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Kerbin Mini Shuttle


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While all of the work done previously was looking great, the RasterPropMonitor stuff is really amazing, at least to me.... My guess is that it would fit in nicely with all of the work that has been done to date on this and would save time and headaches for Helldiver down the road....

Again, just my thoughts...

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there was going to be an MFD with a nav ball/Attitude indicator and docking camera as well as a HUD. RasterPropMonitor cant do a HUD's or an Attitude indicator but it does everything else and more, it lest as far as an IVA is concerned.

RPM does have a nav ball already. As for a HUD - that can be simulated with RPM today. It'd require setting up a transparent "monitor" in the window, and creating a nav ball texture that's transparent (other than the HUD lines). It's not exactly the same, but it'd be sufficient for proof-of-concept. I suspect that doing a full on HUD background handler in RPM isn't too much of a stretch beyond the existing nav ball.

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I'd agree with the preference to switch to RasterPropMonitor. Is/was there anything you needed apart from the MFD that you didn't know how to do?

If you want your own MFDs anyway, I'd suggest a beta release with RPM.

i think there needs to be a plugin for gimbaling the engines to get the direction of thrust to line up with the center of mass but that might already be finished.

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If it helps, there are two nice, up to date shuttle projects that seem to have dealt with the issue of asymmetric crafts: Space Shuttle Engines and TiberDyne Shuttle System. I think both just use engines with a large amount of gimbal and carefully placed CoMs.

Also, SteamGauges features a well done HUD, though it's not specifically tied to an IVA

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I had a plugin (by EndlessWaves) that compensated the thrust vector of one engine so that the Center of Thrust of the vessel matched the CoM, this was back in 0.19. I always had my engines permanently set to a 10 or 15 degree static vector to begin with, so there was less compensation required.

I eventually dropped the plugin once the new SAS was released because its capable enough to handle the vectoring needed

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A HUD is certainly not a problem as such. :) If there's anything you want out of a HUD/MFD that RPM cannot do which can reasonably be done, (it can do far more than the example package demonstrates, because I only have so many hands) I'll make sure it does it in short enough order.

The bigger problem is balancing the thrust and pivoting the engines, which is about as far from my field as it gets, for which KerbCom Avionics was the most advanced solution. If ZRM has abandoned us for good, it is eventually going to stop working, so that's the first thing that needs to get replaced, since the license on it is CC BY-NC-ND.

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A HUD is certainly not a problem as such. :) If there's anything you want out of a HUD/MFD that RPM cannot do which can reasonably be done, (it can do far more than the example package demonstrates, because I only have so many hands) I'll make sure it does it in short enough order.

The bigger problem is balancing the thrust and pivoting the engines, which is about as far from my field as it gets, for which KerbCom Avionics was the most advanced solution. If ZRM has abandoned us for good, it is eventually going to stop working, so that's the first thing that needs to get replaced, since the license on it is CC BY-NC-ND.

That ND is a hum dinger.

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I want the link of download. Please, is urgent. Thanks

Sometimes reading the forums is worth the comedy value alone :D

Don't worry much about the thrust vectoring guys, as Tiberion said it can be done without plugins. One thing that could be worth to investigate is adding variable thrust to the SSRBs, HoneyFox has a plugin (EngineController) that allows a thrust curve to be set. But since Kerbin surface-to-orbit is quick and easy I don't know if it is even needed.

Edited by SFJackBauer
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With all due respect to ZRM, his monitor system looked great and had a lot of potential for other mods too.

But in my opinion it might be better to have RasterPropMonitor fill in that roll.


It's already being used by other mods, which helps in having to add yet an other plugin to installs with (lots of) mods.

As far as I can tell it's basically a finished plugin and it does so much more.

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Well it was already posted, but I think "Space Shuttle Engines" should be used for the engines and "RasterPropMonitor" for the MDFs, just my 2 cents.

I'm using both mods in my shuttle projects and they are excellent, very polished already.

The mini shuttle and it's IVA looks fantastic BTW. :)

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I don't think that we should be cutting this mod up and making it dependent on tons of other mods. We already have (semi) working systems here. I understand using RPM in the IVA, the current MFD is rather buggy and RPM has already proven itself to be a good mod. I disagree with Space Shuttle engines mod though, there have not seem to be really any problems with the current engines (but im not developing it, so i cant be certain). I'm not saying the mod is bad, its just that we already have a working system with no major problems. Now I get how we want a somewhat-universal system, where we can use the same mod for multiple things. I'd just hate for all this to be made by the wonderful developers and half the features of it be replaced by someone else at the last second.

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Hey Helldiver, sorry you're having so much trouble with getting this programmed out. I've been following your shuttle since very early on and if I could code even an ounce of KSP mod I would be all over this. Please don't give up and getting it complete as it's a super awesome and excellent design and it deserves to be added to the great list of "must have" mods. I hope if ZRM doesn't return you find someone willing to help out and get this candle lit.

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I recall reading that ZRM would not have time till Dec 24th or thereabouts?

Dec 6, and since he does not appear to be back, helldiver may need a new "unity guy."

Please don't give up and getting it complete as it's a super awesome and excellent design and it deserves to be added to the great list of "must have" mods. I hope if ZRM doesn't return you find someone willing to help out and get this candle lit.
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honestly, you should stop going for the perfect release. i mean, im not trying to ask for release date but at first launch im ok if its untextured or poorlytextured and theres no IVA. infact i would LOVE that. release indev version first, then add stuff like textures and IVA. just some advice.

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