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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1 hour ago, Martian Emigrant said:

I need this.

Can't believe you are the first member (That I know anyway) that built one.

It's beautiful.



I'll ask my friend who ported this to KSP  if he will let me share it as it was a favour to me personally 

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5 hours ago, Raptor42 said:

Where is the Kraken? By the way very nice build with a lot of details.

Thanks! So far, I've been pretty lucky not having any K-bombs (of course, now I say that... and BOOM).

Technically, it might be that A) I'm using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and B) don't use Autostruts? Honestly, I have no idea. LOL

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On 3/29/2019 at 8:36 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Released some new parts in OPT Legacy. The intake is tailor made for the OPT J-92 engine (not in Legacy). The spheres are a super advanced fuel cell and two fusion reactors built from OPT's very sketchy scientific excursions about the Mystery Goo, all with differing radiator requirements (200kW, 500kW and 1MW). So OPT has reduced need for spamming stock fuel cells or finding an external mod for power generation.


Gotta fuse 'em all, huh

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The time and effort working on my KOS scripts is starting to pay off.  Launched an unmanned resupply mission to my Mun science lab station, completely hands off from clicking launch in VAB.  Extra fuel, batteries, solar panels, USI-LS supplies, and a return capsule for the crew (6 crew but only a 3 seat return pod already on the station.



Docking happened in the dark and I hadn't put lights on anything so slightly nerve racking as I couldn't see if anything was going wrong, but it all worked with only one minor hitch.  I'd forgotten my script assumed only 1 docking port on the ship so I think it measured the distance incorrectly, leading to the script crashing when it docked rather than ending properly.  Only a minor update needed to fix that. and fortunately while it meant the docking speed was higher than intended it didn't damage anything. 

Now I can get on with gathering all that Mun science


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4 hours ago, MisterKerman said:

@RizzoTheRat Your RCS placement is a little strange looking to me. I guess the MK3 pod has built in thrusters or whatever that I've never utilized myself for docking, but your fuel tank/power-plant has them located on just the one end.

Satisfy my curiosity? owo I might be missing something.

The top picture is the whole resupply ship heading to the Mun, it launched as one piece so I whacked some RCS on each end for it to use when it docks with the station.  It's the heaviest thing I've tried to dock with my scripts so far so I put them at the ends so I could use them for rotation if needed, but it turned out to have enough torque not to need it.  The pod and transfer stage will bring some of the crew back while the tank/power-plant bit stays as part of the station.

Edited by RizzoTheRat
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Yesterday, I made this:





It is still just a prototype, and there are a few significant issues that need to be resolved, but it is *intended* to be used in my career game (once I deal with the aforementioned issues).

The launch vehicle needs a few modifications before it will be fully functional (the most pressing issue is the fact that the part to which the core stage engines are attached explodes due to inexplicable overheating immediately after booster separation, rendering the remaining fuel in the stage useless). That said, the problems should be relatively easy to fix, and it certainly looks the part.


Colour scheme and scale were based on this image. Image source is this Wikipedia article.

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Today, I played KSP.  Actually have for about the past week, but, before then, I probably hadn't played the game in 2-3 months.  Finally got back into it this week, starting a DUNA Missions objective.  Using NASA and The Martin (yeah, watched that movie again this week so.....), have set some goals for Minmus and the Duna system.


  • Mercury Missions -  Unmanned craft to Minmus surface
    • Mercury 1 - Ore Drilling Rig (will likely have 2-3 of these on Minmus surface; one currently in place)
    • Mercury 2 - Resource Scanning Satellite (Mercury 1 into orbit around Minmus first; waited for Mercury 2 to come and scan, and find landing spot).
    • Mercury 3 - Fuel/Ore Transfer Rover - Will move ore from Drill Rigs to Refineries, and from Refineries to Refueling ships.  May include 2 rovers (currently one on surface)
    • Mercury 4 - Ore Refinery - will convert Ore to neeed fuels.
    • Mercury 5 - Additional satellites around Minmus to prevent control blackout of unmanned vessels.
    • Mercury 6-10 - Unknown at this point if additional Mercury missions will be needed.
  • Apollo Missions -Manned craft in Minmus orbit
    • Apollo 1 - Surface to Orbit Refueler - Manned ship that will travel to Minmus surface, obtain fuel, and return to orbit to dock with orbital refueling tanker (may have 2 of these)
    • Apollo 2 - Orbital refueling tanker - Manned station that will be positioned in orbit of Minmus; designed to add fuel to ships in later Ares missions to Duna (and beyond?).
    • Apollo 3 - Kerbin Escape Vehicle - Ship stationed on Apollo 2 craft in case there is a need to evacuate the tanker or surface refueling ships.
  • ARES Missions - Manned and Unmanned missions to Duna system
    • ARES 1 - Satellite/Resources Scanner unmanned Duna orbit craft
    • ARES 2 - Satellite/Resources Scanner unmanned Ike orbit craft
    • ARES 3 - Additional communication satellites
    • ARES 4 - Unmanned Duna surface driller
    • ARES 5 - Unmanned Duna surface refinery
    • ARES 6 - Unmanned Duna surface fueling rover
    • ARES 7 - Manned Duna Orbit habitation station
    • ARES 8 - Manned Duna surface to orbit refueling vessel
    • ARES 9 - Manned Duna Orbit fueling station
    • ARES 10-15 missions expected but not planned.

At the end of the Mercury, Apollo, and ARES missions, I should be happily exploring Duna, as well as have another stopping point for craft heading to other systems.


Mercury 3 Ore/Fuel Rover (obscuring obsolete drilling rig behind solar panel):



Mercury 1 Drill Rig (showing landing ring because it is on an incline, and the 6 drills cause it to bounce a bit; planning on moving it about 500m up the slope to a flatter surface soon).


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Designed my Outer Planets Cruiser - a probe designed for Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon, and Plock (Two probes, a la Voyager). Ion powered with a small nuclear reactor for electrical power. Everyone, meet the Valeros probe!

Specs :

Mass - 5.02 tonnes

dV - 33,000 m/s

TWR - 0.08 (1 (mod high thrust) ion engine = long burn fun time, yay!)

Xenon fuel - 8120 units

Electric Charge capacity - 1600 units (Consumption at full burn 200 ec/s, production 400 ec/s)

Solar panels + RTG for cruise, reactor for burns only


All only 5 tons and fits snugly within a size 1 fairing, so easy launch if I wanted to do it that way, but it'll have a nuclear ejection + cruise drive.

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