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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I spent several hours searching for all the new anomalies and launch sites in 1.12; I’m pretty sure I found all the off-Kerbin anomalies and all the launch sites, but there might be some new anomalies on Kerbin that I missed, hidden within the “old” launch sites where SCANsat wouldn’t see them. As soon as I can, I’ll drive around all the launch sites to see what I can find.

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Fireworks in KSP, apart from being able to go "You know what Minecraft and KSP have in common?" I bet all the people who like to simulate military machines are going "Ooooh, colourful tank shells, I wonder how I can use this to have a massive tank battle with explosions going off everywhere and the tanks being able to fire them from their barrels?" :)

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Installed KSP1.12 and continued my modded Kareer save.  This included returning the first Kerballed mission from Minmus orbit back to Kerbin (yes, it's a fairly new career, but also almost as far as I've ever gotten - I tend to get bogged down building and maintaining stations and surface bases while my first one or two probes are enroute to Duna, as well as bug fixing and enhancing mods...).

So far it all seems to work just ticketyboo.. but then again, I only use a dozen or so mods, not several hundred.

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I recreated the A-10 Thunderbolt in KSP! Being (almost) complete stock! 




I had however to modify the game's files so the firework launcher has more "ammunition":


It's pretty heavy actually!

And i tested it on buildings!



Now i will have to repair them all... perhaps that was not the best idea...

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10 minutes ago, Davi SDF said:

I had however to modify the game's files so the firework launcher has more "ammunition":

Ha, I called it. I said tanks, but close enough. I knew someone would rush to turn them into military shells.

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On 5/28/2021 at 8:30 PM, Angel-125 said:

I finished a couple of promo images for my latest mod in progress:




I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS! I wish i had this for my current career, but I don't like installing mods too far into a career because it clutters things up. I used to play with a lot of mods and I want to keep things minimal so I can spend more time enjoying the game and less time waiting for the game to load and worrying about save losses.

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52 minutes ago, RP1IsSuperior said:

I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS! I wish i had this for my current career, but I don't like installing mods too far into a career because it clutters things up. I used to play with a lot of mods and I want to keep things minimal so I can spend more time enjoying the game and less time waiting for the game to load and worrying about save losses.

Glad you like it. :) I'm currently designing parts for boat hulls, so in the coming weeks they'll be available too...

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Deployed a reusable Moon lander, which carried two crew down to my Moon base to fix up the deployed science stuff so it had enough power to actually work; also tested a fuel tanker to refuel said reusable Moon lander between Moon landings.




One Saturn V equivalent to launch a tanker every three landings is much more economical than sending a new lander every time, especially with an active base on the surface. Speaking of which, I should probably make some kind of resupply probe to keep that base stocked up while it's occupied or it won't last much longer.

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Just now, jimmymcgoochie said:

Deployed a reusable Moon lander, which carried two crew down to my Moon base to fix up the deployed science stuff so it had enough power to actually work; also tested a fuel tanker to refuel said reusable Moon lander between Moon landings.




One Saturn V equivalent to launch a tanker every three landings is much more economical than sending a new lander every time, especially with an active base on the surface. Speaking of which, I should probably make some kind of resupply probe to keep that base stocked up while it's occupied or it won't last much longer.

not related but can u fix nullreferenceexception when I create a maneuver node?

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Tested stuff for an up coming mission. Used the cheat menu to test ascent options for landers.

The ladder test did not go well for Jeb


And while testing ascent options things took a turn.


Unsafe, inefficient but the most kerbal by far. I think I'll use it.


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So I started a new save... (this could be the title of 75% of my posts in this thread :D )

I am hoping this sandbox game is "the one."  At least, this is the one I intend to finally visit every planet and moon.  I figured with 1.12 release, this new save should be it.  So, I've launched a few satellites into orbit, and I now have an unmanned probe parked in Kerbin orbit, waiting for transfer window to Jool, and a manned rocket parked in Kerbin orbit, waiting for transfer window to Moho.

I've built one craft (one unmanned version and one manned version, so, er two craft) with close to 20k in dV (may come up short to Jool based on what I have seen) that I am hoping can be used to visit every celestial body.  I think a big issue I have had in never visiting 60% of the bodies is that, I often played career or science mode...so I was always worried about not only visiting a body, but gathering science.  In my sandbox save, I've scaled down.  Instead of building a 20-30t lander packed with science stuff and hoping to be able to recover my kerbalnaut, I now have a 7-10t lander.  Less weight to push, less dV to get me to the surface, etc.

Here's my manned rocket taking off to park and wait for the Moho transfer window.  I'm not big on mods.  I use KER religiously, and [x] Science when playing career/science mode, but that's about it.  I must say I'm loving the built in Alarm Clock and Transfer Window add-ons.  I know there were similar mods out there (have used Alarm Clock a bit), but, this makes things so much simpler for me.  To infinity, and beyond or something...


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I am working on a truck. But it's not just a truck, it's also a plane. But it's not just that, it's also a boat! It's a truck/plane/boat! I am calling it the LSAV-5000. LSAV means "Land, Sea, and Air Vehicle" 

Pictures and videos coming soon.

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1 hour ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I am working on a truck. But it's not just a truck, it's also a plane. But it's not just that, it's also a boat! It's a truck/plane/boat! I am calling it the LSAV-5000. LSAV means "Land, Sea, and Air Vehicle" 

I am imagining something that looks like a large army duck (dukw) with wings that fold away. :)

Shameless self promotion, but if you have my mod you could also have it be a submarine. A LSSAV.

Edited by ColdJ
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It looks more like a regular truck with jet engines on the back and folding wings & wheels. I tested it, and it does not work well as a boat. 

Also, another thing I did in KSP today is break it. if you can help me, please go here:


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This is Vitesse undergoing initial speed trials:


She is inspired by my current (but long-running) Pacemaker round-Kerbin rover trip (which began in about March 2019, inspired by the illustrious @Triop).

I have discovered that I can run fast with Pacemaker when the refuel tanker is out ahead and I set SAS to Target the tanker.  If and when Pacemaker goes airborne, the RW paraphernalia will attempt to track the target ahead (maybe up to 150 km distant) and that seems sufficient to land a high-speed jump.

My plan, therefore, is to set up a high-speed overland route with legs marked by flags.  Vitesse will go fast on each leg until it approaches the next flag; then slow and turn to target the next flag.  With experience, the engineer will learn what the fastest permissible speed on each leg is (and those can be marked into each flag).  I've actually attempted this in the past with my Kannonball, but I think this craft, Vitesse, is. and looks. much less cumbersome.    (My Victor II looks like an efficient machine to lay out a proposed route from the air...)

In addition, I've found that driving jet-powered locomotives over hilly terrain is challenging because speed control is quite inexact.  As a result, terrain knowledge guides the engineer, in advance, to how much power to apply in anticipation of what will be required to maintain a safe and expedient momentum.  The chutes are for reserve and the rear brakeman is responsible for quickly repacking the chutes after an incident (which may have to be done "on the fly", as we like to say in the railroad business).

But why?  "Market surveys reveal that a surprising number of Kerbals are 'uncomfortable' with air travel."

Edited by Hotel26
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