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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Managed to bug a tourist to be a fulltime "honorary" Kerbalnaut.


His contract failed when the rocket flipped on re-entry and his column broke away from the body with the chute deployed. Apparently his pod survived and i was able to recover it with him in it.

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Ok ... so ... after around 3k 4k /played i think that's the first time i really make a plane and go to the pole ; ) nevermind ;) taht's cool and i love it ; )


Wow, that is very much nearly the same design I did for my Bumblebee. The first jet with 1.0 that I had working. Imagine that, independently designed, same result.

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Made an SSTO.


Flew a plane. There is nothing wrong with it.


Nothing at all.


Launched... this thing.


Practiced lithobreaking.


Made a metronome.


Then decided I'd go somewhere really fast.


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I did my first Mun landing in the new career save that I started after 1.0 dropped. I went though a number of designs that didn't work, what with the unupgraded VAB only allowing me 30 parts, but I eventually managed it. The trick to saving the parts was having the first stage consist entirely of the biggest SRBs. The SRBs could get me out of the atmosphere, at a good velocity, which is a big improvement on the previous attemts, which had to have the final stage do circularization. The previous ones could land on the moon, but couldn't get back.


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Is it normal that I am generating 4 LF+O a second? Sustained (never runs out of ore/power*)?


*Does not work at night, that amount of fuel cells would require 3 times the amount of fuel this generates, alternatively it could work with ~600 RTGs, without generators it would need ~11600 2.5 meter batteries to last the night

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Today I learned how to make a decent jet.


Also, the steam screenshot key is the same as the aerodynamic forces key. Regardless of the aerodynamic qualities, I'm a sucker for the triple engines and diamond wing. Also, this is the first thing controllable enough that I felt comfortable not putting parachutes on it.

I also learned how not to make a testbed for combined jet/rocket propulsion. I needed to fulfill a contract to test the Wheesleys at 400 m/s above 10K, and those engines gave out at 11K even with a plane made of intakes.


I had to play around with the weight a LOT just to get it not to flip with the added rocket fuel, and it turns out that putting jet engines that close to own wings stands a very good chance of making the plane shake itself apart. Fortunately, I also discovered the joys of overengineering: I overbuilt that plane so much it could fly and land on the rear jets alone. Got a cool 20 Science from the Astronaut complex by it. New rule discovered: Any craft manned by Kerbals will have something to put under the ABORT tab, most likely emergency engine shutdown + parachutes.

I also planted a flag at KSC so I'd have something to target during re-entry planning, and I got this monster into orbit. Launch vehicle:


Final product:


Yes, that is three of the biggest Rockomax fuel tank. And it's a space station with engines to travel other places, a high battery capacity, and attachment modules for other miracles of technology. I needed to build a space station for a contract, so I figured I should build something I'd definitely be able to use later on even if it meant brute-forcing a huge payload into orbit.

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More testing with BD Armorys ai pilots. 2v2 dogfight.

Say, I've gotten into that a bit too - would you like to play with my MiG-31? I just finished it today - comes in both BD-armed and stock variants.


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