentrys, the best moments in KSP


More below



This is the first version, maybe some landing struts for later. And yes, we overshooted our KSC precise landing but Jebediah looks happy anyway.



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