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Guess Who Will Reply Next?


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No, I ate the watermelon.



I have had a small joke in my head for a while now, so I will say it:

What song is used in Eversource (My power provider) commercials?

"Can't touch this" (Referring to the fact that you can't touch live power wires. Yes, it's really stupid)

Also, you can actually touch live power wires if you are not grounded. You can just hang from a live wire in the air and not get shocked. However, if you have a connection to ground (Via ladder, cherrypicker, utility pole, etc.) you get shocked.

I might be wrong, since I am tired (Where I live it is 1:15 AM. I really need to go to bed)


I think @Maria Sironawill join us tonight.

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
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@Maria Sirona Sadly you didn't actually tag Vanamonde so they don't know you called them. Yes people have guessed right many times.

@Ben J. Kerman It depends very much on the amperage. High tension power wires can jump to ground over 8 meters and also travel long distances through the ground. Generally their insulation and ceramic separators stop them from jumping to ground but if you create an easier pathway for them by hanging from them then all bets are off. It is also why if you are in a vehicle of any description and you hit live power lines or they have hit the ground, you stay in your vehicle till the mains power is shut off. The tyres and metal frame allow the electricity to pass over rather than through you. If you get out, just touching the ground can kill you. End of todays lesson :D


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