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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Nice video Mr. Bones! It has a nice amount of information and graphically displays the process. I like it!


I found out that some of my Kerbals had eaten more snacks than they were allowed. I could not let such an act go unpunished, so I had to teach them a lession.

I figured some non-solitary mohole confinement would do the trick, so I carried the perpetrators all the way to the north pole of the innermost planet.


It was a long way down.


A very, very long way down.


Eventually, though, they reached the bottom, so the ones that survived the fall now had plenty of time to think about what they had done.


There were many Kerbals on my list, but I believe I got them all.


I think they will respect the snack rations in the future!


Holy... wow, that's great. :)

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After a long hiatus, I'm back to playing KSP and just finished updating the mods I use and transfering my old save. I just had to give up on IsaMap Sat (it will be missed).

And I have to admit that the optimizations make an impressive difference. I can now enjoy the modular base I built on Minmus.

I also caught my first asteroid, a puny class B.

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After a long hiatus, I'm back to playing KSP and just finished updating the mods I use and transfering my old save. I just had to give up on IsaMap Sat (it will be missed).

And I have to admit that the optimizations make an impressive difference. I can now enjoy the modular base I built on Minmus.

I also caught my first asteroid, a puny class B.

Instead of IsaMap Sat you can use ScanSat. Works like a charm! Find it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?highlight=scansat

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You monster.


(How did you get that many kerbals to Moho?)

Save file editing, console cheats and a lot of Hitchhikers. Would probably have been better to do it legitimately, but I don't really feel like going through all that trouble for a joke. :P

Edited by Felsmak
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Put together an engine rig to dock with and increase thrust on an ion lander in an attempt to land on Mun. After repeated failures and quickloads, I decided to just bring Jeb home again. Then, I made a few modifications to some plans and designs: the new version of RedKing now has five ion engines on its ion-lander-capsule, so I'm hoping the ion-lander-capsule will be able to land on Ike after the whole assembly lands and takes off from Duna. RedKing is a slight modification of the Duna Lander I used in this landing, more tweaking than anything, and an ion-lander rather than just an ion capsule. I managed to land the ion lander on Minmus back when it had just the two engines, so five should be enough for Ike - and it's not that much heavier than the original version, so Duna landing and ascent should be well within its capabilities.

Then, a few failed spaceplanes - one of which managed to plough its centreline straight into the astronaut complex flagpole when it spun off the runway and exploded a side tank. Additionally, I modified the Laythe Lander plan - a secondary landing on Pol is probably asking too much of this design, so the capsule's ion system has been reduced to a single-engine ship rather than an ion-lander.

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After many failed attempts and being to stubbon to go back and correct some of the mistakes in building my mobile base. I successfully landed my dogs dinner of a rover/mobile base on to the mun. :)

And discovered I couldn't time warp when driving, so a long way from anywhere :(

It had an off centre centre of mass making take off awful, flying awful and the landing rockets didn't work when it came to landing. So had to do a penultimate stage touchdown/flip/decouple to get it down on it's wheels.

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This is a continuation of my Claw mission from this post (just the first screenshot).

So, it was now time to decide what to do with the claw ship and the abandoned capsule it had brought back. I decided since it was fairly outdated I was going to bring a second ship up to take the capsule from it, remove the crew, deorbit the large ship (although I didn't have a good plan for this), and then bring the capsule safely to solid ground. This would be a dual purpose mission -- the hitchhiker container that I'd pick up the crew with would be dropped off in a higher orbit to serve as the core for a space station I'm planning to build. Well, here goes:

Haters gonna hate.


This could get interesting... Actually it just plain didn't work like that, the claw kept bouncing off. I had to come at it from the flat side of the capsule.


Now we're cookin... Everyone leaves the orange ship except for Jeb, he's got some business to take care of. Jeb, wait, what are you doing?


This is ONE way to handle that mission... (Warning to those who may care: One of the ship names is a bit profane) The vid looks best in 1080p

Dropping off the hitchhiker...


Passed right over KSC on the way down


I only included this screenshot because of the look on James's face. "Yawn, not impressed."


Parachutes didn't rip anything apart like I had feared...


James takes a minute to do a jig before being picked up. Mission success!


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Today i got my scansat probe into a moho interecept.


Also returned 6 kerbals from minmus. they were on a long duration stay collecting delicious science!! there are still 4 to come home but an exploration of the odd crack in minmus's south pole is in order.



And finally! Jebediah lands on ike!! what a champ! my first time visiting that moon. it seems very similar to mun....



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Today was pretty productive. I launched a probe to orbit Jool, with a couple more planned for some of the moons, most importantly I launched an unmanned fuel-resupply mission to Moho to refuel the manned lander and return vehicle sitting in orbit of Moho without enough fuel to continue their mission (choosing Moho as my first choice for a manned mission to another planet was probably not the wisest of decisions :D). And of course, along with the successful launch of the resupply mission, was the half dozen or so spectacular failures that went before it, including one that was reminiscent of a giant Saturn V sized missile going straight into the ocean beside the KSC. I also launched into a holding orbit the orbital vehicle for my first manned Duna mission.

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Productive day for me, too. I started orbital construction of the Kerbatar 2.


The intent for this ship is to be a flotilla unto itself, with a full complement of landers and companion probes, all in one big hunk that I can send to various planets. This here is just the front half - the back half is a few degrees behind in the orbit, waiting on engines and fuel tanks to be attached. I must say, the Space Tug Klaw Edition proved really useful for this project.

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Tonight I did a dry run of my ALSEP-esque system using KAS. (I edited the LM descent stage to be a KAS container. I didn't like the idea of just attaching everything to the side, mostly because it looks ugly and is a pain to design around)

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I mostly sweared heavily yesterday.

After rechecking every asteroid (damn faulty math) for encounters and impacts, renaming them and picking the most dangerous/closest two for my two twin asteroid ships in orbit, I fiddled on two maneuver nodes to get as close as possible to the first one in five days.

Next was my Moho probe for which I could not get a good encounter due to KACs currently incorrect transfer alerts - and noticed I did not install Protractor since the update to .23.5 ... :P I just used the +orbit function from Precise Node to move my departure several days into the future and after realising I woud have to move the position of my node on the orbit to account for the movement of the planet around its star during this time, I got really really close to an encounter that would warrant a small correction halfway.

Back to my asteroid capturing I ran into yet another bug: Somehow the game combined the maneuver nodes for both ships and left me with anything but a planned useful maneuver again ...

Further I changed my skybox as I find the one from KSPRC much to full (regardless of realism) - for this I used one with very large TGA files that I converted to smaller JPGs with Gimp - the long loading time in my pic viewer should have made me reconsider ... will change the skybox once again today.

I edited the LM descent stage to be a KAS container.

Well well, another MM modification that goes into my private modding folder. :)

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Well, I made a boat.

Pretty nice a stable, mighty top speed of 25m/s from 8 underwater jet engines

I estimate its range to be about 44 km. If I decrease the no of engines to 4 the top speed drops to about 19m/s but estimated range increases to 68 km

Pretty impractical means of transport really . . . .


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