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[0.20.2] Mission Controller v0.10 (06/24/2013) [ALPHA]


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It would be nice if all the user made mission were centralized somewhere. I just downloaded the pack and it's already a pain to look through the 15 pages to find something. I just can't imagine when the thread will be 40 pages :D

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It would be nice if all the user made mission were centralized somewhere. I just downloaded the pack and it's already a pain to look through the 15 pages to find something. I just can't imagine when the thread will be 40 pages :D

Oh yes indeed. Is someone willing to build a website for users to upload their mission packages? But wait till tomorrow for the new file format :).

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Oh yes indeed. Is someone willing to build a website for users to upload their mission packages? But wait till tomorrow for the new file format :).

Not specially a complete website. Just in the fist post or even in a new thread, but somewhere it's easy to find. Because I've gave up finding any mission on space stations :P

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Oh yes indeed. Is someone willing to build a website for users to upload their mission packages? But wait till tomorrow for the new file format :).

I would LOVE to do something like this. I can host the website and the files (I can't image the file size is too large? I have a 160GB HDD in my server computer so that should hold quite a bit of them right? I don't however know how one would set up the file hosting and downloading stuff, if you could point me in the right direction for something like that, similar to the Space Port setup maybe? That would be cool. Keep up the great work on the plug in :)

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I have a silly question: How do I set good landing coordinates?

I've tried to mark KSC and second runway and... It doesn't detects that I have landed. I would like to make missions, that must end on a runway. I want to be very precise. :)

body = Kerbin
minLatitude = -1
maxLatitude = -2
minLongitude = -71
maxLongitude = -72

body = Kerbin
minLatitude = 0
maxLatitude = -1
minLongitude = -74
maxLongitude = -75




PS. Sorry for my very simple level of english. I don't use that language to often, besides of playing games. :P

PPS. This plugin/mod is just awesome. I discovered it today and cannot wait to make some new videos. :D

Edited by Moskit
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Marking a runway as a landing zone would be tricky. It's too small. I suggest landing something at each of the four corners to get their exact lat/long.

I am working on a Kapollo series of missions and figured that a huge box of ocean (say 10x10km) would mirror the realworld program. The shuttle was the only craft capable of hitting anything near the size of a runway, and that required GPS/radio guidance not present in KSP.

Edited by Sandworm
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I just want that coordinates to work. If you look at screenshot I added to post you will see, that plugin doesn't detect longtitude and latitude.

I really don't know why, I don't know anything about programming, coding, scripting etc. so it's kinda difficult for me. :)

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Switch your max and min longitude. As written, there are no locations that can satisfy both requirements.

Numerically, -74.5 is smaller than -74.0 (your min). And -74.5 is bigger than -75 (your max).


The plugin does work.

Edited by Sandworm
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OFFTOPIC: Haven't seen you around in a while. . . hi!

On topic: There is a way to turn it off but I'm not sure if it is save specific quite yet.

Sadly it is not save specific. I opened some days ago an issue on github to keep this in mind. I figure many users want this feature.

Version 0.4 is out, and here are the dramatic changes:

I introduced mission packages. There were too many mission files in a directory and you can not browse them conveniently, so there is a new mission package browser. It is a bigger window with all missions in the mission package you previously selected.

You can preview the missions and if you decide to finish the mission you press the button "Select mission". Everything else is like before.

I also added a new mission field: category, which lets the mission designer decide, which icons should be shown in the mission package browser. Currently this does not work, but it will as soon as I get some icons :).

Currently working on:

1. The open issues

2. documentation with mission guidelines and some scripts to make mission maintaining easier

3. some new ideas, act surprised ;).

And I have several question:

Should I make the mission package browser window bigger (wider, not taller)? Sadly Unity does not support resizable windows...

Now where it is usable, what do you think about the mission package browser?

@BlazingAngel665, I like the mission icons, but could you color them in the same color? It looks too colorful :). And no text for the mission icons. The icons itself look great btw. A lot of work I guess. Thanks a lot!!!

Try the new version and imagine two icons (maximal two) to the right of the mission buttons.

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@BlazingAngel665, I like the mission icons, but could you color them in the same color? It looks too colorful :). And no text for the mission icons. The icons itself look great btw. A lot of work I guess. Thanks a lot!!!

Try the new version and imagine two icons (maximal two) to the right of the mission buttons.

Right will do

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I was searching through the forum about the docking issue, and I may be pointing you in the wrong direction, but I found this...

EventData`1[GameEvents+FromToAction`2[Part,Part]] onPartCouple PS

EventData`1[GameEvents+HostTargetAction`2[Part,Part]] onPartAttach PS




//Returns whether the vessel we've registered OnFlyByWire with is the correct one.

//If it isn't the correct one, fixes it before returning false

bool CheckControlledVessel()


if (controlledVessel == vessel) return true;

//else we have an onFlyByWire callback registered with the wrong vessel:

//handle vessel changes due to docking/undocking

if (controlledVessel != null) controlledVessel.OnFlyByWire -= OnFlyByWire;

if (vessel != null)


vessel.OnFlyByWire -= OnFlyByWire; //just a safety precaution to avoid duplicates

vessel.OnFlyByWire += OnFlyByWire;


controlledVessel = vessel;

return false;


from mechjeb core line 46-63 : source

also noticed in the docking autopilot files that they use:

// close enough, turn it off and let the magnetic dock work



My guess is they doesn't check to see if the dock was successful, they just check to see that it is close enough the magnetic dock will connect and that the other (target) vessel no longer exists.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ further research

public override void OnUpdate()



if (!ShowLine)




line.SetWidth(0.01F, 0.01F);

line.SetPosition(0, Cam.CrossPos);

line.SetPosition(1, Target.Pos);


if (Engaged)


if (DriveTarget)


if (drivingTargetVessel != Target.vessel) // Vessel change detected


if (drivingTargetVessel != null)

HydroFlightInputManager.RemoveOnFlyByWire(drivingTargetVessel, nameString_Target, DriveTargetAutopilot);




else if (drivingTargetVessel != null) // ActiveVessel docked to TargetVessel



if (!NullTarget())



This is from HydroTech RCS Autopilot -- HydroTech_RCS_code.zip\Autopilots\APDockAssist0.cs -- lines 354 - 382

Edited by Necrosniper
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I was searching through the forum about the docking issue, and I may be pointing you in the wrong direction, but I found this...

Thanks for your help. I figured it out: onPartCouple works. maybe it has sideeffects :-/, don't know yet. Polishing the mission package browser and releasing a new version in the near future :).

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Sorry if I missed something, but does this have toggle, like I can have one save for this, one save for sandbox?

There are multiple saves for sandboxes now. Each KSP space program has its own MC space program with its own budget.

DockingGoal does work now in the new version :).

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There is no option to test a vessel. This will be included in the a future release. Before you launch you can "mark" the vessel as test vessel. This way you will pay less (only material costs and construction costs) for the vessel, but can't finish missions with this vessel. But you can disable the plugin (and therefore launching a vessel does not cost anything).

This is actually not realistic. Rockets don't fly without fuel just because someone declared that this is a "test" launch. In real life this issue is usually alleviated by using super-cheap mock payloads instead of real ones, testing first stage without the second one in suborbital tests, etc. There is actually a whole world of potential clever concepts to be invented to make test launches as cheap as possible. I think it has to stay the way it is now - launch is launch. The only possible exception would be launch abort - since nothing is launched, there are no expenses. I wasted quite some money on these "launches without actual launch", as I usually do vessel checkup on the pad - checking action groups, LAS/LES if applicable, etc.

Other than that - it's awesome mod, thanks for bringing it up!

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This is AWESOME! Totally dig it...

2 cents? disable quicksave... it has no place here (imho, I don't use it, I suppose you could... but then...)

If there is some sort of repository for more "missions" (cause I'm a daft monkey when it comes to coding) I'd love to hear about it

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This is AWESOME! Totally dig it...

2 cents? disable quicksave... it has no place here (imho, I don't use it, I suppose you could... but then...)

If there is some sort of repository for more "missions" (cause I'm a daft monkey when it comes to coding) I'd love to hear about it

My recommendation would be for all mission authors to pastebin their mission files and then link them here. Maybe we should make a second post to hold just the links to paste binned mission files? We definitely need a place to store all the existing missions though. For posterity's sake.

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