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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I have tried first suborbital reentry test of my small spaceplane crew transporter. It went down like a ball of snow down the hill...back to drawing board.

I have undocked and deorbited older service module from my station and have also docked science module to it.

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Not all of it was today, but...

I made a plane deploy-able rover,




An atempt to recreate the starting ship from Destiny,




A smoke machine,


Experimented with ways to get a rover to the bottom of the ocean,


A small plane with 2 20mm guns,


And a science rover.


There are a few more things that are in video form, I just need to edit it together and upload it to YouTube.

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Huh, oddly enough I also got something to the bottom of the ocean.


brought this into orbit and swung by the mun while i was out there. then because i wanted to land in daylight i made a really steep reentry. needless to say it didnt work too well so I hit the ocean at almost 2000m/s and was underwater for awhile until i floated to the top.


thats the remaining pieces underwater and that brings us to where we are now


anybody know if you can make seaplanes?

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Mun rocket failed, boosters curved inward on booster decoupling and an entire stage was lost.

Luckily, it had *just* enough delta-V to get to minmus, land, and come back! Kerpollo I, and thus around 39k funds, were NOT all lost!

Close enough! (no screenshots I was terrified the entire time because FPS was low and I had quicksave off :D )

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Today I accidentally discovered about Polar-Geosynchronous Orbits, if it can even be called that.


I put a satellite in a polar orbit around Minmus, but by the time it passes the pole and gets to the other side, Minmus has already spinned around, and the satellite end flying over the same surface! Pretty cool.

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Today I accidentally discovered about Polar-Geosynchronous Orbits, if it can even be called that.


I put a satellite in a polar orbit around Minmus, but by the time it passes the pole and gets to the other side, Minmus has already spinned around, and the satellite end flying over the same surface! Pretty cool.

Hmm, what is your orbital period? (or the time it takes to get from Ap to Pe twice).

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Hmm, what is your orbital period? (or the time it takes to get from Ap to Pe twice).

I'm afraid I can't answer that, once I already changed my orbit AP and EP to a more efficient one, sorry. :(

Also, welcome, page 1100!

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I'm afraid I can't answer that, once I already changed my orbit AP and EP to a more efficient one, sorry. :(

Also, welcome, page 1100!

Probably pretty close to 11 h 13 m 20 s, the orbital period of Minmus.

But someone should be able to calculate. AP 350799.7 PE 350486.4

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Today, i ported my .24.2 saved game to .25. And i took the opportunity to get rid of some mods. I am now down to 10 mods (from originally more than 30 back in .20). KSP gets more and more complete for me.

Then i continued with my Dream Chaser project and tweaked the spaceplane a bit here and there. It is now capable of reaching a 100km Kerbin orbit on its own, with about 1k of delta V remaining. It reached 2.100 m/s and a height of 36 km before it was necessary to switch to rocket mode.

I am very pleased with the design. It is very lightweight with only 6.9 tons of total weight. It flies very stable, packs 6 science experiments and is the prime candidate to join my second mission attempt to land on all 5 moons of Jool.

The Dream Chaser style launcher and additional transfer stage was designed, to deliver the spaceplane to the Jool main mission craft, without using its own resources.

In the first picture montage, the spaceplane and transfer stage are docked to the LKOS I space station during the final test flight.


And some impressions while on the runway. In the lower left you can see the science stuff placed inside the clamp-o-tron. You can easily fit and access batteries and small science thingies in there.


Edited by Frank_G
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Sending my first ion probe to Duna in my first playthrough of the career mode. It's so much more satisfying than in sandbox!

Welcome to Career!

Today, I launched my Karbonite detection sat and I scanned 95% of Kerbin with it.

The highest concentration point is at the nearest mountain range NE of the KSC. I'll be able to do some testing there soon.

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I made some serious progress on my Corvette project. I started off with a twisted heap of struts and I-beams, which flipped out and died before it even got to the end of the runway, and now I have something that can actually fly!

Here's what it's supposed to look like:


And here's what it looks like right now.




It's still very much a work in progress, and it flies like a small house, but I'm still proud of it!

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We're all going to Duna!


Bob, Dunfurt and Samdock are off to Duna in this thing, which has been assembled in orbit. There is a command module that doubles as a re-entry stage for their return to Kerbin; a habitation module with plenty of snacks for the trip; a service module; two science probes (only one visible) to send down to Ike and Duna before the crew; a two-kerbal lander; a rover (capable of landing independently); and a big drive section providing over 6km/s of dV. The whole thing has 288 parts and is 126 tons fully fueled.

All stock, no modded parts (except Engineer). A test burn reveals it is surprisingly non-wobbly under acceleration.

The launch window comes up in about 10 days. The crew might manage to get on board by then (they're a bit disorganised - I tried to get them all lined up for the photo but they kept drifting around).

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Started my 0.25 stock game; decided I'd try Normal difficulty at first and do harder levels later. Learned that the advice of "rolling the command pod around KSC" to collect enough early science to get to Basic Rocketry is sound, but I must've been doing it wrong; could barely deal with the command pod's natural camber. Worked though. Set up my contracts to favor additional science at the cost of funds, accepted the first four contracts, shot Jeb into orbit with a quad of goo containers and came back down in the sea east of KSC. Earned enough science on that initial hop to unlock all the Tier 2 and 3 nodes, and chose Electrics for my first Tier 4 node. One flight and I've already got solar panels and the ability to construct science packs. Almost had enough to go ahead and pick up fuel ducts too, so I did some parts tests to get that out of the road. Did another hop to unlock RCS; I've got my first rescue contract in the chute so I figured that'd be important. I do have to concur with the observation that Jeb doesn't really like to hang on to the side of the ship in 0.25; I had a couple of times when I was out trying to get an EVA report where he just kinda slipped off - this with the pod getting ready to come back down...

Tonight I'll do my rescue mission, and then I think it'll be about time to go to the Mun.

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Launched my third Jool probe for this career save. Hopefully this one won't fail like its predecessors.


I love launching big rockets in career mode, especially when you know that if it fails you'll go bankrupt.

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I dropped PixelSpace Micro Probes mod into KSP v.25 to see if it works (so far it does) Redid the smallest landing probe I seen in KSP (slightly bigger then my 1P2S Microprobe KSP v24.2) and tested it - working well.


Created a short stack (3 MP(T-P-S)) built to keep alined the vertical center of gravity and mounted on a new deep explore nuclear powered rocket ship "ZED" with a bit of unique construction techniques. among the unique techniques is pining the three side mounted tanks with one strut (set at 3x) connected at the closes point near the bottom of the tanks by the engine.It works well reducing the part count by 3 from the normal 6 struts to tie the 3 tanks together.


The separation of first three set of tanks/booster gave a good look at techniques and the design of the ZED rocket. The capsule, should it be occupied, can be separated from the rest of the rocket and maneuvered on RCS for docking to another standard docking port. (RCS thrusters have been moved to do this since the snapshot was taken). This is also designed fro reentry to Kerbin (2 side mounted chutes). Now if there were micro docking ports one might (depending on weight) be able to fly the MP(T-P-S)'s back up to a ship for recovery and full science point values. There is enough fuel in the MP(T-P-S) probes to handle this task for most planets/moons. All in a long nights work :-)


Edited by BJ Quest
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Did my first interplanetary mission, to Duna. May have slightly messed up my aerobraking and ended up going straight to Duna, with my interplanetary stage and all. Second I discovered I had not disabled crossfeed from my lander så that is completely out of fuel. So not only do I have to send a new interplanetart stage, I have to send a completely new lander AND land it somewhat in the vicinity of Jeb.


Edited by Henshaw
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I started a new career for .25 after updating my garage launchpad to work with the new extraplanetary launchpad update (before it was clipping all the rovers into the pad resulting in some fairly spectacular fireballs when I released them) I kept the designs from my previous bases with some changes.

Here's bob testing the new mobile base design by scaring all the R&D employees. He didn't crash it here. He crashed it on a hill 10 miles west of the center.


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