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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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Any update to work with the newest release of FAR? Other people have found that it is only registering 1 side of the fairing.

Interstage fairings aren't considered by nuFAR at all.

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Updated to 3.14:

  • Updated for the new FAR.
  • Reduced fairing shape update rate in the editor to 2 times per second.
  • Adjusted default fairing decoupler value to avoid "vessel changed" messages spammed by bugged KSP sliders.

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Updated to 3.14:

  • Updated for the new FAR.
  • Reduced fairing shape update rate in the editor to 2 times per second.
  • Adjusted default fairing decoupler value to avoid "vessel changed" messages spammed by bugged KSP sliders.

Fantastic! Your hard work is appreciated.

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Someone DID do something like that with Procedural Fairings & Infernal Robotics but I don't use IR so I can't say how. They did post in this thread about it so if you search hard enough you will find it.

On the otherhand, KW Rocketry has a 3.75m version of this part.

Edit: I think later versions of this piece of hardware had the petals jettisoned completely due to fear that the Apollo spacecraft might hit the petals trying to pull the lunar module out.

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KW Rocketry is not updated for KSP 1.0.2. I will search tomorrow for that someone's post XD


You can do that with IR. You put the fairing on a ring as normal then shpae it how you want. You then can remove it and attach it to any other node like any other part. Just need IR for hinges to attach the fairings to. Don't know how easy or hard this will be, but it should be doable

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I've already tried but the fairing still attaching herself to the base and not to the IR part.

I found the post where it is done, it's on page 52, tomorrow I will try it. Thanks everyone :)

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KW Rocketry is not updated for KSP 1.0.2. I will search tomorrow for that someone's post XD


There's a community patch for it. I don't know what it needed; it's just a parts parts pack with no plugin. With the possible exception of its bottom stack nodes, everything else should work fine with defaults. (the stack node issue is that a lot of older stuff needs a sign reversal because the bottom node is pointing up instead of down on a lot of parts, and KSP used to ignore that, but not anymore)

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Updated to 3.14:

  • Updated for the new FAR.
  • Reduced fairing shape update rate in the editor to 2 times per second.
  • Adjusted default fairing decoupler value to avoid "vessel changed" messages spammed by bugged KSP sliders.

Oh, thank god, I thought I had somehow forgotten how to fly my rocket.

Great work as always.

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I've already tried but the fairing still attaching herself to the base and not to the IR part.

I found the post where it is done, it's on page 52, tomorrow I will try it. Thanks everyone :)

You need to select lock shape or somesuch on the fairing side. Once you have done that you don't even need the fairing base. Granted without that you may loose stock shielding, but then you will probably loose stock shielding if you put an IR part between the base and the sides anyway. FAR automatically shields any part that is enclosed completely so should be fine.

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Yes, I use FAR, but it doesn't work anyway:


It seems that the fairing will attach only to the base nodes.

Another problem of removing the base is the loss of the interstage fairing adapter's upper node.

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Yes, I use FAR, but it doesn't work anyway:


It seems that the fairing will attach only to the base nodes.

Another problem of removing the base is the loss of the interstage fairing adapter's upper node.

The SpaceY pack has a similar 2.5 to 3.75m payload bay like that. I have not tested with any version of FAR but I know it works under stock aero.

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I'm looking for tips on how to make fairings with a as low as possible lift. Does the shape affect lift ect? I ask because my upper stages are always unstable when I use Farram and fairings it always switches my COL above my COM. I'm looking for advice from the Super nerdy people who may or may not be AreoGeniuses!

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I'm looking for tips on how to make fairings with a as low as possible lift. Does the shape affect lift ect? I ask because my upper stages are always unstable when I use Farram and fairings it always switches my COL above my COM. I'm looking for advice from the Super nerdy people who may or may not be AreoGeniuses!

CoL in the nuFAr seems to not be equivalent to what it twas before. I am able at time to fly a rocket with CoL above CoM, not always though. The really issue maybe fairing larger than 150% the diameter of the rocket are unstable so require more effort to keep control. I would recommend either increase your rocket diameter or decreasing your payload diameter. Other than that show us some pics so we can see what your doing.

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CoL in the nuFAr seems to not be equivalent to what it twas before. I am able at time to fly a rocket with CoL above CoM, not always though. The really issue maybe fairing larger than 150% the diameter of the rocket are unstable so require more effort to keep control. I would recommend either increase your rocket diameter or decreasing your payload diameter. Other than that show us some pics so we can see what your doing.

Ok ill put pics This is just a test rocket not much payload it's just the first 2 upper stages.


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Ok ill put pics This is just a test rocket not much payload it's just the first 2 upper stages.


Ferram has said he is considering just hiding the CoL altogther because it can be very misleading. He says to use the derivatives instead.

Are your rockets flipping on ascent? If so how are you doing your gravity turn? Pitch over a few degrees at about 100m/s until your prograde matches your heading and then lock heading to prograde. Since your AoA is then effectively 0 there shouldn't be much pitching moment and whatever control you have should be enough even if you are dynamically unstable.

Actually your CoM seems pretty far back and that will make you pretty unstable but that may be due to the lack of payload.

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Ferram has said he is considering just hiding the CoL altogther because it can be very misleading. He says to use the derivatives instead.

Are your rockets flipping on ascent? If so how are you doing your gravity turn? Pitch over a few degrees at about 100m/s until your prograde matches your heading and then lock heading to prograde. Since your AoA is then effectively 0 there shouldn't be much pitching moment and whatever control you have should be enough even if you are dynamically unstable.

Actually your CoM seems pretty far back and that will make you pretty unstable but that may be due to the lack of payload.

Flips on Gravity turns. The payload is pretty much batteries and a unmanned core lol it's light as Hell. I tried drinking the Fairings as much as I can and adding Winglets at the bottom but it dosent help... I don't get it because In the old far in V0.90 I woulent have problems Understanding Rockets with Far... O_O Most likely I'm doing a lot wrong but the whole game feels weird now. I can't seem to understand how to make stuff flight straight anymore. I think it would be nice to have some 1 make a youtube turial with the new KSP and new Far. Maybe I'm over reacting and I'm just in a rut I don't know.

But I will keep trying till I learn :).

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Ok ill put pics This is just a test rocket not much payload it's just the first 2 upper stages.


What are the blue parts?

Updated to 3.14:

  • Updated for the new FAR.
  • Reduced fairing shape update rate in the editor to 2 times per second.
  • Adjusted default fairing decoupler value to avoid "vessel changed" messages spammed by bugged KSP sliders.

Thanks, the heavy lag when editing the fairings is gone, though there is still a bit of slider lag happening with the fairings.

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Interstage fairing adapter still has massive frame lag when in gui editing. Also I used to be able to invert these and create protective shrouds around my engines much like the delta medium and heavy rockets. Now it seems even if I set crossfeed on or off It will not work. :(

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