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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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3 minutes ago, The Space Dino said:

I got my Moho spacecraft all the way to Moho after tweaking with manuver nodes for a long long time....

Did my Moho capture burn and then I realised I did not have enough fuel to get back to Kerbin, even after ditching my Moho lander.

Guess I'll have to send a refuel mission now....

Yep, Moho be like that.

Same thing happened to me first time I tried it, second time I thought I would pack plenty of DeltaV, but then forgot TWR, nearly escaped Moho before I could even make the capture burn. Good luck.

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I tried to grab an asteroid on a prograde orbit around the sun, with a perapsis of 725,000,000 meters and an apoapsis near eve orbit. With an inclination of negative 35 degrees. 

I used my Saurus 6 rocket to carry a craft with three ion engines to orbit, but I didn't have to switch to the ions yet until after I did my eve gravity assist to get my perapsis to 4,159,000,000 meters and then I burned retrograde until my orbit was connected to the ascending and descending nodes, where my orbit and the asteroid's intersected and then I did some thinking about when the asteroid would meet up with me at the descending node, where it would reach it's perapsis in 65 days. (Super helpful)  then I decreased my orbital period to a few days below 65 days, because the descending node on the asteroids orbit was about a few days before it's perapsis and where I can meet up with it. So I made the time it takes to make an orbit around the really close by sun the same time it takes for the asteroid to reach that same position. 

After all that I was ready to fine tunedl the close approach for the rendevous, all was going great, until I realized that the relative velocity was 20 km/s and almost all of it was in the form of an inclination change burn. My ion engines only had 6500 m/s left so I gave up and switched to another game. But not before I made the close approach 0.0km and aimed right for the asteroid, killing my kerbonaut in one frame.

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Yesterday I was on a Duna mission again. I managed to get an encounter with no problem, but the kraken decided to waste my hard work, and it made my solar panels go ka plooey. So after over an hour and a half of careful planning and flying, I decided to call it a night.

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19 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

Any idea what the relative inclination was?

My inclination was 35 degrees different from the asteroid, and the orbit tilted downwards below the plane where most planets orbit. The velocity I had being that close to the sun was 20000 m/s, and the asteroid speed around that point was also accelerating towards the sun. So I had to account for all that when cancelling the relative velocity, and the inclination changes to match the asteroid was also a large part of that cancel relative velocity burn.

27 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

Any idea what the relative inclination was?

I didn't read the previous message before it was edited all the way through, but I will have to keep that in mind when catching my next asteroid that is in an inconvenient orbit, maybe I can use eve to change my inclination most of the way before I do the rendevous, that way the burn will still be within my craft's delta V budget. 

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After a week of designing and testing I finally came up with a working version for this challenge, where I have to design a Heli STTO that's able to get to Duna and back!
I made a Single Stage to Duna vessel with  ISRU capabilities.


HHere are its specs:
Weight: 127 tonnes (wet) / 37 tonnes (dry)
Delta v budget: 4900 m/s
Rocket engines: 2 vectors, 1 nuke
Helicopter: 2 large  shift-able motors with 8 propellers each.

It was an awesome challenge, but I did come to a conclusion that MY Heli-SSTD ships are very impractical and bulky. It is soooo much easier just doing a multiple stage to duna design. But that wouldn’t be a challenge, now would it!

I made a small video of the mission. I hope you guys like it!


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7 minutes ago, xendelaar said:

After a week of designing and testing I finally came up with a working version for this challenge, where I have to design a Heli STTO that's able to get to Duna and back!
I made a Single Stage to Duna vessel with  ISRU capabilities.


HHere are its specs:
Weight: 127 tonnes (wet) / 37 tonnes (dry)
Delta v budget: 4900 m/s
Rocket engines: 2 vectors, 1 nuke
Helicopter: 2 large  shift-able motors with 8 propellers each.

It was an awesome challenge, but I did come to a conclusion that MY Heli-SSTD ships are very impractical and bulky. It is soooo much easier just doing a multiple stage to duna design. But that wouldn’t be a challenge, now would it!

I made a small video of the mission. I hope you guys like it!


That is epic, is it fully stock or require the DLCs to get the parts for the craft? Edit:Nevermind.

Edited by Vezbot
Just watched video
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I tried to get my SSTO to Ithil, one of the moon from the mod Ecumenopolis. Up until after the disaster I didn't know how to set the gear dampers. My SSTO's back gear hits the ground and bounced back, and hitting the nose onto the ground. No kerbals was harmed, but the Probe module is gone so it was a bust. Special thanks to Rhomphaia for helping me on the issue of getting the advanced tweakables problems down.



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9 minutes ago, Shaquiifa said:

I tried to get my SSTO to Ithil, one of the moon from the mod Ecumenopolis. Up until after the disaster I didn't know how to set the gear dampers. My SSTO's back gear hits the ground and bounced back, and hitting the nose onto the ground. No kerbals was harmed, but the Probe module is gone so it was a bust. Special thanks to Rhomphaia for helping me on the issue of getting the advanced tweakables problems down.



No worries.


Today In KSP, I also had a landing gear issue, but with the front gear instead, when it came down, it bounced me hard straight into a tailstrike.

The Craft was designed as a K-prize gatecrasher anyway, so I guess now it is just doubly so. 

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32 minutes ago, RoninFrog said:

Today I continued derping around in my favorite rocket.  I also messed with Moho transfers for about half an hour.  Moho transfers are really hard on the dV!


First I wondered why Moho transfers were expensive on delta v and then I remembered that the cost in fuel of getting an orbit closer to the sun increases exponentially. It's like how you would spend 500 dv to go to 5 million meters apoapsis from LKO, and another 500 dv to go 10 times that same apoapsis again. Being closer to a celestial object in a gravity well means it costs more to alter an orbit. 

Eve isn't so bad so I use that to transfer to lower solar orbits. :D

38 minutes ago, RoninFrog said:

Today I continued derping around in my favorite rocket.  I also messed with Moho transfers for about half an hour.  Moho transfers are really hard on the dV!


Also the inclination changes just adds to the whole thing too rip

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3 hours ago, Ghosttoast said:

I have landed my first rover on Duna today. First interplanetary mission :D

That's great, I have 2 rockets capable of delivering cargo to Duna (Saurus V [PC], and Saurus VI [PS4]) and one of my ion flyers are modified with a claw next to the ion engines to grab and pull stuff and a heat shield facing towards the front of the flyer to deliver emergency cargo to places with atmospheres.

Unfortunately only my newest rover has been decent enough to perform long distance travel on any celestial body so all of my rover missions are only beginning or have yet to begin. I got my first one on the Mun and one travelling north from the KSC. Maybe soon I'll send one to Duna despite poor infrastructure there.

My previous rovers like the Ascension rover, ASR V1 and Arcturus transporter vehicle were all just rc cars with kerbal sized seats that flip over and never stray further than 20 KM from the KSC

Edited by Vezbot
Poor grammar
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9 hours ago, Vezbot said:

next asteroid that is in an inconvenient orbit

It's typical to target asteroids that are actually going to intersect the Kerbin SOI and then nail them within that SOI, which gives one a chance of capturing it and doing something useful with it.

Not only easier but a lot more useful.


fwiw: the best use I've seen of an asteroid is the recent video posted here in which one was dumped on the bottom of the ocean floor presumably to be used as a claw anchor point.

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Nothing really, just prepared my Duna space station and lander. In theory the station needed to hold two landers and a Soyuz, but it will now carry only one lander :(


But hey, I am going to Duna, when two months ago kerbals who made it to LKO where heros. (Yeah I was a noob) 

Edited by Goaty1208
Dumb grammatical error (⌐■_■)
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I'm coming back to KSP after a couple years break and I jumped right into a JNSQ science campaign and I am having a barrel of fun.

Today Venera-1 rather energetically encountered Eve. I am going to say the mission designers miscalculated their course adjustments but the truth is I was flying by the seat of my pants and went too steep into Eve's atmosphere with the landing module. We entered the atmosphere at nearly 10km/s and only lasted a couple of seconds before RUD ensued.



Edited by southernplain
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I've spent the last few months slowly revamping the stock system (and adding to it). Here's a little of what I have so far. ;)





Ike & Duna




Gas Planet 2 (Sagan)



Don't have the slightest clue when this'll be released. Things like this take time, and I'm not even halfway done. :confused:

Edited by Adstri
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Got a few more launches in for my Out of the Sands career.  After the surprise announcement of a manned mission to Eve orbit, all the needed launches were completed.  All we're waiting on is taking the "Eve 3" to orbit via spaceplane, which won't happen until just before the transfer. 

Eve Small Crew Station entering orbit


Eve Fuel Station launching during an eclipse


Eve crew vehicle entering orbit.  Launched unmanned for safety reasons, the crew will be brought up via spaceplane shortly before the Eve transfer


Eve supply transport orbital insertion.


Last, but definitely not least, my Moho Remote Rover arrived and landed safely



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On 4/28/2020 at 2:56 AM, Hotel26 said:

fwiw: the best use I've seen of an asteroid is the recent video posted here in which one was dumped on the bottom of the ocean floor presumably to be used as a claw anchor point.

Is the video you are talking about this?  


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However, yesterday I taught a 150 square-meters box how to drive.

It didn't kraken.

Even with timewarp during motion.

But then it got Krakened.

And Kerdard (my stuntman) as always started laughing.

I know, I am totally normal.

On 4/26/2020 at 3:57 AM, RoninFrog said:

I have never used the RAPIER engine,"

Yay! I am not the only one who thinks that rapier is bad! 

Sorry ssto lovers.

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Got back to Kerballing lately after a bit of a hiatus (seems to come in seasons). Getting a new stupidly modded 3.2x career setup, and as I'm wont to do, I made a Soyuz clone: 


Complete with this nifty launch pad from Modular Launch Pads:D

<pic heavy warning>




Complete with deploying gantires...


and fuel umbilicals!


After all that, ignition and liftoff!


Hmm... I see on this upscaled Kerbin, there's a huge crater at the end of the Desert Airfield. Gonna have to have some fun with that...


Korolev Cross. Never get tired of this. :cool: Booster separation at 40km altitude, just over 1000m/s


Fairing sep...


Core burnout at 120km, 2.4km/s and an engine failure! Fortunately it wasn't important. (150km atmosphere height)


Upper stage burnout and another engine failure. These Separatrons sure seem finicky for glorified fireworks.


And my ultra-minimalist pod safely in a 200km orbit at 4.1km/s.




Soooooo.... I cheated and sent it off for a flyby of the Mün!



"Flyby" a bit generous as a moment later it bounced off the surface at 1.4km/s...
We're going to need another Jeb...
Wait, Jeb's not here...
Someone check the fridge....


Also, this happened, but...


...we don't talk about this.



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