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The first thing you did.


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Flew Jeb on a capsule-less SRB. Then made a stack of 4 that would've almost got Bill to orbit if he'd managed to steer straight.

Then, when on my traditional run up to the Mun with Bob in the 1 man lander can for launch, but sitting on a chair on top for the rest of the way.

The Kerbin landing was not going to go so well, as the vanguard parachute mod was not working, and I'd been planning on ditching the capsule...

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First thing...

Jeb + seat * tall SRB / parachute = WIN

Second thing...

My standard first-run Minmus mission: a one man lander to the 'L'-shaped equatorial mare, approximately halfway between 'point' on the southern side and the narrows to the north. Planted a flag to give me a target for follow-on missions to establish a permanent base.


Next major goals:

Mun landing

Duna rover

Edited by Carthaginian
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First Minar (It's Minmus, be reasonable) landing...which I was never able to do in 0.19...Go figure. Although, no landing of mine goes without some failures: Lost two legs of the lander stage:


And this happened after I went to EVA. And yes, the whole rocket rolled 100m downhill after it tipped over.


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First thing was to load up my old saved mission and saw none of my craft worked

Second was check the forums and notice other people having issues

Third, download Mechjeb fix

Fourth, make a couple of flags

Fith, build an orbiting comms station for Kerbin and the Mun

Sixth, build a refueling station for Kerbin and the Mun

Seventh, build a transport and lander for the Mun

Eighth, fly to the moon refueler, refuel, land on the Mun and plant my first flag

Ninth, Strap Jeb to 5 SRB's and went for a ride after seeing these posts

Tenth, Strap him to some big fuel tanks (with SRB's) and send him 6,661.067m on a 12 hour trip from Kerbin and back

Eleventh, build a plane and strap him to it, successfully take off, fly around, find a new runway I didn't know existed, try to land on it and missed, landing past it and running into the water where he survived :)

All the while taking pictures hehe

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The first thing I did in 0.20 was crash.

The second thing I did in 0.20 was go to space and come back.


The third thing I did in 0.20 was realize that the rescaleFactor was all messed up, none of my plugins worked, and my saves were broken. So I'm sitting on it for awhile and waiting for some issues to be fixed. I do love the seats, however.

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Here's the first thing I did. I call it the "Kerbwith Kamel," following the typical KSP naming convention of adding "K" to everything. It's fairly maneuverable at low speeds and has a short takeoff distance, but it's somewhat difficult to land. You can't come down at over 60 m/s or else the front gear will break, and until you get below 40-ish, it bounces around and you have to constantly fight it to keep the lower wings from hitting the ground. It comes complete with a radio antenna for communication and a ladder to get in and out

This is only the very first version, but I'm on a school computer so I can't take any screenshots of the new ones.


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The first thing a weary Kerbal wants to do after a long voyage is just kick back in a nice comfy deckchair, in the shade, with a nice cold beer. Now that dream has been realised


Now I've just got to get it to the moon somehow :P

That is freaking awesome. I love clever stuff like this

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That is freaking awesome. I love clever stuff like this

Hah, thanks. It's just a silly little idea I came up with while I was waiting for the update to download. I'm planning on sending a bunch of these to the moon and making a café :D

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