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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I got my small Eve station into orbit in my career - the other craft are following a few hours or days behind - then tinkered with the Island Attack challenge


The SRBM uses a cold launch, followed by a pair of sepratrons to get it pointed eastish


Followed by first stage ignition.  If I time everything right, it works.  If I want a screenshot, I usually end up smashing into the grass next to the pad.



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On my way to a crash investigation/rescue site, I played a new game:

I recently learned f4 toggles the contact markers (little rectangles of various colors showing position and potentially distance and identity of other craft within 100 km).

Even having the red target marker in the navball to assist, with those contact markers turned off, it was quite difficult to spot the crash site from the air.  That did make it all the more fun!

[Click any image and use arrow for a slide show.]

5CdfFnW.png   csDDyBM.png

3ZQF0eH.png   0BcPTGI.png

This was the scant remains of a Star Knife that had had the misfortune to come down, barely, upon mountainous territory on the southern side of the southern edge of the Crater Rim.  (It was either that, or the ocean.)

I've never quite seen such a messy crash scene!  When the Mk1 capsule tore loose and began to roll, my good friend and colleague, Tanbro Kerman, R.I.P., made the valiant decision to bale out.  KSP, being its treacherous self, allowed him to begin a precipitous plummet toward the water far below.  Desperate to save him, I triggered his chute as best I could when he went off a ledge and had the best chance for being airborne long enough -- but KSP once again stabbed us in the back.  So it goes.

Within about ten meters from the water and a safe stop, Tanbro exploded in a puff of greasy, black smoke and was no more[1].  We had worked together on many, tough missions and so, I will miss him.

[1] a small axe was found near by.



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I managed to finish my entry to the Island Attack challenge, then wrapped up the arrival of my career manned Eve mission in Eve orbit.

Eve crew vehicle & station docked in LEO


Eve fuel station dropping the transfer stage as it prepares for Eve landing.  This will not be the last time we see the transfer stage - against all odds, it makes it through atmospheric entry & lands just 6.5km from the fuel station


Lightning flashes through the clouds, momentarily illuminating the fuel station



The engines & radiators didn't make it, but the fuel tank survived somehow.  I really don't understand, because it came down outside of physics range from the fuel station


I also tinkered with a 4-engine prop plane to do another Island Attack entry (in the prop category), but the BG props make no sense - put two on the right turning clockwise, set the blades to match, set starting blade angles.  Set two more on the left, turning CCW, set the blades the opposite direction and..... the plane spins in a circle because the right engines produce reverse thrust & the left engines have forward thrust.  Ok, go back to SPH, reset the side that was producing reverse thrust and..... it spins the opposite direction due to forward thrust on the right & reverse thrust on the left.  Despite not touching the side that had been working correctly.  And the turboshafts were NOT placed in symmetry, they were placed one by one.   I hate BG :(


Edited by Cavscout74
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Today, I finished building my first space station! It took me about six hours over the course of three days, and was so pumped when I managed to successfully dock for the first time! I wish I could insert a photo, but I play on console and have no idea to do that. (Did take pictures with my phone though) I built it in my science save, cus I’m too lazy to play career and I got burnt out on sandbox, and this station was more for fun and practical really, rather then science(was starting to get tired of doing same stuff over again). It’s really basic, just a cupola on a three meter diameter rockomax tank, with two solar arrays mounted on the side. (The solar array was the second part I flew up) and then there’s three mk 1 pasanger cabins, with another cupola. I wish could post q picture, describing it doesn’t do it it’s janky, yet majestic form. I think I’m going to make more space stations, but send ‘em to the mum and minmus. I think I might send them module by module, and assemble them at they’re respective destinations. Sorry for the ramble, but I’m just really excited and proud of my first space station 

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13 minutes ago, Lewie said:

but I’m just really excited and proud of my first space station

"Roger, copy that!"

I was never interested much in space stations past a mere assembly of fuel tanks as a refueling point.  Recently, I made a kit for a basic 8-part assembly that isn't intended to be very functional (e.g. it has an Observatory on it to make it look cool even though it never gets into solar orbit), but I had a lot of fun assembling one in a 45-degree orbit.  So much so, that then I put one into a 180-degree orbit and it really brightens my day every time I see it flash by at 4 km/sec closing speed.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but your Excitement is coming through 5x5, pal!  Well done and congratulations!!

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Ah, thanks man! I'm not planning on having the stations used for anything practical, I just like the building process and orbital rendezvous(I'm not actually that bad at it for a newbie) but you know what they say, sometimes the journey is more fun then the destination. It's just when bored of grinding out science points, it's a really fun alternative. 

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Probably the best screenshots I've taken so far.


Read backstory here:


This was on a manned Minmus mission, but while trying to head to Minmus, the Mun got in the way and performed a gravity assist on the craft, so they had to abort, reentering Kerbin at 15 gees.


Shameless self plug (My current mission report, with everything else I've done so far): 


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1 hour ago, Cavscout74 said:

I hate BG

I'm starting to agree, though I think I just need more practice at it. I threw together a VTOL today using rotors, my first use of the BG robotics parts. It flies terribly, but I was able to fly a short distance and drop off a rover. The engine nacelles just flop all over the place, and I have to rotate them manually, because I haven't figured out how to change between positions using only one action group.ZjouDg4.jpg

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Wow, I haven't posted here in a while...

Anyway, after months of hiatus, I've finally been playing KSP again. Recently, I've started building up the infrustructure in the Kerbin System, starting with the Next Generation Space Station in LKO.


In order to supply it with crew, who needs ANOTHER boring SLS replica to supply the station, when you can have a spaceplane!


I call it, the "Hawk" (Technically it's the Cargo and Crew Transport System, or the Cargo n' Crew). Overall, it's not a bad spaceplane, it's flies pretty well, docks pretty well, the only part that's not to like is it's tight fuel margin. Usually I end up with 300 m/s of delta v in LKO to rendevous and deorbit with.

Anyways, in order to build a Munar Station, I build the Inter Kerbin System Bus (IKS Bus):


It functions as a tug to deliver modules to the Mun without having to use a huge rocket to deliver them every single time. It's "Cheaper". Finally, I built the Munar Station 1 (See a pattern here) using the IKS bus and a lot of tankers to refuel it. The IKS Bus is in the background.


Here's a better picture of it. It's made up of 5 modules, the Core/Habitation module, 2 Fuel Storage Modules, the Munar Expeditionary Lander (MEL), and a Vulcan class tug. A better picture of it is here:


Finally, it was time to send crew, and we finally get to the "What did you do TODAY" part. Jebediah, annoyed that the last 2 flights of the Hawk were flown by Jebbles Kerman, was thrilled he could finally fly the next two flights, to deliver crew to the IKS Bus to man the MS1. He took over at around midday.



Blah blah blah, long story short he successfully docked to the IKS Bus to deliver the first 2 crew.



Finally, Jebediah went in for reentry. The other bad part about the "Hawk" is that you need finesse to say the least when you reenter. It's literally a balancing act between the cockpit overheating and not (which is horribly unrealistic). Eventaully, he came down over the KSC and readied for the final approach. I Jeb accidentally pulled up too late, but miraculously, only the outer two RAPIERs were damaged, and the rest of the aircraft was intact, which came down for a safe landing on the runway.


Long story short, I finished the second flight. But honestly, I have never seen anything more miraculous than that. Not even the elevons were destroyed! Well, Jeb has another day of almost fulfilling his destiny.

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28 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Interesting design. :D

I somehow hadn't built a boat since pre 1.0 and relearning what floats well let to some odd design choices, as well as building around a landing pad :)


Did get a proper landing with a VTOL though! Might have to land a rocket on it at some point.

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16 hours ago, Plane Crazy said:

The engine nacelles just flop all over the place, and I have to rotate them manually, because I haven't figured out how to change between positions using only one action group.

You can restrict the angles to which the servos can move, and then have them move to the maximum or minimum angle with an action group each. And setting the lock on the servos can help with the floppyness.

On my VTOL I have:

  • release lock and set angle to horizontal flight mode on AG 8
  • release lock and set angle to vertical flight mode on AG 9
  • set lock(s) on AG 10

When I want to switch mode I tap 8 or 9 a number of times and when the nacelles have moved I tap 0 a number of times.


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On 5/11/2020 at 1:38 AM, kspbandit said:

Wouldn't it be easier for a srb ssto to be a rocket and not a plane?

The challenge requires it to takeoff and land horizontally.

9 hours ago, xendelaar said:

I trained Jeb how to train a dragon haha



Are you using jets underneath or did you actually pull off an ornithopter?

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20 minutes ago, Klapaucius said:

The challenge requires it to takeoff and land horizontally.

Are you using jets underneath or did you actually pull off an ornithopter?

It's not an ornithopter. It's a helicopter.  Not a jet. ;)

Thanks for watching. 

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1 minute ago, xendelaar said:

It's not an ornithopter. It's a helicopter.  Not a jet. ;)

Thanks for watching. 

It's a fantastic build. Well done!


It is an old thread I created, but it would make a wonderful addition to the Kerbal Zoo:


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