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[1.0.3] Editor Extensions v2.12 - 23 June


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Yep, not obsolete. :) Symmetry changing, pressing Alt+X to reset symmetry, vertical snap mode, pressing Tab to toggle SPH/VAB mode (which is stock now, but I like the notification that displays on screen with EE), lots of features. Even if some of its functionality has been made stock, there's still some bits missing that EE can fill in the gaps for. :)

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I suspect a complete re-write will be needed. I do like the extra symmetry modes, and this is something the new editor gizmos don't do. Particularly enjoy building rockets with five-fold symmetry. Otherwise most of the things this mod does are now stock, along with a raft of other new tools.

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I'll be digging into the new editor this week to see what can be done, I'll keep everyone posted on what I find.

Very glad to hear this! I, like the others, already missing vertical snap, additional angle snap options, etc...

Two additional features I would enjoy to enhance the new 0.90 editor gizmos:

- Angle options to adjust the granularity of the rotation and translation tools

- Keys are functional to execute a rotation or translation (instead of using the mouse to drag the little vectors around)

While I'm making requests I might as well add that I wish tweakable values had the ability to quickly punch in numbers on the keypad to set a value exactly instead of trying to drag the mouse on that tweakable control...

Regardless of where it all ends up, thanks for looking into it!!

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The stock rotation gizmo will snap to either five degrees or fifteen degrees, or to no snap. I'd love to see an option to set that snap to any number of degrees I desire, from 180 to 0.1 if that's at all possible.

Sounds more like something for padishars part angle display, it contained this feature before.

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Indeed, unfortunately, the interface to the core editor code has substantially changed in this release which is making it awkward to get Part Angle Display working properly. I am planning to fix the rotation in place mode (which used to use an editor feature which no longer exists, even privately) and also to provide both rotation and translation keys and increment adjustment in all modes (except for root select). However, the code that I started back in 0.25 needs a total overhaul and considerable extension to fit in with the new editor API and I'm so busy with work and other RL things that I'm not getting a lot of time to work on it.

The changes to the editor interface will also make some features of editor extensions very awkward (e.g. the vertical snap toggle used to be exposed by the core editor but no longer is).

Sorry, but you'll all need to be patient this time round...

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Indeed, unfortunately, the interface to the core editor code has substantially changed in this release which is making it awkward to get Part Angle Display working properly. I am planning to fix the rotation in place mode (which used to use an editor feature which no longer exists, even privately) and also to provide both rotation and translation keys and increment adjustment in all modes (except for root select). However, the code that I started back in 0.25 needs a total overhaul and considerable extension to fit in with the new editor API and I'm so busy with work and other RL things that I'm not getting a lot of time to work on it.

The changes to the editor interface will also make some features of editor extensions very awkward (e.g. the vertical snap toggle used to be exposed by the core editor but no longer is).

Sorry, but you'll all need to be patient this time round...

Sad but in the end it will be worth waiting for it.

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I already miss the symmetry modes, angle snap options and vertical snap. I hope this mod continues. :)

I can tell you from my own private hacking: though the flag is still there, vertical snap as such is now gone from the game, though playing with the offset tool looks promising so far.

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I can tell you from my own private hacking: though the flag is still there, vertical snap as such is now gone from the game, though playing with the offset tool looks promising so far.

That is incredibly disappointing to me as that was the feature of EE I used the most. Hopefully one of you smart programmer types are able to come up with a suitable replacement.

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Well, there is one thing that EE has but KSP doesn't: Part symmetry that can go over 8 times.

This is not really true. All EE did was to remove the limit on what the UI allowed you to do, it was still using all the core editor code to actually do the symmetry. It was sometimes possible in a stock game to glitch the symmetry into >8 times and, if you did, then you could increase it without limit (and without being able to see how many you were on). In any case, the bits that allow the symmetry to be controlled are still accessible in 0.90 so this part should certainly be doable...

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That's not what they meant by part clipping. If you read any notices of devs enabling part clipping, you'd see the disclaimer that said something along the lines of 'you still can't attach two things to one node though'. The noclipping Squad enabled is like as long as you're attaching a part to another part, no matter how many pixels the collision boxes overlap, it's a valid connection.

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As you can see from all the comments that this mod is still very sought after. I think it could only enhance the new features that Squad have introduced.

Please take your time in creating the new version, it will make a lot of kerbanauts very happy!

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I would also love to see an update for this mod. The multiple symmetry, the different angles you could set for the angle-snap and vertical snap are things I used all the time and I am really missing them.

Switching between SPH and VAB buildstyle was also very easy when making a rover (SPH mode) and the carrier rocket/lander (VAB mode).

In the OP it is stated that this mod might be obsolete with the new changes. In my opninion it is far from obsolete, it will still add a lot of functionality to the building process

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I too would like to see an update of this mod. The features mentioned by Kaiz0r are essential for me by now and I`m not sure I can build the things I want without them. It will definitely take more work to get the same results.

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I would also like to show my support for a remake/revamp of this mod, if vertical snap is gone, then fair enough, but the other functions are still practical. If anyone is able to figure out vertical snapping that would be a bonus.

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Keep it up, it's not obsolete at all, and I'm already missing the X, alt-X functions, the spacebar, and the 50 levels of simmetry. It's a must-have mod for me and for many others, and we love it.

Please, don't abandon the mod, it's amazing.

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