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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Admitted failure of my Jool-5 challenge Tylo landing... Planned lander has only half of required deltaV... Crew is safe, moving on to Laythe for further instructions.

I made a bad mistake while engineering the Lander combination for Tylo, however. Pretty sad about it.

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Put a lander in orbit of the Mun to rescue the crew from the previous mission. Then I realized that I forgot extra seats. :(

Well, if Jeb was a real man ... strike that ... Kerbal, he'd land and let his stranded fellow take his ride back home and wait for the next ship. ;)

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Yeah, did similar mistake few days ago. Sent two Kerbals to Mun, Val in Mk1 pod, Bob in lander can. Landed, got back to orbit, docked. *right, so how are they supposed to return home? uhhh..*

Today, returned from Mun (in one piece), made interplanetary burn (in one piece) and accepted another contract.. to land on the Mun. Again.

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Hi All :)

Step three of the "Almost Gran Tour" with stock "B.O.B" (Bunch Of Bananas) ISRU Mammoth SSTO Explorer..

From Moho to Gilly, a lot more easy than Minmus to Moho ^^

Moho Takeoff...


Eve retrograde burn to reach Gilly Orbit...


Gilly SOI...


And about one year of mining to refuel xD


Fly safe :)

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Sent the new solar array for my station towards the Mun. Got my sums a bit wrong and ran out of fuel. I suppose that's what I get for going RCS-only on the little tug that was delivering it.


Now how am I going to rendezvous with that? This will be interesting.

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I got up close and personal with Jool, my first mission to it as a player and first attempt aerobraking anywhere other than kerbin. Uh... I learned how touchy it gets.

I didn't get any shots in atmo with the reentry effect because I had to micromanage the airbrakes. If I put them all thw way out they would all too easily overheat and explode, setting off a chain reaction destroying basically everything but the heat shield. What I ended up doing was teasing the airbrakes just barely out from behind the heat shield, tapping the button the whole time to get the maximum drag without exploding.

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I made a couple passes of aerobraking so far, my goal is to get my orbit down roughly to that of the outermost moon. The last image is a bug I encountered after the 3rd pass... I smell a kraken. All my engines were off, I was out of atmosphere, but I couldn't time warp, and it wouldn't let me switch to other ships. Resorted to quicksave and Alt+F4. Rebooting the game...did not take that problem away. Not sure what I can do about it now. It would kindof indefinitely suck if I couldn't time warp with it, because its orbital period now is like two weeks.

In other news, Kerbal Alarm Clock gave me a chime from the days of yore. One of my first interplanetary endeavors was a rendezvous with Eeloo, which would meet up with Eeloo at its apoapsis. So I got to fly a much less advanced probe and get my first look at the big snowball.


Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
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Just lost Jeb to the launchpad, 22 seconds into the launch....... well above the launch pad, welp, hope he will respawn soon (nope, reloaded early save, don't want to lose a 3star pilot to the launchpad when that couldn't happen in the first place)

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Tweaked PIP a little, got over a 100k orbit with over 800dv left. Happy with my little ship.



- - - Updated - - -

Astrobond, can you upload the craft file? I'd love to take a look at it. Been following your B.O.B. post, and they're pretty cool. Love the rocket SSTO.

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Astrobond, can you upload the craft file? I'd love to take a look at it. Been following your B.O.B. post, and they're pretty cool. Love the rocket SSTO.

Hi manek :)

I also love your PIP ship !!!

Here is the craft:

ISRU Mammoth SSTO Explorer.craft

There is no fuel in the tanks of the Drill o-matic pod to be under 300t. but you can add fuel if you want a little more Dv in LKO to go Minmus :)

(but that's doable as is)

Fly safe with valentina :)

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Career mode:

1. Sent a small single-unit lab station to Minmus. Took three tries - first two times the structural fuselage exploded due to sudden and unexplained overheating. This is a piece that both A) had all my docking ports and B) more importantly connected the station to my transfer stage through one of the aforementioned docking ports. I F9'd back to my customary "entering a moon's SOI" quicksave and tried again. Same thing. Did it a third time, this time decoupling the two and re-docking. This also snapped the struts that connected the two halves. Either this or the fact I tried circularizing at a higher altitude ended up fixing the issue, and now Val is keeping the station running until I can get some scientists and a lander (for Val to pilot) out there.

No contracts or science scored, but hey, now I have station out at Minmus that can collect mucho science in the future and maybe be sent to Duna once I'm done with that.

2. Slightly related, I had a mun mission sitting on the surface for a bit, and the scientist in the lander, Kernne, was needed on the Minmus station but her collected science (temperature readings, mun rocks, goo samples etc.) was needed back at Kerbin first, so back to Kerbin we went. That's OK, she didn't have any docking ports anyways. First try: took two passes to aerobrake. Second pass accidentally deployed chutes early. Foof. Reload. Second try, worked like a charm. Made 1400 science, plus whatever profit the flag-planting mission (which paid for the endeavor) had left over. Nice!

I don't know how anyone plays iron man style. Seriously, new recruits must get expensive.

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I outfittet Minmus with a satellite network.

Directly before decoupling the third of five satellites, I accidently hit the "SHIFT" button and decoupled the satellite,

resulting in me wondering why the sat was not being propelled by the separator and drifting away as usual.

When I figured out what was happening, I stopped the engine of the ship and wanted to switch back to the satellite.

The satellite has already been accelerated so much by the ship pushing it, that it was on a course leaving Minmus SOI in some arbitrary angle.

And KSP somehow did not let me switch back to the sat. No button was appearing. Going back to the Space Center did not fix it. So the sat was lost.

I placed the remaining two satellites in polar orbit, flew Neilcott home to Kerbin and did another flight to bring the last satellite.

All went well.

But I somehow managed to switch orbital direction at Minmus on my insertion burn without noticing it.

After deploying the satelite, I recognized my error. I was so upset that I failed again, that I dismissed the satellite instead of trying to correct its direction and orbit.

So next time I need to send a third mission to get that third aequatorial satellite set up... :huh:

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Alright, so last time I showed my Duna expedition craft. After it spent about 200 days in orbit waiting for the window to the red planet to open, it was time to send up the crew. Earlier in those 200 days, I had built my first space plane in 1.0 with a successful hands-off re-entry after it had docked with my LKO research station to bring some upgrades to it (such a docking port). After it was refuel and refitted with a crew cabin, a tourist - Tratha Kerman - joined the expedition crew on the shuttle to visit the expedition craft in LKO. Jeb and Val tossed a coin to see who would be the one to pilot the personnel shuttle. Here in front of the shuttle are Jeb, Bill and Val just before take-off.


On the first ascent into the upper atmosphere, I messed up. I was probably taking too many screenshots and I got distracted. But eventually I managed to break through into a 70 km apoapsis. I levelled out the craft immediately after this so I could catch up to the expedition craft, which was in a 72-83 km orbit about 50 km ahead. I was forced to dock at a particular awkward angle with limited battery power because I had not replaced the extendable solar panel in the cargo bay that I replaced with the crew cabin. Anyway, it seems like Bill will have to modify the positioning of the radial docking station to get connected living spaces to work. For now, I disabled it out of laziness. I will place the greenhouse and cargo bay (with a probecore inside) on the radial attachment point instead once the station is in orbit around Duna. That will be super inconvenient some later on for sure. The same happened on my LKO research station as my game progressed over the past 200 days.


While Bob and Bill - who are both level 3 kerbonauts - would be the scientist and engineer on the trip to Duna, it was not yet certain which of the pilots would remain on the expedition craft, and who would return to Kerbin. It was decided that, since Jeb was the one who got to pilot the "Orbiter Two" personnel shuttle, Val would be the one to pilot the expedition to Duna. Thrata was not up to the challenge of Duna and returned to Kerbin with Jeb.

I will add a few more pictures on this imgur album.

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