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full patch notes

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If i completely missed them somewhere, slap me and ignore the rest of the post please.

It would be nice if we had a complete list of changes done every patch, preferably in some "in-your-face" location - like inside the patcher or on the game title screen.

The last patch, from what i was able to figure out, changed something with attachment nodes - im not visiting the forum much so it took me quite a while to find out whats going on and im just guessing anyway, and the first thing i do when i start patching a game is going through the patch notes, and i only found a brief list of changes which was not much of a help with the current problems i have with the game.

Im sure modders would appreciate a complete list of changes as well, so they can get our favorite mods that we cant build anything with working :-)

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The changelog only works if the devs remember to put all the changes in it, heh. One undocumented feature I know of is the RCS translation compensation that happens in precision control mode.

I assume you read the readme.txt?

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The changelog only works if the devs remember to put all the changes in it, heh.

The devs use source control, so unless they're using it very poorly, they already have an authoritative list of changes between versions. Source control logs are usually a bit cluttered and don't make a lot of sense to people not familiar with the codebase, but it doesn't take much to comb through and produce a changelog for public consumption. Make writing changelogs the responsibility of whoever submits a feature branch for merging and all that remains is the fixes and minor changes on the integration branch.

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yeah.... i meant a complete list... not a brief overview of changes... that list in readme and what Cepheus linked is what i consider a brief overview

guess what Majiir said would be best, i dont know how those work :-)

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