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other model formats?

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Hi i'm trying to make some couplers for the xl and normal sized parts in blender, but blender, being terrible as usual, is having trouble importing the existing collada meshes.

does anyone have an xl and normal part in a different filetype i could try? i just need a reference size to go off of. thanks!

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i don't think you understand. I'm dealing with the normal size of attachement, and then the xl sizes. if i was dealing with one size i could just scale it up or down as needed but since i'm dealing with two sizes i need to know the ratio of sizes and so forth. I find this is easiest when i have an existing normal and xl model to work with.

even in the link you provided it states:

'A good idea when modelling, is to import one of the stock models included with the game to your 3D scene for reference. '

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Blender seems unable to import .dae's not created in Blender.

then is there some way i can import it into a different 3d modeler and export it as something blender will read? or could somebody convert a couple meshes from their dae state to another filetype in 3ds or something? that would be awesome.

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To get .DAE files to import to Blender 2.5X.......

1) Open the DAE file in Notepad

2) Find the line <diffuse>

3) Delete the entire <diffuse> element. It will look something like this:


<texture texture='Map__123-image' texcoord='CHANNEL0'>


<technique profile='MAYA'>

<wrapU sid='wrapU0'>TRUE</wrapU>

<wrapV sid='wrapV0'>TRUE</wrapV>






(Delete everything from <diffuse> to </diffuse>)

4) Save the file (don't change the DAE format)

5) In Blender 2.5x import the DAE file you've just saved using the importer - File > Import > COLLADA (.dae)


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